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Meet Webhooks: Get data without delay

Hel­lo, friends!

We have pre­pared a sig­nif­i­cant update for Work­sec­tion. We’ll be shar­ing all the new fea­tures with you in the fol­low­ing posts. Stay tuned; it will be inter­est­ing and useful.

In this arti­cle, we’re going to talk about Web­hooks.

How Web­hooks work

When there’s a change in your account, the infor­ma­tion is auto­mat­i­cal­ly sent to the web address of your choice. This way, you can receive updates with­out delay.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, to receive data from Work­sec­tion, you had to con­stant­ly request the serv­er through the API, which led to delays.

You can also cre­ate Web­hooks via the API 

Web­hooks with a sim­ple example

With­out Web­hooks, you would have to con­stant­ly go to your mail­box and check if a new email has arrived. Imag­ine that a Web­hook is like a post­man who brings you a let­ter when it arrives at the post office.

Sim­ply set up Web­hook to send you project changes automatically.

Cre­ate a Webhook

To cre­ate a Web­hook, go to 1 Account Set­tings and nav­i­gate to the 2 API sec­tion. In the 3 Web­hooks field, click 4 Cre­ate.

You can learn more about Web­hooks and their addi­tion­al set­tings in the FAQ sec­tion.

Web­hook status

A web­hook can have three sta­tus­es, which you will see in the list of added webhooks:

  • Gray — Dis­abled”
  • Green — Work­ing”
  • Orange — Work­ing, but has failed attempts” 

Atten­tion! If 10 errors occur, the Web­hook will be auto­mat­i­cal­ly disabled. 

Types of web­hook events

Task cre­ationLaunched when a user cre­ates a new task
Task updateLaunched when a task is edited
Task doneLaunched when a task changes its sta­tus to completed
Task dele­tionLaunched when a task is deleted
Com­ment creationLaunched when a user cre­ates a new comment
Com­ment updateLaunched when a com­ment is edited
Com­ment deletionLaunched when a com­ment is deleted
Project dele­tionLaunched when a user cre­ates a new project
Project updateLaunched when a project is edited

Thank you for choos­ing our service!

The Work­sec­tion team
Glo­ry to Ukraine and its defenders!

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