OAuth 2.0

How OAuth 2.0 works

The Work­sec­tion API addi­tion­al­ly uses the OAuth 2.0 pro­to­col for autho­riza­tion. The OAuth 2.0 autho­riza­tion plat­form pro­to­col is described in https://​data​track​er​.ietf​.org/​d​o​c​/​h​t​m​l​/​r​f​c6749

We sup­port the flow of autho­riza­tion code from the OAuth stan­dard.
OAuth 2.0 autho­riza­tion procedure:

Use­ful materials:
  1. SDK library to sim­pli­fy the work with our API.
  2. OAuth 2.0 library for easy work with the Work­sec­tion OAuth 2.0.
  3. Method col­lec­tions in Post­man.

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OAuth 2.0 basic settings

To set up autho­riza­tion, click on your avatar, go to your account set­tings, API section. 

To use OAuth 2.0 autho­riza­tion, you need to reg­is­ter and con­fig­ure the Work­sec­tion API appli­ca­tion. Each appli­ca­tion has its own unique client id and client secret, which will be used in the OAuth stream.

The con­fig­u­ra­tion win­dow of any application: 

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Authorization code OAuth 2.0

To start the authorization process, the user should click on the link in your app, which will direct them to the URL:
The authorization URL must contain the required parameters:

client_id, received when creating the application.
Customize the response, return the authorization code. Always specify code.
URI where the response will be redirected. The URI must meet the requirements of the OAuth2 standard and use the HTTPS protocol.
A random text string that will be included in the response to your application at the end of the OAuth stream. The main purpose is to prevent CSRF requests from being spoofed.
OAuth permissions help you fine-tune which data in the Worksection your application will have access to. This parameter is transferred in the form of strings separated by a space or comma. List of available scopes: projects_read, projects_write, tasks_read, tasks_write, costs_read, costs_write, tags_read, tags_write, comments_read, comments_write, files_read, files_write, users_read, users_write,contacts_read, contacts_write, administrative.

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Authorization code processing OAuth 2.0

After click­ing on the autho­riza­tion URL at the first stage, the user is redi­rect­ed to the Work­sec­tion login page if they have not yet logged in: 

or to the user selec­tion page if the user has already been authorized: 

After suc­cess­ful autho­riza­tion, the user is redi­rect­ed to the access con­fir­ma­tion page:

If the user grant­ed access on the approval page, they will be redi­rect­ed to redirect_​uri with the code para­me­ter.
Please note that the autho­riza­tion code is valid for 10 minutes.

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Access token OAuth 2.0

Access data can be obtained by making a POST request to the URL of the token with the authorization code:
The POST request must contain the required parameters:

client_id, received when creating the application.
client_secret, received when creating the application.
Always specify the authorization_code.
The authorization code you received in the previous step.
URI where the response will be redirected. The URI must meet the requirements of the OAuth2 standard and use the HTTPS protocol.

CURL example:

curl -X POST -d "client_id=<client_id>&client_secret=<client_secret>&grant_type=authorization_code&code=<authorization_code>&redirect_uri=<redirect_uri>" 
Example response:

    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 86400,
    "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJh...",
    "refresh_token": "def502005534a202e9e8effa05cdbad564015604f34...", "account_url": ""
The received access_token and refresh_token will be used in subsequent requests to access the API and update the access_token. The access_token is valid for 24 hours, the refresh_token is valid for 1 month.

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Using an access token OAuth 2.0

Each request to the API via OAuth2 protocol must be made over HTTPS with an access token, which must be passed in the authorization header or in the access_token parameter. For all requests, you need to use the basic URL:
For example, using the get_tasks API method to get the tasks of a particular project:

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <token_value>"
You will get a response similar to:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "name": "T0",
            "page": "/project/193/13036/",
            "status": null,
            "priority": "1",
            "user_from": "Marcus Wright",
            "user_to": "Marcus Wright",
            "from_me": 0,
            "to_me": 0,
            "date_added": "2023-03-10 16:41",
            "date_start": "2023-03-15",
            "date_end": "2023-03-23",
            "child": [
                    "name": "T0.1",
                    "page": "/project/193/13036/13037/",
                    "status": null,
                    "priority": "1",
                    "user_from": "Marcus Wright",
                    "user_to": "Marcus Wright",
                    "from_me": 0,
                    "to_me": 0,
                    "date_added": "2023-03-10 16:41"
Each access token is valid for 24 hours. Then you need to refresh it with refresh_token or get a new one.

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Access token update OAuth 2.0

Once the access token becomes invalid, it needs to be refreshed. You can do this by using the refresh_token (obtained in the /oauth2/token method) and sending a POST request to the following URL:
The POST request must contain the required parameters:

client_idreceived when creating the application.
client_secretreceived when creating the application.
Always specify the value of refresh_token.
The refresh token that was received in the /oauth2/token method.

CURL example:

curl -X POST -d
Example response:

    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 86400,
    "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1...",
    "refresh_token": "def50200365724c970b6cea5eeecfed28...", "account_url": ""
The refresh request returns a new access token and a refresh token, which will invalidate the old tokens.

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Getting information about OAuth 2.0 user

You can also use the access_token to get more information about the user, if necessary. You need to send a POST request to the URL:
The POST request must contain the required parameters:

client_id, received when creating the application.
client_secret, received when creating the application.
The access token that was obtained in the /oauth2/token method.

CURL example:

curl -X POST -d
Example response:

"id": "11",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"email": "[email protected]", "account_url": ""

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