CRM and project management software

By main­tain­ing a high lev­el of vis­i­bil­i­ty into project progress and enabling trans­par­ent report­ing and invoic­ing direct­ly through the soft­ware, com­pa­nies can sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase cus­tomer trust and satisfaction.
Try Now
Har­ness the pow­er of CRM project man­age­ment soft­ware to build trust, stream­line your process­es, and improve cus­tomer rela­tion­ships. Our plat­form makes it faster to man­age and eas­i­er to orga­nize your projects in a uni­fied sys­tem. This lev­el of inte­gra­tion ensures that every cus­tomer inter­ac­tion is tracked and used to improve ser­vice deliv­ery and fos­ter stronger busi­ness relationships.

All-in-one CRM and project management tool

Dis­cov­er the ben­e­fits of inte­grat­ing CRM with project man­age­ment in one plat­form. This fusion sim­pli­fies your busi­ness oper­a­tions and strength­ens client rela­tion­ships by pro­vid­ing com­pre­hen­sive over­sight and client inter­ac­tion track­ing in one place.

It is con­ve­nient to track the sales process on the Kan­ban board where the team can joint­ly han­dle tasks.

Comprehensive contact base management

Effi­cient­ly man­age your con­tact data­base with our project man­age­ment CRM. Main­tain and build strong rela­tion­ships by keep­ing your client infor­ma­tion orga­nized and eas­i­ly acces­si­ble for seam­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion and effec­tive man­age­ment. Assign tasks to per­sons from the con­tact list direct­ly in Worksection.

Work­sec­tion allows us to struc­ture our work and, most impor­tant­ly, track employ­ee time and mea­sure the effi­cien­cy of work on projects for our clients

If tasks are not tracked in a sin­gle inter­face, there is a high like­li­hood of miss­ing some­thing. Work­sec­tion is an excel­lent task man­ag­er for man­ag­ing con­struc­tion projects.

With Work­sec­tion, we can track the direc­tion of our projects, under­stand the next steps, and assess how well we are performing.

We were able to ful­ly map out our com­pa­ny’s man­age­ment struc­ture and project work­flows using Kan­ban boards and Gantt charts in Worksection.

Work­sec­tion not only keeps all project infor­ma­tion but also allows us to ana­lyze the com­pa­ny’s results

Work­sec­tion is a sim­ple solu­tion that requires no pri­or train­ing or exper­tise in project management

We ini­tial­ly imple­ment­ed Work­sec­tion in one depart­ment, and it sig­nif­i­cant­ly sim­pli­fied our report­ing process! We no longer deal with XLS files and work chats!

Work­sec­tion has sig­nif­i­cant­ly helped us grow three­fold! Infor­ma­tion is nev­er lost, and projects are com­plet­ed faster. Our clients are also hap­py because they can see the process, which increas­es trust and loyalty.

Large brands involve com­plex cam­paigns and mul­ti-lev­el tasks that can­not be planned on paper or in an Excel spread­sheet. As a result, we turned to Worksection.

We can’t imag­ine our com­pa­ny with­out Work­sec­tion. We receive a con­stant flow of new orders and clients, and we would have gone crazy with­out it!

The project’s work is tied to spe­cif­ic dates and times. It is impor­tant for us that peo­ple are always aware of what, when and where we will do it. 

We have been man­ag­ing projects with Work­sec­tion for sev­er­al years. This prod­uct allows us to bring togeth­er var­i­ous spe­cial­ists to work on a sin­gle project.

Even while on the go, I can assign tasks to employees or respond to clients about a project, and I can see all activities in the account directly from my smartphone.

I orga­nize projects in Work­sec­tion so the team knows their tasks, project progress, and can share infor­ma­tion with each other.

Thanks to Work­sec­tion, a sin­gle project man­ag­er can han­dle all the film­ing and post-pro­duc­tion con­tent for Ukraїner.

Work­sec­tion elim­i­nates infor­ma­tion over­load and allows for com­mu­ni­ca­tion direct­ly with­in the system.

Using Work­sec­tion has reduced chaos, ensured tasks are no longer lost, and pro­vid­ed the abil­i­ty to plan resources effectively.

Optimized process organization with CRM

Lever­age our CRM for project man­age­ment to enhance your work­flow through automa­tion and opti­miza­tion tools. These fea­tures ensure that your projects pro­ceed with­out a hitch, main­tain­ing effi­cien­cy and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty through­out the project lifecycle.

Kanban board for tracking and managing projects

Uti­lize our visu­al Kan­ban board with­in our CRM project man­age­ment soft­ware to mon­i­tor project progress, man­age tasks, and improve team col­lab­o­ra­tion. This intu­itive tool helps in visu­al­ly orga­niz­ing project phas­es and tasks, enhanc­ing trans­paren­cy and account­abil­i­ty with­in teams.

Work­sec­tion has sig­nif­i­cant­ly helped us grow three­fold! Infor­ma­tion is nev­er lost, and projects are com­plet­ed faster. Our clients are also hap­py because they can see the process, which increas­es trust and loyalty.

Use CRM for automatic reminders and notifications

Stay informed and nev­er miss a dead­line with auto­mat­ed reminders and real-time noti­fi­ca­tions pro­vid­ed by our CRM project man­age­ment tool. This fea­ture keeps you and your team alert to impor­tant dates and tasks, ensur­ing you’re always ahead of your schedule.

Con­fig­ure your dai­ly morn­ing digest to receive fresh news from the team before the busi­ness day begins.

Generate reports in CRM for better project managem

Gen­er­ate detailed reports with­in our CRM in project man­age­ment to get insights into project per­for­mance and client inter­ac­tions. These ana­lyt­ics help in mak­ing informed deci­sions, track­ing progress, and mea­sur­ing suc­cess effectively.

The result­ing report will help you under­stand the way your team works and the busi­ness process­es which should be opti­mized to improve the indicators.

We have been man­ag­ing projects with Work­sec­tion for sev­er­al years. This prod­uct allows us to bring togeth­er var­i­ous spe­cial­ists to work on a sin­gle project.

Efficient regular task management with CRM

Auto­mate and man­age reg­u­lar tasks effi­cient­ly using our CRM with project man­age­ment. This tool ensures that repet­i­tive tasks are han­dled auto­mat­i­cal­ly, sav­ing time and reduc­ing the risk of human error.

For exam­ple, you may set a reg­u­lar task to gen­er­ate a report which will be repeat­ed every last cal­en­dar day of a month.

Checklists for task completion and management

Imple­ment cus­tomiz­able check­lists to main­tain accu­ra­cy and thor­ough­ness in your project man­age­ment and CRM process­es. These check­lists ensure that every nec­es­sary step is account­ed for and completed.

Attach check­lists to the task descrip­tion or direct­ly to the comment.

Integrations with other business applications

Work­sec­tion offers seam­less inte­gra­tion with exist­ing tools. This con­nec­tiv­i­ty increas­es over­all pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and ease of man­age­ment by stream­lin­ing the flow of infor­ma­tion and pro­vid­ing cen­tral­ized con­trol over all project-relat­ed activities.

For exam­ple, you can down­load reports to your finan­cial sys­tems and cal­cu­late how much you need to pay. There are many ways you can use the API
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