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Thumbnail Images for Kanban and Task List

Hel­lo everyone!

You have been ask­ing for it, and we did it! New func­tion­al­i­ty for tasks is now available.

Some­times the titles are too com­pli­cat­ed to con­vey the essence of the tasks. The title line can stretch to such a length that it becomes sim­ply uncom­fort­able to work with it. In order to find a spe­cif­ic task, you have to read through a large list of such com­pli­cat­ed names. Tags or our cus­tomiz­able fil­ters some­times help to find it easier.

When it comes to work­ing with graph­ic con­tent, the name of the task in most cas­es reflects what needs to be done with the con­tent. How­ev­er, with a large num­ber of tasks, in order to find a spe­cif­ic image, each of the tasks must be opened and reviewed.

In this case, a thumb­nail of a pic­ture added to the task title makes it eas­i­er to per­ceive infor­ma­tion visu­al­ly and find the nec­es­sary task faster.
For exam­ple, the task to pre­pare a pack design is eas­i­er to per­ceive when we see a ref­er­ence or a draft artwork.
For com­pa­nies that work with a lot of visu­al con­tent, this is even more rel­e­vant. For exam­ple, with the help of Kan­ban boards it is pos­si­ble to quick­ly assess at which stage the task with this image is, with­out open­ing it.

new thumb­nails dis­play on Kan­ban boards:

new Thumb­nails dis­play in Task lists:

Who will ben­e­fit from it

  • Users who per­ceive infor­ma­tion visually;
  • Design­ers, Illus­tra­tors and oth­er com­pa­nies large­ly han­dling graph­i­cal content.

How to select tasks thumbnails

  • Pri­mar­i­ly, open the task 1

  • Select the need­ed image 2 from those already uploaded into the task.
  • Pin the image by click­ing the icon 3.

Below you can see what thumb­nails look like on Kan­ban boards and in the Task List.

Thumb­nail images will facil­i­tate your nav­i­ga­tion through the Task List and Kan­ban board, for you to faster eval­u­ate the cur­rent sta­tus of the task han­dling an image.

We do our best to improve the prod­uct, and we lis­ten out for our users’ opinion. 

Suc­ceed in your work!
Work­sec­tion Team

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