
About Postman

Post­man – is a tool for devel­op­ing and test­ing API web ser­vices. It allows devel­op­ers to cre­ate, test, doc­u­ment, and com­mu­ni­cate with APIs by send­ing HTTP requests to servers and ana­lyz­ing the responses.
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Import of Worksection collections into Postman

Avail­able Work­sec­tion col­lec­tions

  1. Sign up on the Post­man web­site
  2. Open col­lec­tion link need­ed and click the Run in Post­man but­ton.

After that, the select­ed col­lec­tion will be import­ed into your Post­man

Alter­na­tive­ly, you can down­load the JSON files of these col­lec­tions from our Github and import them into the web or desk­top ver­sions of Postman.
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