Managing tasks

How to complete a task? Who can complete a task?

Tasks can be closed by: Owner, Author, Responsible (optional), Administrator with "allow editing everything" permissions, Project manager

When you create a project or edit a project, you can enable or disable the option "The performer can close tasks".

In order to close a task, the person in charge (if this option is enabled in the project settings) must go to the task, hover over the "Done" button, and click on it:

Alternatively, you can select several tasks on the Tasks page and close them as a group using the context menu:

Note! If you need to check the task before closing it, you must first disable the option "The performer can close tasks". After completing the task, the Responsible person sets a label (for example, the task is "awaiting review") and sends a @mention to the reviewer, and after the review, the Author closes the task.

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How to edit a task? What other actions can be performed with a task?

In order to edit a task, go to the task and click on the «three dots» context menu and choose the «Edit» option1:

If you are in the Tasks or Tasks and comments section, hover over the task with your cursor. In the right upper corner, you will see the «Edit» option.

After these actions have been performed, the task is open for editing. Here you can:

1 Change the name
2 Change the priority
3 Set a different executive
4 Add/ delete labels and status
5 Change dates
6 Edit estimates
7 Change the description of the task
8 Attach files
9 Change the list of subscribers as well as the list of people who can see the task

In the task’s menu, there are other actions for the task as well, namely:

  • Add subtask — add a subtask to a current task;
  • Transfer — transfer a task to a different project, or (also here) transform a task to a subtask;
  • Copy— copy a task to a different project;
  • History — show the history of the events by the task;
  • Print — print the task;
  • Get the link — get the link for the chosen task;
  • Unsubscribe — unsubscribe from the selected task;
  • Delete — delete a task with all the subtasks.

In the next questions of this section, you can find more detailed actions that can be performed with a task.
The task can be edited by the task’s author, project manager, and Administrator with the «tasks» permissions.

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How to find the list of tasks of a project (or account)?

All tasks (and subtasks) of the project are displayed in the «Tasks and communication» section.

All tasks (and subtasks) of the account are displayed in the «Tasks» section.

These sections are similar in many ways: they contain tools for group work on projects.
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Who can mark task as done?

You can specify who can close the task when creating the project. To do this, on the «Create Project» page, drag the slider to the desired position in the respective block1.

Also, you can change this setting later by going to the project settings and changing a parameter and pressing the «Refresh Project» button.

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How to organize tasks by labels? (Where to configure labels and who can do that?)

For quick and easy work with tasks in the project, you can use statuses and labels.

By default, there has been 9 labels created in your account, 6 of which are public and 3 are for use within the company (marked with a lock and not visible to your clients).

1 — Section of common labels of the account

2 — Section of inner labels (visible only to the company of the account owner)

Assignin and changing labels is an easy task.

This can be done at the project creation stage as well as when editing it. Besides, you can assign labels on the fly by using the corresponding item from the drop-down menu of a task.

Assigning a label when creating a task:

To assign a new label (or modify an existing one) in the previously created task, click on the box with labels, which will open a window to add new labels. Assign a label and select those who should be notified of the assignment of a new label, and click «OK».

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How to change the time frame of a task?

The time frames can be changed in the detailed view of a task, on the page with the list of all the tasks, in the calendar, and in the Gantt chart. Time frames can be changed by the administrators with the Tasks permissions, project managers, and authors of the task.

The executive cannot change the time frames of a task.

On the page with the list of all the tasks, the date can be changed by clicking on the current date:

There you will see a window for «New date of completion/ Deadline» right in the calendar.

You set a new date1, choose whether to notify subscribers about this change or not2 and click «Apply»3. The date will be changed.

Two types: Deadline and Start-Finish

For tasks with no start date but with a set date of completion, that completion date is called Deadline1. For the tasks with the start and finish date, there’s a neighboring Start-Finish2 tab.
For example: if you just need a task to be completed by Monday, March 6th, and it does not matter when to start the task, then use Deadline 1 (one date). If the work on a task needs to be started on Monday, February 13th, and finished in 16 work days by Monday, March 6th, — then use the Start-Finish2 option (two dates).

Everthing on how to set dates:

In most cases, setting Deadlines and the Start-Finish dates is happening in the same window. Right here, if needed, the exact time of completion or repetition can be indicated.

1 — You can switch between the Deadline / Start-Finish tabs on the fly

2 — new Field for entering the number of days.
For example, you know that the task needs to be completed in 15 days, then just enter the number, and the system will automatically choose the corresponding date. Definitely, you can indicate the required date by clicking on the calendar: in this case, the system will provide a prompt on the number of days left until the indicated date.

3 — new Option to indicate the exact time of task completion (step 15 minutes)

4 — new Settings for repetitions are located here

5 — Two-position switch — Notify / Do not notify — subscribers that you’ve changed the dates

Please note: the format of entering the dates can be both in the calendar and in business days. It depends on whether it is allowed or not allowed to create tasks on weekends in the System settings alt+A in the Working time block. Before you activate it 1 and mark «forbid to assign tasks for weekends»2, the calculation of tasks’ duration will be done in calendar days.

There is an option in the system to set tasks with the exact time of completion. For such tasks, you can enable an additional notification in the completion date. This can be done in your Profile alt+M in the Notifications block:

For example, a certain task needs to be completed by 2 pm, and if you activate the «Additionally remind about time in 1 hour» option, then your bell will ring twice: beforehand at 1 pm and right on time at 2 pm. If this option is disabled, the bell will ring only at 2 pm. Such «bells» are sent to your email but they can also be received as push-notifications on your smartphone.
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How can you use the statuses of tasks?

With the status of tasks, you can organize the whole process of working on tasks (workflow), adjusting them according to the specifics of your work and the stages that take place in your company’s tasks. Statuses are visible both to the executive and the project manager and show who and what should be done on a task at the moment.

All accounts have 6 preset statuses1. However, if necessary, you can create your own statuses that you will use in your company.2

Statuses are seen first when assigning and separated from the other labels in the subsequent display.

Besides, statuses have certain qualities activated by default.

  • Automatically insert the first status from the list when creating tasks and subtasks.
  • Disallow the existence of more than one status at each specific task. When inserting the next status, the previous one turns off automatically.
  • Disable all statuses after complete closure of tasks and subtasks.
Please, note! If you dislike these qualities of statuses — simply deactivate these settings.
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How to configure a customized list of tasks and save it to favorites?

On the Tasks page, there are two types of filters: simple and advanced. The simple filter is located on the filter panel 1 under the list of all the tasks.

The advanced filter allows you to refine your search by many parameters. In order to apply the advanced filter, open the context menu on the filter panel and choose «Advanced filter»2.

You can filter the list of tasks according to your personal liking and save it as a separate page by adding to Favorites. This way you can always open the list of tasks already with the previously applied filters and configure them again.

There are two ways to add a list to Favorites:

Method № 1
Open the context menu on the right of the filter panel, select «Bookmarks», adjust the name of the page to be saved and click «Add» button:

Method № 2
Open the Bookmarks 1 in the personal menu and click on the big star2 in the bottom of your screen. Edit the name of the page to be saved and click «Add»:

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How to set priority of tasks?

To set the priority of a task, in the edit window, click on the square with priority. A list of possible priority values (values from 1 to 10 and a zero priority «pause»). Click on the desired value and the priority will be set.

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If I change a task or a subtask, will all of the subscribed participants be notified about that?

They will be notified only if you choose so. Just leave the «Notify»1 option enabled. If you just fixed a minor mistake or made insignificant changes and do not wish to distract participants with that, simply disable notifications. For this, just disable «Notify» option, and all the notifications will stop.

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How to enable/disable display of subtasks in the list?

If you want to enable or disable the display of subtasks in the list, use a special switch in the menu section.

In the pop-up menu, select the type of display: Only task/Tasks and subtasks. Here you can select the type of display as well as show or hide completed tasks.

If you turn off the display of sub-tasks, they are «hidden» in its task and can be displayed in a drop-down list.
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How to launch a task's timer?

Any task or subtask can have its own timer launched.

TImer can be launched from the task (subtask) window view:

From the Task or Tasks and comments sections (from the task’s line):

And, also, from the «My tasks» quick-access menu:

Launched timer can be seen in the upper part of any account’s page

Actions that can be performed with timer:

1 — Go to a task
2 — Stop timer
3 — Describe and track time
4 — Continue timer

5 — Delete timer

After timer is stopped, the time is automatically added to the overall time1 spent on a task and is assigned to a particular executive2:

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How to add a file to a task, subtask, or a comment?

Files can be attached when creating tasks and subtasks (see. here) and when editing them. You can do it wherever you see a block for adding files (in tasks, subtasks, comments, and also in the Files section):

In order to add a file to an earlier created task (subtask), first, you would need to open it for editing by choosing Edit1 in the «three dots» menu:

Then, choose «Attach a new file»1, «Previously uploaded file»2 (if the desired file has already been added to the project) or add a file from your Google Drive3:

Also, files can be added by utilizing a simple Drag-and-drop function. Simply drag the files you need to where you need them, and they will be added.

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How to view the history of events in a task?

All the important events related to the process of work on the task is reflected in the comments feed. The change of deadlines, priorities, change of executives and reassigning of labels are all part of an overall chronology now.

Notes about an event are visible to all the task’s participants; however, the manager of the project has an option of deleting certain events from the feed1

If by any reason events in the comments feed bother you, they can get hidden:

To access the full history of a task, just click on the «three dots» menu and choose the «History» option (this section is just for administrators):

Please note!
Log of events is tracked from the moment of your account functionality update, and, therefore, you won’t be able to see any old events in there.

Besides, you can filter comments by certain set parameters:

1 — by your being mentioned in the comments
2 — by selected comments
3 — by comments with files
4 — by comments with checklists
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How to change an executive of a task?

In order to change the executive of a task, click on the name of the current executive in the task’s line:

After you clicked, a window will appear with the option to choose a new executive:

Choose a new executive 1, choose whether notification about the change should be sent out or not2 and then click «OK»3.
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Bulk task operations (copy, transfer, delete...)

Choose and mark task/ subtasks you need from the tasks list. When the first task will be selected, there will appear a window for bulk operations with tasks. The number in the left-hand corner is the number of tasks selected for bulk operations:

The following bulk operations can be performed with tasks:

  • Close— close selected tasks;
  • Transfer — transfer selected tasks to another project;
  • Copy — copy selected tasks to another project;
  • Labels — set/delete labels for the selected tasks;
  • Assign — assign another executive to the selected tasks;
  • Billing — create a billing account for the selected tasks;
  • Delete — delete the selected tasks with all of its subtasks.
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How to group tasks by the projects?

In order to group tasks by the projects, click on the «View» icon in the Tasks section on the filter panel. In the menu that pops up, choose «by projects».

This is where you can customize how your projects will be shown:

  • Alphabetical order1
  • Relevant order2
  • My order3

When grouping, all tasks will be shown within «their» project, for example, projects in alphabetical order:

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What can be done with the list of tasks (export, print send to email)?

After you’ve applied an extended (as well as dynamic) filter to the list of tasks, you can:
  • export the list in the .xls format
  • print the list
  • send the list to an email address
  • save all of its parameters in the http-link form
In order to choose the required action, use the «three dots» menu in the right-hand corner:

  1. When choosing the «Export to XLS» link, xls-file download will start automatically.
  2. When choosing the second link of «Send an email», there will appear a window with the addressee selection (it can be sent to one of the account users or to a manually entered email address). Then, the list will be sent to the selected address in a user-friendly viewing format. The address of the sender is the same as for any system’s email-notifications: [email protected].
  3. When choosing the third option of «Get a link», the list view with all the applied filters will be saved in the http-link format. There will also be a popup-window, from where you can copy your link to the saved list view.
  4. You can also add filter and bookmarks parameters.
  5. When choosing the last, fifth option «Print», there will open a window of printing settings. After clicking on «Print», the list of tasks will be sent to the printer.
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Can only tasks with a certain label be shown? How?

Yes, it is possible. For this, in the «Tasks» and «Tasks and comments» sections, there is a dynamic filter by labels. Simply select the desired label, and only those tasks that have this label will be shown.

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How do I see tasks for today? For the next 3 days? Overdue tasks?

In order to choose only the tasks that you need, there is a dynamic filter «Terms» for it. It allows considerably shorten the overall list by leaving only those tasks that you need, for example, all the overdue tasks:

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How to set name templates for recurring tasks?

Templates allow to add date and/ or assign a corresponding number to the name of tasks.

To add a corresponding number, add %n to the template. If you need the number to contain 2 or 3 digits, then enter %nn and %nnn respectively. Numerations starts with number one but you can shift it by adding a template number, such as %n+10

In order to add a date, month, year or a quarter to a template, write a text in one word that will look like %dmy with any combination of letters d, D, m, M, q, Q, y, Y, where:

  • d — day of the month, 1-31,
  • D — day of the month with a zero, 01-31
  • m — number of a month with a zero, 01-12
  • M — name of a month (depends on the main language of the account)
  • q — quarter of a year (I, II, III, IV)
  • Q — quarter of a year with the added «quarter» word
  • y — year with 2 digits
  • Y — year with 4 digits
Thus, if today is February, 25th of 2013, then the %dmy template will yield the following text 25.02.13, %dM — February 25th, %MY — February 2013 (for monthly tax payments), %QY — I quarter of 2013 (for example, for delivering reports to the revenue services once in every 3 months)
Besides, you can also indicate a previous or a future date in the template. Thus, the %dmy-1 template corresponds to the yesterday’s date, %M+1 — to the next month, and %QY-2 — to the one but last quarter.
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How to repeat a task with nested subtasks?

FIrst, you need to click on the «Deadline» of the task completion in the task itself:

Then, you would need to set functionality to «Repeat» with the set period of time, for example, every month:

RIght after that, click on «Include nested task»1 and then on «Apply»2:

After closing the recurring task, another task with its subtasks is created with a new deadline (or time range) according to the schedule of recurrence.
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How to nest/extract a subtask to/from a subtask? Second level subtasks.

In case when a nested subtask needs to be created, choose a subtasks it needs to be nested to, and then go to the menu ( ) and choose «Add nested subtask»1:

If there is a need to nest an existing subtask in another subtask, then the «drag» method can be used, which will automatically make the task nested. In order to do this, click on a subtask and drag it to the subtasks you want it to nest within, as in the example of «THeme № 2»:

When you wish to extract a nested subtask and make it a separate subtask, then you will simply need to «drag» the nested subtask lower or higher, to the level of subtasks:

Please note: «dragging» function for subtasks is only available to the owner of an account or to the administrator with the «Task» permissions (a mark next to the «all editing allowed» must be checked)
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How to view the work load by people?

To view the workload of the employees, go to «Tasks» and «Tasks and comments» section and click on the tab By people1. Then in the «By first name» field, select the parameters you are interested in, for example, to filter by the number of tasks2:

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How can I see if a task's executive viewed the assigned task/ subtask?

Now, in order to ensure thorough control of employees’ work, we’ve created an icon that allows seeing whether an executive viewed a task/ subtask or the latest comment.

For this, in the «Tasks» and «Tasks and comments» sections, hover over a task or subtask with a cursor and you will see two «ticks» icon next to the executive, and when you hover over that icon, you will see whether the task or subtask has been viewed or not.

In the task itself, we will see this icon next to the executive’s name when we hover over the field with the task’s description with a cursor:

«Two ticks» will be seen next to the last comment viewed by the executive. When you hover your cursor over it, you will see a note that the comment has been viewed.

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How to see who has tasks overdue and how to see the list of all overdue tasks?

Go to the «Projects» section. Tasks that are overdue will be shown as a red icon with the number of overdue tasks next to the executive’s avatar.

In order to go to the list of overdue tasks, click on the icon with the number of overdue tasks in the tasks’ field1 or to the icon next to the avatar2.

Besides you can see who has project’s tasks overdue1 in the «overview» section of every project where you can also access the list of these tasks2:

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How to view completed tasks of a project?

In order to view closed tasks of a project, go to the Tasks and comments section. In the By tasks tab of the View menu, click on Completed1. Then, select a time frame that you need, for example, for a week:

In the By people tab, use the View menu and the Completed parameter, and look through the completed tasks of the employees. Select a time period, for example For a week — and you will be able to see who did what and whether they managed to work within the set estimates or if they exceeded the budget (and by how much):

Please note:These pages have expenses statistics recount when searching and using filters.

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How to reassign tasks between the project participants?

For this, go to the Tasks and comments in the By people tab.

Grab the line with the name of the task and drag it to the card of another participant of the project — this way you reassign the task1.

There are two «technical cards» on a page — Anyone and Executive isn’t assigned2.
It allows assigning executives to the task that have not yet been set, or vice versa, unassign an executive from a task by dragging to those cards.

When there are many tasks and participants, the entire page will take up several screens, which won’t be convenient when using the dragging function; therefore, when you grabbed a task, there will appear a «dock» with employees’ avatars where you can assign tasks3.

Please note: if you grabbed a «hidden» task, then you will see only faces (avatars) of those people who can see it, and, therefore, only one of them can be assigned as an executive.

If you do not like dragging, you can always select several tasks at once, and as earlier, perform bulk operations, which are not limited to reassigning.

Important! Only open tasks can be dragged. All the changes to the executives made by dragging have to be Saved!

On the pages with 1000 and more tasks, dragging is automatically deactivated.

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How to copy tasks with dependencies from one project to another?

Select the tasks that you need (no need to mark subtasks) and click on Copy in the menu:

In the window that pops up, click on Copy to another project:

Then choose the project to which tasks will be copied1

After that, click on Continue

In order to copy tasks with their subtasks, comments, and files — just mark the corresponding checkboxes. And in order to save deadlines and dependencies while copying, simply mark the checkbox next to the Deadlines and dependencies 1. If needed, indicate the new date of the task’s start2 or the previous date can remain unchanged. The starting point is the start of the earliest task copied.

Please, note: Tasks can be copied by any user who can set tasks, while only an administrator or the author can transfer tasks.

Attention: when there’s a lack of nesting levels, subtasks are transferred to the level with a prefix of its parent task.

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Can there be several executives assigned for one task?

No, there cannot be several executives assigned to one task. However, you can create a task with subtasks, and then have a different executive assigned for every subtask.
Or, as an option, after having partially completed an assignment, the executive can transfer rights to another person when his or her turn has come to complete other duties within a task.
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How to check a task before closing it?

When a task needs to be checked before closing, you can set it right in the project that tasks can be closed only by the «Author»:

Then, set a task and assign an executive to it. After the task is completed, the executive will mark it as "need review"1 :

and sends @mention2 to the person who will be reviewing the task, and after it has been checked — the author closes the task.

Please note:
Statuses and labels can be added only by the owner or an administrator of the account in the Account Section — System Settings.
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How to copy a task with dependencies within a project?

In the list of tasks, choose the task (no need to mark subtasks separately) you need to copy, and then click on Copy in the menu:

In the window that pops up, choose a task1 to which you need to copy a previously selected task (this task will become its subtask). Then click on Continue.
In order to copy a task to another project, click on Copy to another project 2.

In order to copy a task with all of its subtasks, comments, and files — just mark the corresponding checkboxes. In order to save all the deadlines and dependencies when copying, mark the checkbox next to Deadlines and dependencies 1. If needed, indicate the new start date of the task2 or keep the previous date. The starting point will be the start of the task from the group it was copied from. After that, click on Copy.

When entering changes in the start date of the task1 on the Gannt chart, you will see the exactly restored structure of dependencies and tasks duration but with the new date set by you2:

Please note: Copying tasks can be done by any user who has permissions to set new tasks when both an administrator and an author can transfer tasks.

Attention: when there is a lack of the nesting levels, subtasks will be transferred one level up with the prefix of the parent task.
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How to create & save custom filter on task list / reports / Gantt chart

You can use custom filter at any task lists or reports or Gantt chart. For example, you can filter Gantt chart for several projects.

After that you can save this custom filter to your «bookmarks».

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How to find a task by ID?

Each task and sub­task has an ID – a unique num­ber, an iden­ti­fi­er. You can find it in the address bar of the task page. 

Paste the task ID num­ber in the search bar on any page. 

The task with this ID will be dis­played in the search results window.

To dis­play the ID in the win­dow of each task, enable this option in the account set­tings and click Save.

The task win­dow will look like this: 

By click­ing on the ID, you can copy it.

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