Hello friends! As you know, we are working on a release of a mobile application. In order to make your awaiting less tormenting, we are offering a small but useful functionality update.
Events in the comment feed section of a task
Now, all important events related to the process of working on a task are displayed in the comment feed section. Change of dates and priorities along with the change of executive and reassigned markings — this all is now wedged into the general chronology.
A record of an event is visible to all the participants of a task but the project manager has the option to remove certain events from the feed1. Additionally, now there is a way to undo the last event in the series of the same type. For example, a person responsible for the task has marked a completed task as «Resolved»; however, the project manager did not accept it and simply returned the project to its original status2.

If for any reasons the events in the feed section bother you, you can easily remove them at one fell swoop through the new menu.

You can also restore the display of all the previously hidden events or go to the full log of the task (this section is only for admins).
Note! Log events are tracked from the moment of your account’s functionality updates; thus, you won’t be able to see old events.
History of project events
This page is only available to the project manager and account’s administrator. Task section displays only the most important events; but on this page, absolutely all operations with the task from the moment of its beginning to deletion are displayed. Access to this page is possible both from the drop-down menu in the comment feed and from the Project Overview page.

There is no way to delete events from the project’s history, as a result, no action will be left non-registered or non-documented. Also, it is not possible to hide any action from a project manager or an administrator.
This is how Project’s event history looks like:

For a quick and easy search, you can access filter for each event type, author and task (click on the funnel). If you’re looking for an event knowing its approximate date — use the time range.
Improved work with files
Now all text fields for comments and task descriptions expand automatically with the increase of text.
Also, the area in which you can drag and drop files is enlarged. In the case of texts — it is the whole area of commenting or task description. In the files section, it is the entire browser window. You no longer need to aim trying to get a file into a narrow strip.

Inserting images from clipboard
For users of the ’normal’ browsers now there is a way to insert images into the text directly from the clipboard. It’s incredibly handy feature that will save you a lot of time. Insert images directly from Photoshop, or simply take screen captures.
Users of OS X should note:
- Command-Control-Shift-3 — screenshot of your entire screen into the clipboard
- Command-Control-Shift-4 — screenshot of a chosen area into the clipboard
- Command-Control-Shift-4 + пробел — screenshot of a chosen window into the clipboard
Images inserted into a comment will be attached to a message, and the place of its insertion will contain a link to view it.

Each insertion is assigned a unique serial number that will allow you to easily find them later in the Files section. In addition, any reference in the text names of files attached to it would be «linked» in the same manner.
External links to pictures and videos
We have noticed that many of our customers use such services as Joxi and Clip2net, leaving external links in comments. Now, these screenshots can be seen without leaving Worksection.
Similarly, all the other links to images can be opened now within Worksection website.
We have also thought about videos! Now video links from YouTube or Vimeo can be watched without leaving a page.
Small betterments of Gantt
In response to numerous demands, the Gantt chart has task sorting option now. This makes it easier to plan the newly created tasks. There is also a way now to expand the field of the task names.

This is all for now, dear friends.
Good luck in your endeavors!
Worksection team