You Can Integrate What You Like With Worksection

Inte­gra­tions do facil­i­tate joint work.

Inte­grate your favorite busi­ness appli­ca­tions and mes­sen­gers with Work­sec­tion to get your work linked and coordinated.

Open API

We have an open API devel­oped. That means that you may take any data from your Work­sec­tion account by using the soft­ware-based method. You can also gen­er­ate requests — for exam­ple, cre­at­ing a task or start­ing a timer through API.

API doc­u­ments

Google Drive + Worksection

Handle files jointly with your team and clients. Integrate Google Drive with Worksection to share technical assignments with your employees through Google Documents, edit presentations and tables together with your coworkers and customers and share files.

Documents, tables and presentations are created immediately in a Worksection-based task, then they are saved on your personal Google Drive. Control the process of enabling some people to edit files and letting others only view and comment them.

Slack + Worksection

Slack is a popular corporate messenger where group chats are divided by types of work, projects, and tasks. The integration of Slack and Worksection makes it possible to communicate with employees, to receive notifications on events from projects, and to create new  Worksection-based tasks directly from Slack.

Notifications are forwarded from tasks in which the synchronization function is enabled. The messenger shows notifications in a special chat channel. There you can also create a new task by using text commands.

Google Calendar + Worksection

Track Worksection tasks directly from the Google Calendar. The synchronization with the calendar is for assisting specialists in tracking task deadlines. The Worksection calendar operates in the iCalendar format, which will contribute to linking the project calendar with such services as Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Apple iCal, Lightning Calendar etc.

This is one-way synchronization. No personal calendar updates will be shown in Worksection.

Gmail + Worksection

Do you often have to create tasks based on your clients’ letters? You may simply send them to Worksection and respective tasks will open automatically.

Respond to email notifications by projects, tasks and comments. Depending on the notification being answered, your letter will be converted into a new task or a new comment. You may attach files to your response, and they will be automatically added to the new comment.

Telegram + Worksection

Integration with the Telegram messenger will help you receive notifications, set tasks, and respond to comments immediately in the popular application. Any employee may enable Telegram integration.

After getting connected, the employee’s notifications from Worksection will get into the feed of messages through the same-name bot in Telegram. Such notifications may be responded to, and files may be attached to them.
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