Valeriy Galyant
Сo-founder Worksection
42 publications
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Hi, friends! We've added an option to set a task start time for more accurate workflow scheduling. Implemented real-time event updates, which will speed up any interactions in the account, and added...
16 January 2024 • 3 min read
Hello, Friends! We continue to tell you about the big winter update of Worksection. We have some great news! Now, you can enhance the capabilities of Worksection by creating {your own integrations...
27 December 2023 • 2 min read
Hello, friends! We have prepared a significant update for Worksection. We'll be sharing all the new features with you in the following posts. Stay tuned; it will be interesting and useful. In...
27 December 2023 • 2 min read
Hello, friends! Let's dive into the latest updates for Worksection. Good news for companies looking to connect their tools or products with Worksection: Webhooks and OAuth2 will make integration a breeze...
27 December 2023 • 2 min read
Meet the first update of 2021, the main theme of which is the efficiency of your team's time.
4 February 2021 • 8 min read
In this case, a thumbnail of a picture added to the task title makes it easier to perceive information visually and find the necessary task faster.
30 August 2020 • 2 min read
The second part of the postquarantine update, which will tell you about the changes that will help to work with your projects even easier!
7 July 2020 • 4 min read
Hello Friends! Let us continue introducing you our latest update. This part will be very useful for large companies since it concerns new capabilities of team administrators. We will also instruct you...
7 July 2020 • 6 min read
Talk about innovations that will help you set up a simple CRM-system right in Worksection - about contacts and how they can now be used.
14 June 2020 • 4 min read
Hello Friends! We present our next autumn update for you to find something useful for yourselves. Let’s get started… Big profile pictures Many of you asked us to enlarge profile pictures for account members...
24 October 2019 • 5 min read
Hello, friends! We continue spreading the great news about the spring update. And as you have probably already guessed, this time we will cover the application. Lately we have been often accused that the...
29 April 2019 • 2 min read
Hello, dear friends! We are happy to announce the first part of the spring update - a new text editor with code inserting and markup. The new text editor Text editor is hardly noticeable but a very important...
29 April 2019 • 2 min read
Hello, friends! We’re excited to introduce our shiny new update. No technical stuff this time around, only beauty. Here we go… The Dark Theme You can go over to the “dark side” from two locations: Click...
18 November 2018 • 2 min read
Hello friends! We continue telling about freshly-made updates in the functionality of your account. Rates Companies that use hourly rates for payment can now significantly simplify and automate the process...
20 November 2014 • 11 min read
Kanban board is a project layout which features tasks in the form of cards moving across phases of project execution.
19 April 2019 • 2 min read
Hello friends! We are thrilled to announce that we have completed the promised server update and built our own resilient cluster! Now, all Worksection data is stored across multiple data centers. In the...
2 October 2018 • 1 min read
Hello, friends! We are happy to deliver you good news about another system update. The headliner of our update is long-awaited Kanban-board; however, there are many other, not less interesting and simple...
22 May 2018 • 10 min read
Greetings, friends! We would like to share several updates with you. Holiday season is ahead with the New Year’s and numerous days off. In order for you to easily plan work during this period, we have...
29 December 2017 • 2 min read
Greetings, friends! In the third and also final part of our blog posts about the updates, we will try to cover all that we did not get a chance to tell you about in the first or second part. General list...
20 November 2017 • 7 min read
Greetings, friends! We continue introducing new features of the latest system update. Many of you were waiting for the integration with Telegram, and we did it! How does it work? After the connection...
2 November 2017 • 3 min read
What's up, friends?! We are happy to introduce an updated interface and multiple user and functional improvements. New design is already in your accounts! Let's try to predict top 5 questions of the first...
2 November 2017 • 4 min read
Hello, friends! Yet again, we have some great updates for you: this time - we worked hard to meet requests of the big companies. Welcome the possibility of building multiple connections in the Gannt chart...
29 May 2017 • 4 min read
Hello, WS friends! We are continuing to talk about the new features... Tasks and communication Earlier on the following pages — Tasks / By people — you could see a complete list of tasks (open + closed...
9 November 2016 • 6 min read
Hello, friends! We have great news again, next update is already in your accounts. A click, double click, long click As you know, there are two ways to view the same task. And you can use one or another...
8 November 2016 • 4 min read
Hello, friends! We want to introduce a few cool updates during this hot summer. Desktop Notifications If you use Chrome, you can now receive notifications about new Worksection events directly on your...
28 August 2016 • 2 min read
Hello, dear friends! We would like to introduce you to some cool new features for this hot summer. Desktop notifications If you are using Chrome, then starting today you can be notified of new Worksection...
18 July 2016 • 3 min read
Dear friends, we are happy to present you with quite an emotional update ;-) Now there are reactions (likes), new options for working with comments feed, and a few more useful improvements! Let's take...
31 May 2016 • 3 min read
Dear friends, we have excellent news: everything we have been busy working on is now DONE! Everything we’ve promised (and even more) is now in your accounts. We have done so much that we had to break...
28 February 2016 • 5 min read
Hello, friends! We continue to introduce you to our newbies. New task creation and subscription We’ve updated the page interface of creation and editing Projects and Tasks. They’ve become less messy,...
28 February 2016 • 8 min read
Hello, friends! We continue to introduce you to our newbies. We would like to point out right away that the Task or Subtask subscription is now absolutely independent, which means that one group of people...
28 February 2016 • 7 min read
Hello, friends! We are approaching the finish line with introductions to our newbies. Let’s start with the bulk operations panel that used to pop up at the bottom of the page. Now it has changed its location...
28 February 2016 • 6 min read
Dear friends, we would like to congratulate you on the upcoming holidays and express our gratitude for spending this year with us. And, of course, we wish you all the best in the New Year! In order to...
22 December 2015 • 2 min read
Hello friends! We are hoping that our fall’s package of updates will be a good source of joy for you. Generally speaking, it relates to the revision of the old bookmarks system and its substitution for...
9 September 2015 • 4 min read
Hello friends! Many of you have been waiting for this, and we can finally announce that it has happened – Worksection 1.0 app for your iOS and Android! You can download our new app for free in the App...
6 July 2015 • 2 min read
Hello friends! You surely have noticed a little bell in the top right-hand corner of your accounts. It is the part of our new, more flexible and customizable notification system. If before you could only...
1 June 2015 • 3 min read
Hello friends! As you know, we are working on a release of a mobile application. In order to make your awaiting less tormenting, we are offering a small but useful functionality update. Events in the...
5 April 2015 • 3 min read
Hello friends! We have completed work on a big update related to tracking time and money in your accounts. New section — Time and finance New section —The tab “Time and finance” has been renamed into...
13 November 2014 • 8 min read
Hello friends! Surely many of you have some recurring tasks that need to be done again and again. It can be statistics gathering on Fridays, monthly tax payment or delivering reports quarterly. From now...
26 February 2013 • 3 min read
Friends, I am happy to announce a new strategic update! We have added the ability to configure full account backups to your server. Additionally, upon request to our support team, we can restore your...
17 October 2012 • 1 min read
Dear friends, today we want to introduce you a couple of new functional abilities 1. Adding random pages to bookmarks Now you may add not only tasks to bookmarks, but also absolutely any pages. Meanwhile...
23 June 2011 • 2 min read
In your account, on the pages “Task priorities”, “Time”, “Key dates” and “Gant diagram”, there were little possibilities to select elements by several parameters. From now on, the abilities have become very wide. In the right part of the filter block, a button “more parameters” has appeared, opening these wide possibilities.
19 December 2010 • 1 min read
Dear friends, we want to notify you on starting the Worksection beta version for mobile devices.
14 November 2010 • 1 min read