
How to limit the task visibility?

By default, all project par­tic­i­pants (except for the Guest role) will see all tasks and sub­tasks of the project (Guests see only those tasks to which they are sub­scribed or assigned as responsible).

If you need to hide a task or com­ment from some employ­ees, click on the lock” icon and select, for exam­ple, the Cus­tom”

After click­ing, a list of all project par­tic­i­pants will appear.

Select the peo­ple who should see this task and click Update task. 

Note: If you select the check­box in the line with the team name, you will select all mem­bers of this team at once.

The task will con­tain a list of users who can see it.

To restrict the vis­i­bil­i­ty of sev­er­al tasks at once, select them in the task list and click Vis­i­bil­i­ty. Select the nec­es­sary par­tic­i­pants and click Apply.

Please note! The Own­er and Admin­is­tra­tors with the Read priv­et tasks rights have access to all hid­den information.

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If I "hide" a task from the client's team, will clients see its files, comments, and subtasks?

No! Restrict­ing vis­i­bil­i­ty works on the prin­ci­ple of inher­i­tance. If you restrict the vis­i­bil­i­ty of a task to a cer­tain group of par­tic­i­pants, then none of these peo­ple will be able to access the task itself or all of its com­ments, files, and subtasks. 

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If I write a hidden comment and attach a file to it, will this file be visible to everyone?

No! A file attached to a com­ment will get exact­ly the same vis­i­bil­i­ty restric­tions as the com­ment itself.

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Why can't I limit the visibility of a task or subtask to some participants?

When you cre­ate a task or sub­task, you can’t make it invis­i­ble to your­self. You also can’t make a task or sub­task invis­i­ble to the per­son you make respon­si­ble for it. Also, the account admin­is­tra­tor will see the hid­den task, as well as admin­is­tra­tors with the rights to hid­den correspondence”.

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