
Getting the list of users through API: get_users

Sample get_users request

Returns account users info

Returned data:
  • id — user ID
  • first_name — user first name
  • last_name — user last name
  • name — user first and last name
  • title — user position
  • rate — user rate (if specified)
  • avatar — link to the user avatar image
  • group — team name
  • department — department name
  • role — user role, possible values: owner, account admin, team admin, department admin, user, guest, reader
  • email — user email
  • phone — main phone number (if specified)
  • phone2 — office phone number (if specified)
  • phone3 — mobile phone number (if specified)
  • phone4 — home phone number (if specified)
  • address — address (if specified)
  • address2 — additional address (if specified)

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "id": "USER_ID",
            "first_name": "USER_FIRST_NAME_1",
            "last_name": "USER_LAST_NAME_1",
            "name": "USER_NAME",
            "title": "USER_POSITION", "rate": USER_RATE,
            "avatar": "URL",
            "group": "USER_GROUP",
            "department": "USER_DEPARTMENT",
            "role": "USER_ROLE",
            "email": "USER_EMAIL",
            "phone": "USER_PHONE",
            "phone2": "USER_PHONE_2",
            "phone3": "USER_PHONE_3",
            "address": "USER_ADDRESS",
            "address2": "USER_ADDRESS_2"
            "id": "USER_ID",             "first_name": "USER_FIRST_NAME_2",             "last_name": "USER_LAST_NAME_2", ... ... ...
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Adding a new user to the account through API: add_user

Sample add_user request

Invites new account user
*into your team if group parameter is not specified

Required parameters:
  • email — user email

Optional parameters:
  • first_name — user first name
  • last_name — user last name
  • title — user position
  • group — team name
  • department — department name
  • role — user role, possible values: user, guest and reader

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "id": "USER_ID",
        "first_name": "USER_FIRST_NAME",
        "last_name": "USER_LAST_NAME",
        "name": "USER_NAME",
        "title": "USER_POSITION",
"rate": USER_RATE,
        "avatar": "URL",
        "group": "GROUP_NAME",
        "department": "USER_DEPARTMENT",
        "role": "USER_ROLE",
        "email": "USER_EMAIL"
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Getting the list of user team names through API: get_user_groups

Sample get_user_groups request

Returns account user teams list

Returned data:
  • id — team ID
  • title — team name
  • client — team type:
0 — your company team
1 — external client team

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "id": "GROUP_ID",
            "title": "GROUP_NAME",
            "type": "company",
            "client": 0
            "id": "GROUP_ID",
            "title": "GROUP_NAME",
            "type": "company",
            "client": 1
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Creating a team for account users through API: add_user_group

Sample add_user_group request 

Creates account user team
*if there are no teams with same name

Required parameters:
  • title — team name

Optional parameters:
  • client 1 for an external client team and 0 for your company team

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "id": "GROUP_ID",
        "title": "USER_GROUP_NAME",
        "type": "company",
        "client": 1
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Getting the list of contacts through API: get_contacts

Sample get_contacts request

Returns account contacts info

Returned data of contacts:
  • id — contact ID
  • first_name — first name
  • last_name — last name
  • name — first and last name
  • title — position
  • group — folder name
  • email — contact email
  • phone — main phone number (if specified)
  • phone2 — office phone number (if specified)
  • phone3 — mobile phone number (if specified)
  • phone4 — home phone number (if specified)
  • address — address (if specified)
  • address2 — additional address (if specified)

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "id": "CONTACT_ID",
            "first_name": "CONTACT_FIRST_NAME",
            "last_name": "CONTACT_LAST_NAME",
            "name": "CONTACT_NAME",
            "title": "CONTACT_POSITION",
            "group": "CONTACT_GROUP",
            "email": "CONTACT_EMAIL",
            "phone": "CONTACT_PHONE",
            "phone2": "CONTACT_PHONE_2",
            "phone3": "CONTACT_PHONE_3",
            "phone4": "CONTACT_PHONE_4",
            "address": "CONTACT_ADDRESS",
            "address2": "CONTACT_ADDRESS_2"
        }, { "id": "CONTACT_ID", "first_name": "CONTACT_FIRST_NAME", "last_name": "CONTACT_LAST_NAME", ... ... ... }
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Creating a contact through API: add_contact

Sample add_contact request

Creates new account contact
*no invitation sent

Required parameters:
  • email — contact email
  • name — contact first and last name

Optional parameters of the contact:
  • title — position
  • group — folder name
  • phone — main phone number
  • phone2 — office phone number
  • phone3 — mobile phone number
  • phone4 — home phone number
  • address — address
  • address2 — additional address

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "id": "CONTACT_ID",
        "first_name": "CONTACT_FIRST_NAME",
        "last_name": "CONTACT_LAST_NAME",
        "name": "CONTACT_NAME",
        "title": "CONTACT_POSITION",
        "group": "GROUP_NAME",
        "email": "CONTACT_EMAIL",
        "phone": "CONTACT_PHONE",
        "phone2": "CONTACT_PHONE_2",
        "phone3": "CONTACT_PHONE_3",
        "phone4": "CONTACT_PHONE_4",
        "address": "CONTACT_ADDRESS",
        "address2": "CONTACT_ADDRESS_2"
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Getting the list of contact folder names through API: get_contact_groups

Sample get_contact_groups request

Returns account contact folders list

Returned data:
  • id — folder ID
  • title — folder name
  • type — folder type:
preset — contact folder, created by default
folder — contact folder, created by account user

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "id": "GROUP_ID",
            "title": "GROUP_NAME",
            "type": "preset"
            "id": "GROUP_ID",
            "title": "GROUP_NAME",
            "type": "folder"
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Creating a contact folder through API: add_contact_group

Sample add_contact_group request

Creates account contacts folder
*if there are no folders with same name

Required parameters:
  • title — contacts folder name

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "id": "CONTACT_GROUP_ID",
        "title": "CONTACT_GROUP",
        "type": "folder"
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Subscribing a user to a task through API: subscribe

Sample subscribe request

Subscribes user to selected task
*task subscribers list can be obtained through get_task method with extra=subscribers parameter

Required parameters:
  • id_task — task ID
  • email_user — user email

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status

    "status": "ok"

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Unsubscribing a user from a task through API: unsubscribe

Sample unsubscribe request

Unsubscribes user from selected task
*task subscribers list can be obtained through get_task method with extra=subscribers parameter

Required parameters:
  • id_task — task ID
  • email_user — user email

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status

    "status": "ok"

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Getting the authorized user info through API: me

Sample me request

Returns info about authorized user (oauth2)

method available only for access token

Returned data:
  • id — user ID
  • first_name — user first name
  • last_name — user last name
  • name — user first and last name
  • title — user position
  • avatar — link to the user avatar image
  • group — team name
  • department — department name
  • role — user role, possible values: owner, account admin, team admin, department admin, user, guest, reader
  • email — user email
  • phone — main phone number (if specified)
  • phone2 — office phone number (if specified)
  • phone3 — mobile phone number (if specified)
  • phone4 — home phone number (if specified)
  • address — address (if specified)
  • address2 — additional address (if specified)

Sample JSON response
If the request succeeds, the response will contain ok status and the following data:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "id": "USER_ID",
            "first_name": "USER_FIRST_NAME_1",
            "last_name": "USER_LAST_NAME_1",
            "name": "USER_NAME",
            "title": "USER_POSITION", "rate": USER_RATE,
            "avatar": "URL",
            "group": "USER_GROUP",
            "department": "USER_DEPARTMENT",
            "role": "USER_ROLE",
            "email": "USER_EMAIL",
            "phone": "USER_PHONE",
            "phone2": "USER_PHONE_2",
            "phone3": "USER_PHONE_3",
            "address": "USER_ADDRESS",
            "address2": "USER_ADDRESS_2"
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