Members roles and responsibilities

What are the users' roles and what is the difference between them?

These are the following users' roles in the account:

  • Account owner.
  • Account Administrator (manages all projects of all companies as well as account settings);
  • Team Administrator (manages his team’s actions in different projects / manages all projects of his team);
  • Department administrator (manages actions of people from his department in different projects);
  • Project Manager (manages the project);
  • User (normal role - an ordinary employee of the company or the client);
  • Guest (limited role; the guest cannot see the contact information of other users; this role is suitable for freelancers or subcontractors);
  • Reader (limited role, cannot create, comment or edit anything);
  • Contact (no physical access to the system; it only serves to store contact information).
Permissions in more detail:

Account owner can:
  • Do everything that the account administrator does
  • Always has access to the settings and management of administrator
  • Can delete account
  • Has access to API

Account administrator can:
  • Do everything that the administrator of the company's account does but for all the account companies
  • Can change account settings, manage tags, make payments (permission "Access to the account settings and payments")
  • Appoint administrators (permission "Allow admin to create other administrators")
  • To see the hidden comments, tasks, files (permission "Allow admin to read private tasks and comments")
  • Edit the time and financial cost (permission "Allow admin full access to time and finances")

Team administrator
 with the permission "actions of his team in any projectcan:
  • View all tasks with restricted visibility in any project where at least one of his team members takes part (permission "Allow admin to read private tasks and comments")
  • View projects in which his team takes part even if he is not part of this project (permission "Can see all projects in which his team members participate")
  • Create projects in any team or folder. Can create new folders. Also, can edit / archive projects which he created, but cannot delete projects (permission "Can create projects")
  • Edit his team and manage members of his team, invite employees to his team (permission "Allow admin to manage people") and add them to the projects in which he or his team participate (add his team only)
  • Edit all tasks in which his team participates. In projects which he created, he can edit tasks of his team or those in which he is an author. He cannot edit tasks of the other team. He can see set timers of his team only but in projects of different teams/folders (permission "Allow admin to edit everything")
  • Add expenses on behalf of members of his team in different projects/folders, as well as edit them. Can see set timers of his team members only in projects of different teams/folders (permission "Manage all costs and timers")
Team administrator with the permission "any data in projects of his team" can:
  • View all tasks under lock in projects of his team only. In projects of the other teams he cannot see hidden tasks if he is was not given permission to view (permission "Allow admin to read private tasks and comments")
  • View projects in which his team participates, even if he is not a member of this project (permission "Can see all projects in which his team members participate")
  • Create projects in any team or folder. Also, can edit / archive projects which he created and manage all projects in the folder of his team. Cannot delete projects (permission "Can create projects")
  • Edit his team, manage members of his team, invite employees to the projects of his team (permission "Allow admin to manage people"), and to the projects in which he participates himself (add his team only).
  • Edit all tasks in the projects of his team. Cannot edit tasks in the projects which were created by him, but are located in the other team or folder, except for those tasks which were created by him. Also, can view all set timers only in projects from his team’s folder – both for his team members, and members of the other teams (permission "Allow admin to edit everything")
  • Add costs in behalf of all members in the projects of his team, as well as edit them in the projects of his team. Can view all set timers only in projects of his team’s folder – both for his team members, and members of the other teams (permission "Manage all costs and timers")
There is a possibility to make a person from the client’s team an administrator. All permissions for him can be set by the account owner or account administrator.

Department administrator can:
  • View all tasks with restricted visibility in projects of different teams/folders in which at least one member of his department participates (permission "Allow admin to read private tasks and comments")
  • View projects in which his department participates, even if he himself is not a member of this project (permission "Can see all projects in which his department participate")
  • Create projects in any team or folder. Can create new folders. Can edit/archive projects which he created. Cannot delete projects (permission "Can create projects")
  • Manage members of his department, invite people to his department, add to the projects where he himself or his department participates (permission "Allow admin to manage people")
  • Edit all tasks in which members of his department are authors or responsible. In projects which he created he can edit not only those tasks where he is an author, but also tasks of the members of his team. Can see set timers of the members of his department (permission "Allow admin to edit everything")
  • Add costs on behalf of the members of his team in different projects/folders, as well as edit them. Can see set timers only for the members of his department in the projects of different teams/folders (permission "Manage all costs and timers")

Project manager can:
  • Edit his/ her project
    • Edit tasks, subtasks, and comments of his/ her project
    • Create new employees of the company and appoint employees of the company as project participants (option can be turned on in the account settings)

Common user can:
  • Create tasks in projects he/ she is admitted
  • See tasks, subtasks, and comments
  • Upload files

Guest (user with restricted permissions):
  • View and comment ONLY tasks which he is responsible for or where he is added to those who can see this task. He does not see other project tasks
  • View ONLY those files which were added to HIS tasks
  • Can NOT create tasks (but he can be granted such a permission). 
  • He can NOT view contact details of projects members, only their names.
  • Can view only his reports

Reader (limited role, can not create /edit comment anything):
  • View tasks of the projects to which he was invited
  • Subscribe to tasks and receive notifications
  • Can mention others in tasks/comments using @ sign
  • Can NOT create/edit tasks/comments
  • Can NOT be set as responsible for the tasks
  • Can NOT see the Reports, Calendar and Gantt chart section

  • Does not have access to the system. Later can be invited to the account at any time.
  • Can be added to the task using @mention. Does not receive any notifications.
  • This is pretty much a person's business card. Serves for fast search of contact data required for work.
To assign a role to a user, jump to the "People" section.
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