
How Zapier works

Zapi­er is an inte­gra­tion plat­form that allows users to con­nect and auto­mate work­flows between dif­fer­ent web appli­ca­tions. The core con­cept of Zapi­er is to cre­ate Zaps”.

A zap is a pre­de­fined work­flow that con­nects appli­ca­tions to auto­mate cer­tain tasks. It includes a trig­ger event and one or more actions that are per­formed in response to that event. For exam­ple, the trig­ger can be a new email in Gmail, and the action can be cre­at­ing a task in Worksection.

Zapi­er has more than 6000 apps, such as Slack, Google Sheets, Drop­box, Airtable, Slack, and oth­ers. With the abil­i­ty to con­nect Zapi­er to Work­sec­tion, you can con­nect and auto­mate your account with many oth­er apps.

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Connecting Zapier to Worksection

  1. Sign up for Zapi­er
    Zapi­er has a free plan. Paid plans scale the fea­tures as need­ed
  2. Cre­ate your own Zap, or choose from tem­plates and fol­low the prompts inside
  3. Log in to Work­sec­tion. When you cre­ate a Work­sec­tion Zap, the sys­tem will prompt you to log in to your Work­sec­tion account. 

  4. Give Zapi­er access to your Work­sec­tion account.

  5. The process of cre­at­ing a Zap includes an auto­mat­ic test­ing stage. Before you final­ly enable it, you can check if it works cor­rect­ly
  6. After Zap is cre­at­ed and test­ed, don’t for­get to enable it

After autho­riza­tion of Zapi­er-Work­sec­tion, the autho­rized ses­sion will appear in the Pro­file set­tings of your Work­sec­tion account. Here you can view the last used ses­sion” and delete it if nec­es­sary. 

Use­ful mate­ri­als to get start­edCre­ate your first ZapZapi­er Help­Cen­ter.​

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Available Worksection triggers at Zapier

A trig­ger in Zapi­er is an event in your appli­ca­tion that caus­es a Zap to be exe­cut­ed. As soon as you enable a Zap, Zapi­er checks this trig­ger — when some­thing hap­pens in Work­sec­tion (project cre­ation, task, com­ment, etc.), Zapi­er will receive and ana­lyze this infor­ma­tion to take the next steps that are spec­i­fied in your Zap.

List of trig­gers:

  • New Com­ment in Task – is trig­gered when a new com­ment appears in the select­ed Work­sec­tion task.
  • New Project – is trig­gered when a new project is cre­at­ed in Work­sec­tion
  • New Task in Project – is trig­gered when a new task appears in the select­ed Work­sec­tion project.
  • Task Com­plet­ed is trig­gered when a task in the Work­sec­tion is marked as com­plet­ed. Does not work on sub­tasks

Exam­ple of a trig­ger when cre­at­ing a new comment

Click the new trig­ger field and use the search to find the Work­sec­tion app.

Select the New Com­ment in Task event.

Fill in the required Project and Task fields, then click Con­tin­ue. This trig­ger will work when a new com­ment appears in the select­ed task of the select­ed project. 

After cre­at­ing a trig­ger, you can move on to the next step — cre­at­ing actions.

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Available Worksection actions at Zapier

Actions in Zapi­er trans­fer new data to Work­sec­tion by call­ing the API

List of actions
  • Close Task – close the task in the select­ed project
  • Cre­ate Com­ment in Task cre­ate a com­ment in the task.
  • Cre­ate Project cre­ate a new project in your Work­sec­tion account.
  • Cre­ate Task in Project cre­ate a task in the project.

Each action has its own list of input fields. For exam­ple, in the Cre­ate Task in Project action, you need to fill in the fol­low­ing fields.

An exam­ple of an action to cre­ate a task in Worksection

Select the Cre­ate Task in Project action and click Continue.

Fill in the fol­low­ing fields. Required fields are marked with an aster­isk

After cre­at­ing an action, you need to test and launch your Zap.

Note: Zapi­er allows you to cus­tomize many com­bi­na­tions of trig­gers and actions from dif­fer­ent apps. Good luck cre­at­ing automa­tion magic :)

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Examples of using Zapier with Worksection

Cre­ate a project — cre­ate a mail label. 
When you cre­ate a new project in Work­sec­tion, a new label is cre­at­ed in Gmail with the name of the project. Now you can mark emails relat­ed to your projects in a struc­tured way. 

Cre­at­ing an Issue in GitHub — cre­at­ing a task. 
When a new issue is cre­at­ed in your GitHub repos­i­to­ry, a task is cre­at­ed in the Issue Con­trol” project in Work­sec­tion. The name of the task is New issue: Title”. The descrip­tion from GitHub will be added to the task descrip­tion. Since we agreed on the reg­u­la­tions, we’ll set the pri­or­i­ty to 5” for all sub­se­quent tasks. 

Tip: Zapi­er allows you to use many com­bi­na­tions of ser­vices and field set­tings. Take a look at the avail­able ser­vices and their fields – this may give you an idea for a busi­ness process that will be per­fect for you.

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