Creating project

How to create a new project?

Cre­at­ing a new project is a very sim­ple task. On the sys­tem’s Main page or on the Projects page, click on the «Cre­ate new project» button.

In the next win­dow, fill the main fields:

  1. Spec­i­fy the name of the project.
  2. If nec­es­sary, add a descrip­tion (wiki) of the project and attach the nec­es­sary files.
  3. Dead­lines and bud­get can be left blank for now.
  4. Choose the man­ag­er, the one who will be respon­si­ble for the result of the project.
  5. In the Restric­tions sec­tion of the project you can choose who will close, trans­fer tasks, etc.
  6. The project team is the peo­ple involved in the project. By default, they see all project tasks. You can add par­tic­i­pants from dif­fer­ent teams.
  7. And click Cre­ate project.

If there’s any data that you do not know, you can eas­i­ly add or edit it later.

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Hierarchy of people and projects in Worksection

Work­sec­tion has the fol­low­ing struc­ture of projects and tasks:
  • Teams
  • Projects
  • Tasks
  • Sub­tasks lev­el 1
  • Sub­tasks lev­el 2
Projects are grouped by the teams to which they belong.

There are tasks and two lev­els of sub­tasks in every project.
Also, there are check­lists in every task and sub­task which are for sim­ple tasks that do not require dead­lines or sep­a­rate del­e­ga­tion. For example:

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How many projects can I create?

As much as your tariff plan allows. For example, in the tariff «Optimum» the number is 25, while in the «Corporate», it is 50. More details about the tariff restrictions can be found on the page Tariff plans and prices.

Please, note! Tariff restrictions are only for active projects and projects in the awaiting status. At the same time, Archived project are not tariffed, i.e. its number is unlimited.

And if none of the tariffs suited you, write to us at [email protected] — we’ll figure something out.

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How to create a template project?

First, create a project and name it, for example, «Template». In the status of this task, mark «Muted» and then fill it with typical tasks and subtasks. The objectives of such project do not appear in the task lists and calendar activity.

Then you just need to bulk copy all tasks from template project to real project.
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