1. Megafilters
In your account, on the pages “Task priorities”, “Time”, “Key dates” and “Gant diagram”, there were little possibilities to select elements by several parameters. From now on, the abilities have become very wide. In the right part of the filter block, a button “more parameters” has appeared, opening these wide possibilities.
You may select tasks from several projects, those made by definite authors and executors, and those containing specific marks. Additionally, you can select only tasks or subtasks, all which are open or only expired ones, all which have been implemented on time or delayed ones. And these are not all. You can select a range of tasks’ start and end dates..

2. Time
We have made some restyling of the Time page. It has become more clear and compact. Opposite each task, a dropdown tool menu has appeared, and the newly added megafilter enables you to show time expenditures on several projects at once. In such case, the total time in the bottom of the page can be maximized by the button “show for each project”.
3. Calendar
The restyling has touched also the first tab of the “Key dates” calendar. The calendar grid has become wider, and the delayed tasks are marked in pink color. Also a legend has appeared, and, of course, megafilters.
Thank you for your attention, we wish pleasant work for you.
Best regards,
Worksection team <\/p>
I have just started using your WorkSection software. Very nice, clear and clean!
Just wondering, is it possible to change the working week (ie change it from Monday - Friday to a Sunday - Thursday work week) with Friday and Saturday for the weekends?
Many thanks!