
How do I set notifications?

First, enable the notifications you would like to receive
In the Settings section of your profile in the «Notifications», you can enable personalized settings of receiving notifications within the system (in the bell)1, push/desktop notifications2 and to email3. In order to do this, check or uncheck the mark next to the corresponding item:

After setting notifications to your liking, do not forget to save the changes:

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Can I receive the daily summary on my email?

Yes! Worksection has a convenient feature of reminding about tasks that are burning (overdue) and tasks that are nearing deadline. In the «Settings and Profile» section in the «Daily morning digest» block, you can indicate additional options for notifications. Besides, you can choose for yourself notifications of which tasks you wold like to receive, namely, tasks where you are an Executive1, Author or executive2 or Subscriber3:

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Can I reply to an email-notification? What's going to happen if I do?

You can respond to email notifications by projects, tasks, and comments. It is important to remember that depending on which notification you are responding to, your response will be transformed into a new task or new comment.
If you received a notification about events in a task/ subtask (or a new comment), then when responding to it, the text of your email-response will become the text of a new comment to the same task (subtask). The text of your original notification will not be included in the comment — the system will filter it out. However (!!!!), never delete the text of the original notification by yourself or the email-response will not be properly processed. You can attach files to your response, and they will be automatically added to the new comment.

If you receive an invitation to a new project or a notification about certain changes in the project, then your response to it will create a new task in this project. It is important to remember that in this case the first line of the response will become the name of the task, and the rest of the lines will be its description. If files are attached to the email then they will be added to the new task. Priority of such tasks will be set to the «pause», and the executive in the project by default or you (if no executive was chosen by default) will be set as a new executive. This mechanism cannot be considered a full substitute of task setting in the account; however, it does allow preparing a list of tasks without leaving your email, and then, when entering your account, setting executives, priorities, labels, and time frames.

Two simple rules for successful processing of your emails:

  1. Never change the topic of the original email — simply click «Reply». If «Re» (etc.) is added in the beginning of a topic, then it’s not something to worry about.
  2. Write your response above the text of the original notification. Just to be sure, you can finish the email with three and more pound keys ###. We recognize this «secret» sign and cut off everything that goes after it.

For 100% security, set tasks and comment right in your accounts, as you pretty much was doing before ;-)
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Can I completely turn off е-mail notifications in the entire account?

Yes, you can. If you are the owner of an account or its administrator with the «Access to the settings and payments of the account» permissions, then jump to the Account -> Security section 1 and turn off e-mail notifications2:

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Can I send out bulk emails to my employees or clients?

Yes. Click next to the com­pa­ny’s name in the three dots” menu and choose the Bulk mail” option:

Then, fill out fields with the sub­ject 1 and mes­sage text2. Choose whom you would like to send it to 3 and click on Send mes­sage”. 
Advice: in order to choose all company/​depart­ment par­tic­i­pants — click on the name of the department/​com­pa­ny.

Please note: Bulk emails can be cre­at­ed by the own­er of the account and an admin­is­tra­tor with the access to the set­tings and pay­ments of the account” permissions.

If there is a need to noti­fy only a cer­tain team of the project, then click on the three dots” menu and choose the Let­ter to the team”1:

Please note: email to the project par­tic­i­pants can be sent by the man­ag­er of the project, admin­is­tra­tor of the com­pa­ny and admin­is­tra­tor with the par­tic­i­pants man­age­ment ” permissions.
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