•     •   2 min read

Update: Google Drive, regular tasks, chatbots, additional notifications, and Zapier integration

In the win­ter update of Work­sec­tion, we added even more use­ful fea­tures for con­ve­nient work and process automation:
  • Work­ing with Google Drive
  • Dis­play sched­uled reg­u­lar tasks 
  • Noti­fi­ca­tion about the start and fin­ish of the task
  • Telegram bot and Viber bot improvement
  • Extend­ing inte­gra­tion through Zapier

Work­ing with Google Drive

Pre­vi­ous­ly, to work with Google Dri­ve, each user had to sep­a­rate­ly con­nect account syn­chro­niza­tion in their pro­file set­tings. We have sim­pli­fied this process. Now Google Dri­ve inte­gra­tion is avail­able for all users by default.

How do I work with Google Drive?

Click the Google Dri­ve file” but­ton in any task and open access to your stor­age for Worksection.

There are three ways to add files:

  1. Share file with­out edit­ing permission.
  2. Edit togeth­er to col­lab­o­rate on a doc­u­ment. Changes are auto­mat­i­cal­ly saved to a file on Google Drive.
  3. Copy to project to upload the file to Work­sec­tion and save a sep­a­rate version.

❗️Please note

  • Google lim­its the ses­sion time. After a cer­tain peri­od, the sys­tem may ask for re-authorization.
  • The Google Dri­ve fea­ture is not yet avail­able on smartphones.

Dis­play reg­u­lar tasks

Pre­vi­ous­ly, upcom­ing recur­ring tasks were not dis­played in the cal­en­dar and Gantt chart. Now you can see recur­ring tasks in advance.

How to turn on

Go to your account set­tings and select Show future recur­rences in the Task options section.

Noti­fi­ca­tion about the start of the task

Addi­tion­al noti­fi­ca­tions let you know when a task is about to start and fin­ish. Pre­vi­ous­ly, you could receive noti­fi­ca­tions two hours, one hour, and 30 min­utes before. Now, you can receive reminders 15 min­utes and 5 min­utes before start and fin­ish of the task. 

Telegram bot and Viber bot now in Ukrainian

Receiv­ing task noti­fi­ca­tions and updates has become even eas­i­er. Our Telegram bot and Viber bot are now avail­able in Ukrain­ian. In addi­tion, we have improved and expand­ed the list of commands. 

Extend­ing inte­gra­tion through Zapier

We remind you that Work­sec­tion has inte­gra­tion with Zapi­er. This allows you to quick­ly and eas­i­ly set up automa­tions between Work­sec­tion and oth­er services.

What’s new?

Work­sec­tion now allows you to use task tags as a trig­ger in Zapi­er.

For exam­ple, you can set up autho­riza­tion so that all tasks labeled Meet­ing” will trig­ger a Google Meet call. In this sce­nario, when you cre­ate a task in the cor­re­spond­ing project with the Meet­ing” label, Zapi­er will auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­ate a Google Meet call.

This is just one way to use the new trig­ger. Use automa­tions with Zapi­er to save time syn­chro­niz­ing between tools.

Sin­cere­ly yours,
Work­sec­tion team 

Glo­ry to Ukraine! 🇺🇦

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