
How to synchronize your Worksection calendar with your personal calendar?

If your per­son­al cal­en­dar sup­ports the iCal­en­dar for­mat, syn­chro­niz­ing is easy. Go to the Cal­en­dar page.
Click on the ellip­sis menu and select Syn­chro­nize:
The syn­chro­niza­tion win­dow opens. Select the tasks you want to dis­play in your cal­en­dar, then copy the link from the Cal­en­dar Link field and give it to your per­son­al calendar.

The iCal­en­dar for­mat is sup­port­ed by Google Cal­en­dar, Microsoft Out­look, Apple Cal­en­dar, Mozil­la Cal­en­dar, etc.
If your cal­en­dar does not accept the webcal://” link, replace webcal://” with http://” and try again.

Let’s look at syn­chro­niza­tion with Google Cal­en­dar, for exam­ple.
When you are in your Gmail account, click the Cal­en­dar” link in the top menu. Then move the mouse cur­sor to the plus sign on the left and click on it. Next, in the menu that opens, click Add URL.
In the Add URL” win­dow, paste the link of the Work­sec­tion cal­en­dar into the URL” field and click the Add Cal­en­dar” but­ton. The cal­en­dar will be added.

Note: when you make changes to a task, Google Cal­en­dar will not imme­di­ate­ly reflect these changes in its own cal­en­dar — this is a fea­ture of Google Calendar. 

Sim­i­lar­ly, we can con­nect syn­chro­niza­tion with Apple Cal­en­dar.
Open the cal­en­dar on your iPhone. In the bot­tom menu, click Cal­en­dars — Add Cal­en­dar — Add Sub­scrip­tion Cal­en­dar and add the copied webcal://” link.
Or open the cal­en­dar on your Mac. In the top menu, click File — Add Sub­scrip­tion Cal­en­dar and add the copied webcal://” link.

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