
Is it possible to hide people's names and contacts? How to adjust the visibility of contacts?

You can hide the names and con­tact details of your employ­ees from clients or sub­con­trac­tors. You can also hide con­tacts from oth­er employ­ees of your com­pa­ny. For exam­ple, you have sev­er­al branch­es, and for some rea­son you need them to work anonymously.

In Work­sec­tion, you can use Nick­names 1 in your accounts with­out show­ing the real names of employees.

By default, the Nick­name con­sists of the part of the employ­ee’s email address (the one before @).

When an employ­ee has a nick­name, the dis­play of his data depends on the pri­va­cy set­tings:
  • when both first and last names are open (two green locks) — Nick­name is not used;
  • when hid­den from cus­tomers (one lock is open, the oth­er one is closed) — employ­ees of your com­pa­ny see the First and Last Name, while clients only the Nickname;
  • when hid­den from every­one (two red locks) — every­one, except admin­is­tra­tors, sees only the mem­ber’s Nickname.
The same prin­ci­ple applies to two oth­er pri­va­cy set­tings: con­tact vis­i­bil­i­ty and online sta­tus. They can be Vis­i­ble for every­one”, Hid­den from client com­pa­nies” or Hid­den from every­one”, except account administrators.

You can also adjust the vis­i­bil­i­ty of con­tact data using mass oper­a­tions in the Peo­ple sec­tion. Choose the cards of the required users and select Pri­va­cy. Set the nec­es­sary para­me­ters and click the Apply” but­ton to save the changes.

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How to add private notes to an employee's or client's card?

You can make pri­vate notes about all users of your account, which are hid­den for every­one, except the account own­er and the administrator.

To make a pri­vate note, go to the Peo­ple sec­tion, choose cards of the required users, and in the mass oper­a­tions menu select the Edit” item. 

In the card edit­ing win­dow, click the Con­tacts” button: 

At the bot­tom of the win­dow, click​“More fields +” and​“Hid­den data+”. Enter the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion in the field and click the Save” button.

Here you can fill in the par­tic­i­pan­t’s con­tact infor­ma­tion (add a phone num­ber, as well as oth­er con­tacts and pages in social networks).

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How to delete your profile from your account?

To delete your pro­file from the account click on your avatar in the upper right cor­ner and go to​“Set­tings and profile”:

Scroll down the page. At the very bot­tom you will see the
Delete pro­file” icon. Click on it.

The sys­tem will ask if you are sure you want to delete your pro­file. If you still decide to do it, please con­firm by click­ing on​I’m sure I want to delete all data”:

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When did the user last enter the account?

Go to the Peo­ple sec­tion, then point to the clock icon on the user’s card. A pop­up mes­sage will appear with the infor­ma­tion on when the user
  • last entered the account 1 and 
  • per­formed the last active action 2 .

Note: if the user logged into the account for the last time and made the last active action at the same time, only one mes­sage will be dis­played: Last action on ___”

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