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WS 3.0: White interface & three new reactions

What’s up, friends?!
We are hap­py to intro­duce an updat­ed inter­face and mul­ti­ple user and func­tion­al improve­ments. New design is already in your accounts!

Let’s try to pre­dict top 5 ques­tions of the first encounter with the redesign and answer them

1. Why did you do that? 

We’ve dis­cov­ered that bulky float­ing head­er with mul­ti­ple UX prob­lems can no longer be sat­is­fy­ing: nei­ther visu­al­ly nor tech­ni­cal­ly. More­over, it does not allow to ful­fill all of our ideas. Many years it served us faith­ful­ly, but it is time to move on.

  • We opti­mized the lay­out of infor­ma­tion and decreased the over­all height approx­i­mate­ly twofold, which enables us to stay away from trans­for­ma­tions and fix­ate the head­er on all the pages
  • We bid farewell to the blue col­or giv­ing pref­er­ence to con­trast­ing ele­ments on the white background
  • Redesigned the icons
  • Com­bined Cre­ate Project /​Task /​Invitation but­tons in one
  • Imple­ment­ed the search and result out­put on all lists in one spot (projects + archive + tasks + done + peo­ple + bookmarks)

Now every­thing is easy and in con­trast,
reserved and functional

2. Where’s the account section?

  • Access to the Account sec­tions is in the drop-down menu ()
    right behind the name of your company
  • Peo­ple Sec­tion moved to the Calendar
  • Cre­at­ing new project is now pos­si­ble from two places

Besides, access to the Account sec­tion now appears next to your Pro­file 1,
and right next to it there is a switch to your oth­er account (pro­vid­ed you have sev­er­al) 2.

Please, note that in the top right-hand cor­ner, in the place of the ham­burg­er menu, is your avatar. Func­tion­al­i­ty remains the same.

3. Where is my logo?

When work­ing on the head­er redesign, we had to change the for­mat of the uploaded logos. If ear­li­er there was an option to use rec­tan­gu­lar pic­tures with the 3:1 ratio, then now it has to be plus-minus square with the 1:1 ration. If your logo was not of square shape, then, unfor­tu­nate­ly, it will no longer be reflect­ed with­in the account; how­ev­er, it will still remain the same on the login page till you down­load the new ver­sion. We tru­ly hope that you will for­give us for any incon­ve­niences it may cause. We will ensure not to do any­thing like that in the future.

Min­i­mum rec­om­mend­ed size of the com­pa­ny icon to be uploaded or the icon of the group of projects — 96×96 px. This is the size that will be used on Reti­na dis­plays, and for reg­u­lar dis­plays — it will show its min­i­mized ver­sion of 48×48 px.

Advice the uploaded icon should not con­tain the name of your com­pa­ny because the name from the Account Set­tings” is now always reflect­ed and can­not be hid­den as earlier.

Upload of the new icon of the com­pa­ny is now pos­si­ble by using the drag-&-drop fea­tures. Again, accept our apolo­gies

4. Where is the Cre­ate new project” button?

The com­bined Cre­ate” but­ton is now a big green plus in the top right part of the page.

With the help of just one but­ton, you can cre­ate any­thing you want includ­ing sub­tasks. 

Advice if you wish to cre­ate tasks skip­ping the drop-down menu of options just use dou­ble click.

5. Is there any­thing that I reaaaaal­ly need?

Absolute­ly! We added three new reac­tions: Par­ty, Medal, Sad face ;-)

One more thing — we no longer remove emo­ji from task descrip­tion texts and com­ments. You can eas­i­ly use emo­ji key­board on your Android and iOS devices. And, pro­vid­ed you have a plug-in for the brows­er (for exam­ple, the one like emo­jione) —you will be able to see oth­ers and use your own emo­ji when work­ing from lap­top or a PC.

Dear friends, this is all we have for you for today. We hope you will quick­ly adapt and new inter­face will help you to work faster and a lot more pro­duc­tive.

Oth­er updates which we will be cov­ered in the series of next blog posts:

  1. Com­bined but­ton of Cre­ate, Tasks, Invi­ta­tions — Green Plus
  2. Search of all the ele­ments of the lists My menu and others
  3. Translit­er­a­tion of the search entries
  4. Quick adding of sub­tasks in one click”
  5. Mark­down markup in the quick form of commenting
  6. Min­i­miza­tion and asyn­chro­nous spin of the right column
  7. Cor­rect flip and mea­sure­ment of the photos
  8. Updat­ed view of the Files sec­tion by the list
  9. New page — all files of the task
  10. Restric­tion on the num­ber of the dis­played data
  11. Change of the project and lev­el of nest­ing at task setting
  12. Addi­tion­al upload of new com­ments, check­lists, and emo­tions to the feed
  13. Inte­gra­tion with Telegram

p.s. num­ber 13 will be avail­able for your read­ing plea­sure in our blog on Halloween

Have a pro­duc­tive worktime,
Work­sec­tion team

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