•     •   1 min read

Megafilters, time, calendar

Dear friends, again we are pleased to inform you about some use­ful updates.

1. Megafil­ters

In your account, on the pages Task pri­or­i­ties”, Time”, Key dates” and Gant dia­gram”, there were lit­tle pos­si­bil­i­ties to select ele­ments by sev­er­al para­me­ters. From now on, the abil­i­ties have become very wide. In the right part of the fil­ter block, a but­ton more para­me­ters” has appeared, open­ing these wide pos­si­bil­i­ties.

You may select tasks from sev­er­al projects, those made by def­i­nite authors and execu­tors, and those con­tain­ing spe­cif­ic marks. Addi­tion­al­ly, you can select only tasks or sub­tasks, all which are open or only expired ones, all which have been imple­ment­ed on time or delayed ones. And these are not all. You can select a range of tasks’ start and end dates..

2. Time

We have made some restyling of the Time page. It has become more clear and com­pact. Oppo­site each task, a drop­down tool menu has appeared, and the new­ly added megafil­ter enables you to show time expen­di­tures on sev­er­al projects at once. In such case, the total time in the bot­tom of the page can be max­i­mized by the but­ton show for each project”.

3. Cal­en­dar

The restyling has touched also the first tab of the Key dates” cal­en­dar. The cal­en­dar grid has become wider, and the delayed tasks are marked in pink col­or. Also a leg­end has appeared, and, of course, megafil­ters.

Thank you for your atten­tion, we wish pleas­ant work for you.

Best regards,
Work­sec­tion team 

Adam 13 July 2016
Hi there,
I have just started using your WorkSection software. Very nice, clear and clean!
Just wondering, is it possible to change the working week (ie change it from Monday - Friday to a Sunday - Thursday work week) with Friday and Saturday for the weekends?
Many thanks!

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