
Getting the list of task tags through API: get_task_tags

Sample get_task_tags request

Returns task tags of all or selected group

Optional parameters:
  • group — tags of a particular group
    You can specify group name or group ID (can be obtained through the same method from the returned group dataset or through get_task_tag_groups method)
  • type — groups only of particular type, possible values: status, label
  • access — groups only with a particular visibility, possible values:
    • public — available to all teams (including external client teams)
      statuses are always visible and have public value
      private — available only for your company teams

Returned data:
  • id — tag ID
  • title — tag name
  • group — tag group dataset

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

"status": "ok",
"data": [
"title": "LABEL_NAME",
"id": "LABEL_ID",
"group": {
"title": "GROUP_NAME",
"id": GROUP_ID,
"type": "label",
"access": "public"
} }, {
"title": "STATUS_NAME",
"id": "STATUS_ID",
"group": {
"title": "GROUP_NAME",
"id": GROUP_ID,
"type": "status",
"access": "public"

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Creating task tags through API: add_task_tags

Sample add_task_tags request

Creates task tags in selected group
*if there are no tags with the same name

Required parameters:
  • group — group, where tags will be created
    You can specify group name or group ID (can be obtained through get_task_tag_groups method)
    • title — tag names separated by commas

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "title": "LABEL_NAME_1",
            "id": LABEL_ID
            "title": "LABEL_NAME_2",
            "id": LABEL_ID
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Setting/removing task tags through API: update_task_tags

Sample update_task_tags request

Sets new and removes previously set tags for selected task

Required parameters:
  • id_task — task ID

Optional parameters:
*tags can be specified by their names (full match) or IDs (can be obtained through get_task_tags method)
  • plus — task tags separated by commas, which will be added
  • minus — task tags separated by commas, which will be removed

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status

    "status": "ok"

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Getting the list of task tag groups through API: get_task_tag_groups

Sample get_task_tag_groups request

Returns task tag groups

Optional parameters:
  • type — groups only of particular type, possible values: status, label
  • access — groups only with a particular visibility, possible values:
    • public — available to all teams (including external client teams)
      statuses are always visible and have public value
      private — available only for your company teams

Returned data:
  • id — group ID
  • title — group name
  • type — group type
  • access — group visibility

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

"status": "ok",
"data": [
"title": "GROUP_NAME_1",
"id": GROUP_ID,
"type": "status",
"access": "public"
"title": "GROUP_NAME_2",
"id": GROUP_ID,
"type": "label",
"access": "public"
}, { "title": "GROUP_NAME_3", "id": GROUP_ID,
"type": "label", "access": "private" } ]
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Creating task tag groups through API: add_task_tag_groups

Sample add_task_tag_groups request

Creates task tag groups
*if there are no tag groups with same name

Required parameters:
  • title — group names separated by commas
  • type — group type, possible values: status, label
  • access — group visibility (statuses are always visible and have public value)
    public — available to all teams (including external client teams)
    private — available only for your company teams

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "title": "GROUP_NAME_1",
            "id": GROUP_ID,
            "type": "label",
            "access": "public"
            "title": "GROUP_NAME_2",
            "id": GROUP_ID,
            "type": "status",
            "access": "public"
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Getting the list of project tags through API: get_project_tags

Sample get_project_tags request

Returns project tags of all or selected group

Optional parameters:
  • group — tags of a particular group
    You can specify group name or group ID (can be obtained through the same method from the returned group dataset or through get_project_tag_groups method)
  • type — groups only of particular type, possible values: status, label
  • access — groups only with a particular visibility, possible values:
    • public — available to all teams (including external client teams)
      private — available only for your company teams

Returned data:
  • id — project tag ID
  • title — project tag name
  • group — project tag group dataset

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

{ "status": "ok",
    "data": [
           "title": "PROJECT_STATUS_NAME_1",
            "id": "PROJECT_STATUS_ID",
            "group": {          
              "id": "PROJECT_GROUP_ID",
             "type": "status",
             "access": "public"
            }, {
            "title": "_PROJECT_LABEL_NAME_2",
            "id": "PROJECT_LABEL_ID",
            "group": {             
             "id": "PROJECT_GROUP_ID",
             "type": "label",
             "access": "public"

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Creating project tags through API: add_project_tags

Sample add_project_tags request

Creates project tags in selected group
*if there are no tags with the same name

Required parameters:
  • group — group, where project tags will be created
    You can specify group name or group ID (can be obtained through get_project_tag_groups method)
    • title — project tag names separated by commas

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

"status": "ok",
"data": [
   { "title": "PROJECT_LABEL_NAME_1", "id": PROJECT_LABEL_ID },
   { "title": "PROJECT_LABEL_NAME_2", "id": PROJECT_LABEL_ID }
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Setting/removing project tags through API: update_project_tags

Sample update_project_tags request

Sets new and removes previously set tags for selected project

Required parameters:
  • id_project — project ID

Optional parameters:
*tags can be specified by their names (full match) or IDs (can be obtained through get_project_tags method)
  • plus — project tags separated by commas, which will be added
  • minus — project tags separated by commas, which will be removed

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status

    "status": "ok"

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Getting the list of project tag groups through API: get_project_tag_groups

Sample get_project_tag_groups request

Returns project tag groups

Optional parameters:
  • type — groups only of particular type, possible values: status, label
  • access — groups only with a particular visibility, possible values:
    • public — available to all teams (including external client teams)
      private — available only for your company teams

Returned data:
  • id — group ID
  • title — group name
  • type — group type
  • access — group visibility

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

"status": "ok",
"data": [
"title": "GROUP_NAME_1",
"id": GROUP_ID,
"type": "status",
"access": "public"
"title": "GROUP_NAME_2",
"id": GROUP_ID,
"type": "label",
"access": "public"
}, { "title": "GROUP_NAME_3", "id": GROUP_ID,
"type": "label", "access": "private" } ]
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Creating project tag groups through API: add_project_tag_groups

Sample add_project_tag_groups request

Creates project tag groups
*if there are no tags with the same name

Required parameters:
  • title — group names separated by commas
  • access — tag group visibility, possible values:
    public — available to all teams (including external client teams)
    private — available only for your company teams

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "title": "GROUP_NAME_1",
            "id": GROUP_ID,
            "type": "",
            "access": "public"
            "title": "GROUP_NAME_2",
            "id": GROUP_ID,
            "type": "",
            "access": "public"
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