My profile

Personal settings

All of your per­son­al set­tings are on the pro­file page.

  1. set­ting the inter­face language
  2. set­ting up a dark theme
  3. con­nect social net­works (easy sign-in)
  4. a per­son­al Google Dri­ve connection
  5. Telegram con­nec­tion
  6. Viber con­nec­tion
  7. Mes­sen­ger connection
  8. set­ting up email notifications
  9. push noti­fi­ca­tions settings
  10. set­ting up desk­top notifications
  11. set­ting up sys­tem notifications
  12. set­ting up a digest (dai­ly morn­ing notifications)
  13. jump to the affil­i­ate pro­gram. Do you like us? Rec­om­mend us and get paid for bring­ing us new clients.
  14. delete your profile.
Please, note! If you log in to your Work­sec­tion account every day, you can turn off exter­nal noti­fi­ca­tions com­plete­ly (blocks 5 – 9) or while you are online (block 11).
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How to change contact info or avatar?

To change the pass­word, open the set­tings of your pro­file. To do this, please click on your avatar in the upper right cor­ner 1.

Pro­file Settings

1 — pri­va­cy man­age­ment, vis­i­bil­i­ty of con­tacts and online status
2 — name, your pic­ture, and exist­ing avatar
3 — com­pa­ny, sec­tion, and position
4 — lan­guage, gen­der, birthday
5 — con­tact infor­ma­tion (opens when you click on «+»)

Choos­ing avatar

To select avatars or upload pic­tures, click on the avatar in the cur­rent pro­file. In the win­dow that appears, choose the col­or of your avatar 1, and then one of the 70 unique faces 2. If you want to upload your pho­to, click «Upload new» 3.

Reminder! Do not for­get to click «Save» but­ton to save changes
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How to change my password?

Click on your profile icon at the upper right corner of the screen and click on Profile to open your Profile settings.

Click Change password1 and add the new password2.  
Do not forget to click Save3 to save your changes.

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I forgot my password, what should I do?

If you have for­got­ten your pass­word, don’t wor­ry! The sys­tem has an option to recov­er it. To do this, use the For­got pass­word” link on the account login page.

Enter your email (or copy it from the pre­vi­ous win­dow) and click Send”. A reminder will be sent to your email.

Then fol­low the link sent to you by email by click­ing Con­firm”, enter a new pass­word in the field and click the Set and enter

Impor­tant! If you have not got a pass­word recov­ery email, please check the Spam fold­er and the cor­rect spelling of the email address.

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How to enter your account

There are 2 ways to enter your account:

Method 1

Open the main page of the account (for exam­ple: yourdomain​.worksection​.com), after which you will be auto­mat­i­cal­ly direct­ed to the login page.
Enter your email 1, pass­word 2 and click the Log in” but­ton. You will be logged in.

If you check the Remem­ber” 3 when log­ging in, then in the future (when you open the main page of the project) you will imme­di­ate­ly enter the project, with­out the autho­riza­tion procedure.

Method 2

On almost any page of the work​sec​tion​.com web­site, you can click Login” in the upper right cor­ner. After that, you will be offered an autho­riza­tion form.

Note! What­ev­er way you choose to log in to the account, the lan­guage of the inter­face inside the account will match the lan­guage of the login page.

Can I log in using my Google, Face­book, Twit­ter account or AppleID?

Yes, if you have a Google, Face­book, Twit­ter account or AppleID, you can log in with one click. There is no need to enter your login and pass­word.

Impor­tant! For such autho­riza­tion, your Work­sec­tion account email must match your Google or Face­book email address.

If the email address­es are dif­fer­ent, or you pre­fer to sign in with Twit­ter or AppleID, you can link the account in your pro­file set­tings.
You can enter the pro­file set­tings by click­ing on the avatar in the upper right corner:

In the Pro­file” sec­tion, sim­ply link the accounts. After that, you will no longer need to enter your email and remem­ber your pass­word when log­ging into your Work­sec­tion account.

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