•     •   3 min read

Task Start Time, Push Notifications, Viewers and Figma Integration

Hi, friends!

We’ve added an option to set a task start time for more accu­rate work­flow sched­ul­ing. Imple­ment­ed real-time event updates, which will speed up any inter­ac­tions in the account, and added Fig­ma integration.

In pre­vi­ous posts we told you about the new tools for cre­at­ing and con­nect­ing your own inte­gra­tions. Read sep­a­rate­ly about:

Next, we talk in detail about the new fea­tures inside your account!

Task Start Time

We have received many requests for the abil­i­ty to set clear time frames for tasks. Now plan­ning meet­ings, calls and work­ing days has become even easier. 

Pre­vi­ous­ly, you saw the cre­ation date and the exact date and time of com­ple­tion (dead­line) of the task. Now we have added anoth­er para­me­ter — start time.

When set­ting a dead­line in a task, select Start-Fin­ish 1 and you will see an updat­ed field for set­ting the start 2 and com­ple­tion 3 time of the task.

Note that the time inter­val for set­ting the start and fin­ish of the task is 15 minutes.

When the task starts, every­one who is sub­scribed to it will receive a notification.
We’ve also added a start time dis­play in the Calendar.

Real-time actions and instant notifications

Pre­vi­ous­ly, you received noti­fi­ca­tions about new events with a slight delay. Now any noti­fi­ca­tion in the account comes instant­ly. This is imple­ment­ed due to Websockets.

The updat­ed speed is very notice­able when com­mu­ni­cat­ing through com­ments, which already works at the chat lev­el. A new com­ment under the task will be dis­played as soon as the sender clicks the send but­ton, with­out refresh­ing the recip­i­en­t’s page.

Real-time noti­fi­ca­tions

We’ve made send­ing noti­fi­ca­tions about account activ­i­ty faster. Now it func­tions with­out any delay, sec­ond by second.

Unread noti­fi­ca­tions

Now noti­fi­ca­tions about new tasks and new com­ments are not read auto­mat­i­cal­ly. Each such event will now be dis­played as unread until the user nav­i­gates to a task or comment.

Task view­ers

Would you like to see if an employ­ee is review­ing a task you’ve giv­en him? Now it has become even more con­ve­nient to work togeth­er. Task view­ers are dis­played in the pan­el and you can see who is cur­rent­ly view­ing tasks with you.

This is very con­ve­nient if you need to start com­mu­ni­ca­tion with an employee.

This opens up even more oppor­tu­ni­ties for us to expand col­lab­o­ra­tion for tasks in the future. Be sure to stay tuned for future updates!

You can be sure that your col­league or sub­or­di­nate is cur­rent­ly review­ing the task. The view­er indi­ca­tor is active only when there is any activ­i­ty on the task page. Even switch­ing to anoth­er brows­er tab dis­ables the indicator.

Don’t wor­ry if a col­league does­n’t answer you for a long time… Maybe he’s typ­ing a long mes­sage. You’ll see the typ­ing ani­ma­tion next to the user and be sure to get a response.

Copy­ing projects

If you work on projects that are sim­i­lar in struc­ture, now you don’t have to spend time cre­at­ing a new project every time. You can use the Copy project function.

To do this, go to the Project Menu 1 and click Copy 2.

Next, select the check­box­es (sub­tasks, com­ments, files, etc.) that you want to copy from the fin­ished project to the new one, and click Cre­ate a copy 3.

Fig­ma Integration

From now on, after plac­ing a link to a Fig­ma doc­u­ment in the task descrip­tion or in the com­ments, a Pre­view of the file appears in the window.

You can zoom and move around the design doc­u­ment direct­ly in the Work­sec­tion with­out fol­low­ing a link.

Stay tuned for our next updates. More to come!

Work­sec­tion team 
Glo­ry to Ukraine and its defenders!

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