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Worksection Kanban updates: project Kanban, due dates Kanban and new automation features for Kanban

Greet­ings from the Work­sec­tion team!

We are pleased to announce the release of our spring update for Kan­ban. We have enhanced the exist­ing fea­tures and added the abil­i­ty to cus­tomize the tool to fit your busi­ness processes. 

New fea­tures include:

  • Project Kan­ban;
  • Due dates Kanban;
  • New automa­tions for Kanban.
Let’s look at the new fea­tures of Work­sec­tion Kan­ban in more detail.

Project Kan­ban

Now you can see projects in Kan­ban view:

This view clear­ly shows a com­pa­ny’s project stage. This fea­ture is par­tic­u­lar­ly use­ful for com­pa­nies that cre­ate a project in the sys­tem for a spe­cif­ic client or a spe­cif­ic prod­uct: mar­ket­ing and dig­i­tal agen­cies, prod­uct IT com­pa­nies, con­struc­tion com­pa­nies, etc.

What’s new?

Until now, you could fil­ter projects by sta­tus. How­ev­er, this did not allow you to see projects which were not includ­ed in the select­ed sam­ple. This is why we decid­ed to find a new solu­tion and offer it to you.

We’ve expand­ed your capa­bil­i­ties with Kan­ban View. Now, infor­ma­tion about the stages of each project is col­lect­ed in one place and grouped accord­ing to the sta­tus of the project. Projects that do not have a sta­tus are dis­played in a back­log, from which you can eas­i­ly move them as work on the project begins.

Atten­tion! Only Pre­mi­um plans and high­er have project sta­tus and labels. 

Projects Kan­ban for effi­cien­cy improvement

This allows you to clear­ly allo­cate the work­load between projects. Final­ly, Kan­ban’s vis­i­bil­i­ty gives you a com­plete pic­ture of the com­pa­ny’s work and answers rel­e­vant orga­ni­za­tion­al ques­tions: how many projects are pend­ing, how many have been start­ed, and which ones are cur­rent­ly com­ing to an end. 

Work­sec­tion makes busi­ness process opti­miza­tion more convenient! 

Due dates Kanban

The orga­ni­za­tion of indi­vid­ual users’ work has also been improved. Each user now has a main work page where they can do their work and at the same time have an overview of their future tasks. This will be help­ful for work­load plan­ning and keep­ing track of cur­rent tasks.

Before the update, users could con­trol tasks by apply­ing the fil­ter para­me­ters by time: over­due”, today”, for tomor­row”, etc. Cur­rent­ly, users can view their work­load in a sin­gle workspace.

What’s new?

Groups are cre­at­ed accord­ing to users’ task due dates. In this way, employ­ees can clear­ly see how many tasks they have with­out a due date, how many are over­due, how many are sched­uled for today, and which ones are due in the near future.

You can also eas­i­ly move a task with­in the Kan­ban, and change its due date if you have the appro­pri­ate per­mis­sions. The sys­tem lets you select a spe­cif­ic day for resched­ul­ing. It also takes the week­end into account. Every­thing you need to make sched­ul­ing tasks for the next few weeks easier.

New automa­tions for Kanban

There are a few automa­tion enhance­ments that our users have asked for, in addi­tion to the updates men­tioned above:

1️⃣Set a dead­line for a par­tic­u­lar status

Now you can set due dates for the com­ple­tion of a task with a cer­tain status.

You also have the option to spec­i­fy con­di­tions when set­ting dead­lines for the status:

  1. Set a new dead­line. This can be use­ful if you use sta­tus­es to mark cer­tain work­flows that have a stan­dard num­ber of days to complete.
  2. Move for­ward means to replace the due date by N num­ber of days when it reach­es the cor­re­spond­ing sta­tus. For exam­ple, the due date is auto­mat­i­cal­ly advanced by the num­ber of days you spec­i­fy when you move a task past the For Approval” stage. 
  3. Clear means to leave the task with­out a dead­line. It is use­ful for mark­ing tasks that do not need to be checked for due dates in the fol­low­ing stages.
  4. Do Not Change — leave the pre­vi­ous due date as is.
These con­ve­nient options for set­ting due dates for a spe­cif­ic sta­tus will help you auto­mate your work­flow plan­ning and stream­line your management. 

2️⃣Estab­lish­ing the per­son respon­si­ble for the status

Choose which team mem­ber will be respon­si­ble for a spe­cif­ic task status:

First assignee

The first assignee is the per­son who was respon­si­ble when the task was cre­at­ed. This is use­ful when the task needs to come back to the first assignee after it has passed through a num­ber of stages with dif­fer­ent peo­ple in charge. 

For exam­ple, an exec­u­tive cre­ates a task in the sys­tem for a SMM man­ag­er. To com­plete the task suc­cess­ful­ly, the man­ag­er must cre­ate tasks for a copy­writer and a design­er. Each spe­cial­ist is respon­si­ble for his or her own phase. When every­one has com­plet­ed their part of the work, the task is giv­en the sta­tus Done” and assigned to the first per­former. The SMM man­ag­er can then pub­lish a social media post with the mate­ri­als already in hand. 

Pre­vi­ous assignee

Pre­vi­ous Assignee is the assignee at the time of the last auto­mat­ic shift. This is use­ful for inter­de­pen­dent workflows.

For exam­ple, a pro­gram­mer per­forms a task with time track­ing and sub­mits the result for test­ing. After the test, the task is auto­mat­i­cal­ly returned to the pro­gram­mer when the cor­re­spond­ing sta­tus is set. This way, reports keep track of the actu­al per­former, which is impor­tant for con­trol­ling the resources used.

Task Author

The task author is the user who cre­at­ed the task. Great for work­flow approvals. 

👔Client case

With a real exam­ple of improv­ing the vaca­tion approval work­flow, our cus­tomer shared the con­ve­nience of the upgrade.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, it required the direct involve­ment of an HR man­ag­er to over­see the process through all stages, which reduced over­all effi­cien­cy. With the new automa­tion capa­bil­i­ties, the man­age­ment of the vaca­tion approval process was del­e­gat­ed direct­ly to Worksection. 

The employ­ee sub­mits a vaca­tion request to the HR man­ag­er. The HR man­ag­er then ver­i­fies the num­ber of days avail­able and sub­mits the task to the man­ag­er for approval. Based on the results of the review of the vaca­tion request, the task is assigned the appro­pri­ate sta­tus: Approved by Man­ag­er” or Not Approved by Man­ag­er” and is returned to the task author for review.

In this way, Work­sec­tion has helped to stream­line the admin­is­tra­tive process and free up team resources for high­er pri­or­i­ty tasks. 

You can also test the new fea­tures of the sys­tem with a free 14-day tri­al or in your pro­file if you already have a Work­sec­tion account!

Thank you for choos­ing our ser­vice and the pos­si­bil­i­ty to become better!

Work­sec­tion team 
Glo­ry to Ukraine and its defenders! 🇺🇦
Alex 26 April 2024
Looks nice. Though, it have not applied to our instance, yet.
Dmytro 26 April 2024
We are glad you liked it. Write to our support team about your instance, we will hear your wishes and try to help you.

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