My Personal menu

What is a Personal Menu?

Per­son­al Menu is a set of drop-down lists in the top right cor­ner of every page. 

Why is it called «per­son­al»? It is because all of its ele­ments per­tain only to you or your work in an account.

  1. Bell — your notifications;
  2. My projects — drop-down list of all the projects that you par­tic­i­pate in;
  3. My tasks — drop-down list of all your tasks; 
  4. My book­marks — tasks that you saved as favorites and saved pages with filters;
  5. Avatar has your notepad, directs you to your pro­file, and also enables you to switch between your accounts (if you have sev­er­al of them).

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My tasks/ Where do I see the list of all the tasks assigned to me?

With this item, you can quick­ly access the list of all the tasks and sub­tasks assigned to you among all active projects.

This is how the My tasks drop-down menu approx­i­mate­ly looks like:

1 — A quick search of the desired task in the list.

2 — Selec­tion of con­ve­nient types of task sort­ing (by pri­or­i­ty, by due date, and by title).

3 — A switch that allows you to view the tasks where you are the author or the executive. 

4 — A list of all your tasks, sort­ed by due date. 2

5 — An option of view­ing this same list on pages that allow obtain­ing the most com­plete and diver­si­fied infor­ma­tion on this set of tasks.
6 — Pan­el with an option of open­ing the list of ele­ments (pre­view in the win­dow or jump direct­ly to the detailed and com­plete task page).

How to take a task off from this list?

In order for a task or sub-task to be gone” from the list of My tasks, it needs to be closed, or respon­si­bil­i­ty for it needs to be trans­ferred to anoth­er person.

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My projects / Quick access to active projects

With the help of this item, you can access all the active projects that you are a part of, and it can be done from any of your account pages. It helps to quick­ly switch between projects with­out the need to return to the Main page.

My projects drop-down list looks approx­i­mate­ly like this:

1 — Form of a Quick Search (rel­e­vant when there are many projects).
2 — List of recent projects, with which you have worked (max­i­mum of five)
3 — Total active projects list (groups are formed from the main companies).
4 — Jump to the archive (if you can­not find your project in the list, check archive).

Please, note! Projects that are par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant for you can be marked with a star, which will facil­i­tate their visu­al search and speed up the switch.
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My favorites / How to save tasks or lists of tasks into bookmarks?

In the upper right cor­ner, there is a menu item where all your book­marks are stored. This may be par­tic­u­lar tasks or list of tasks or reports.
Drop down list Book­marks looks the fol­low­ing way:

1 — Fast search of the desired book­mark in the list.

2 — Selec­tion by the con­ve­nient type of sort­ing for the tasks marked with a star (by pri­or­i­ty, com­ple­tion date, and title).

3 — A list of all account assign­ments that have been marked with a star by you. To remove an item from the list — sim­ply «remove» a star 

4 — A list of account pages you have saved by using marked sam­plings and fil­ters. To delete a saved page, click on the fol­low­ing icon .

5 — But­ton to save any page in your account to your bookmarks.

6 — Set­ting up ways to open tasks with a star (pre­view or tran­si­tion to detailed and com­plete task page).

How to save tasks?

In order to add a task to Book­marks, it needs to be marked with a star. This can be done on a com­mon task list as well as on the detailed page for each task. To do this, sim­ply click on the gray star next to the title.

1 — Click on the grey star next to the name of a task or sub­task it will mark it with an orange star and auto­mat­i­cal­ly add to the drop-down list Book­marks.

2 — Task has already been marked with a star and added to the book­marks. Anoth­er click on the orange star «takes off» the mark and auto­mat­i­cal­ly takes it off from the list of book­marks .

Please, note! Tak­ing off the star can be done not only from the detailed view but also from the drop-down list of tasks with the star

How to save ant dynam­ic task list? 

You can save any dynam­ic tasks list to your favorites. For exam­ple, jump to Tasks and set up a list of tasks, which will start next week. After that, save this list to your favorites, and it will be eas­i­ly acces­si­ble and updat­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly. By the same prin­ci­ple, you can save reports, for exam­ple, you can con­fig­ure and save reports by the com­plet­ed tasks in the past week.

Method №1
Open the con­text menu on the right of the fil­ter pan­el, select «Book­marks», and write the name of a book­mark that is easy to under­stand, and then click «Add»:

Method №2
Expand Book­marks 1 from the per­son­al menu and click on a big star 2 in the bot­tom of the screen. Edit the name of the page to be saved and click «Add»:

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