•     •   3 min read

Recurring tasks

Hel­lo friends! Sure­ly many of you have some recur­ring tasks that need to be done again and again. It can be sta­tis­tics gath­er­ing on Fri­days, month­ly tax pay­ment or deliv­er­ing reports quar­ter­ly. From now on you only need to cre­ate a task once and set its rep­e­ti­tion peri­od with restric­tions on the num­ber of repetitions.

So, in order to make any task or sub­task a recur­ring one, choose the option Repeat” in the drop­down menu of the task.

Enter a name of the task (you can add date and a ser­i­al num­ber to the name, but we will get to that a lit­tle lat­er)

Select the rep­e­ti­tion peri­od: every X days, every X week on select­ed days of the week or every X month on select­ed days of the month. If nec­es­sary, set lim­its on the num­ber of rep­e­ti­tions or date range.

After sav­ing the sys­tem will show you when the next task will be cre­at­ed based on the giv­en tem­plate and what it will be called. If you need to repeat the task today — the sys­tem will cre­ate a copy right away.

The next task will get its name from the tem­plate, the main text of the task, its tags and sub­scribers as well as time and finan­cial con­straints. If the main task had the sched­uled term spec­i­fied, then the same num­ber of days will be applied to the new task.

Noti­fi­ca­tions are sent at the time of repetition.

Note: Sys­tem remem­bers the date and the name of the task when Repeat” option is acti­vat­ed. If you made adjust­ments that should have affect­ed all future issues, then go to the rep­e­ti­tion set­tings again and save it.

Recur­ring tasks are marked with a spe­cial icon

You can find more details about rep­e­ti­tion in the task itself

Let’s try to answer your ques­tions right away

When the planned tasks are created?

The next task is cre­at­ed after the main task is closed. If the task is not closed and the date of the next rep­e­ti­tion has not come yet, then this task will be cre­at­ed on the sched­uled day at 8 a.m. of main com­pa­ny’s indi­cat­ed time zone and before dai­ly noti­fi­ca­tions are sent. If you need to cre­ate a task ear­li­er — use cre­ate now” func­tion on the task page.

Can I delete a recur­ring task? 

A recur­ring task is a last task from the list of all cre­at­ed tasks. You can delete all the pre­vi­ous tasks and that will not affect the cycle of rep­e­ti­tion. If you delete the last task marked with an icon, then there will be no more repetitions.

What are the tem­plates of the name and how to set them? 

Tem­plates allow to add date and/​an index num­ber to the name of the cre­at­ed tasks.

In order to add an index num­ber, choose %n tem­plate. If it is nec­es­sary for the num­ber to con­tain num­bers 2 or 3, indi­cate %nn and %nnn respec­tive­ly. Numer­a­tion starts with 1, but you can shift it adding a num­ber to the tem­plate, for exam­ple %n+10.

In order to add date, month, year or quar­ter to the tem­plate — write text in one word %dmy with any com­bi­na­tion of let­ters d, D, m, M, q, Q, y, Y, where:

d- day of the month 1 – 31

D- day of the month includ­ing zero 01 – 31

m — num­ber of a month with a zero 01 – 12

M — name of the month (depends on the basic lan­guage of the account)

q — year’s quar­ter (I, II, IIIIV)

Q — years quar­ter with the word quar­ter” included

y — year in 2 digits

Y — year in 4 digits

Thus, if today is Feb­ru­ary, 25 — then text 25.02.13” cor­re­sponds to the tem­plate %dmy, where %dM — Feb­ru­ary, 25, %MY — Feb­ru­ary 2013 (for month­ly tax pay­ments), %QY — I quar­ter 2013 (for instance, to deliv­er reports to the tax insti­tu­tion once in 3 months)

Besides that, you can indi­cate the pre­vi­ous or the future date in the tem­plate. Thus, tem­plate %dmy‑1 cor­re­sponds to the yes­ter­day’s date, %M+1 — to the name of the fol­low­ing month, а %QY2 — to the quar­ter before the last one.

For exam­ple, cre­ate a quar­ter­ly task for the 10th day of every 3rd month con­cern­ing the tax pay­ment for the pre­vi­ous quar­ter using the tem­plate Pay tax %dM for %QY1» and the sys­tem will cre­ate tasks Pay tax on April, 10 for I quar­ter”, Pay tax on July, 10 for II quar­ter” etc.

Good luck!
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