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How to organize the production of souvenirs from design to realization in Worksection – ORNER

Elena Sidenko
ORNER has been oper­at­ing in the Ukrain­ian mar­ket for 11 years and has a team of 40 spe­cial­ists. These are design­ers, mar­keters, logis­tics, accoun­tants and oth­er departments. 

The com­pa­ny is con­stant­ly grow­ing and try­ing out new direc­tions. The pace of devel­op­ment has shaped the com­pa­ny’s need to trans­par­ent­ly man­age var­i­ous process­es. ORNER imple­ment­ed Work­sec­tion to main­tain con­trol and scale the busi­ness with­out chaos.

About the company

ORNER is a Ukrain­ian brand that devel­ops and pro­duces qual­i­ty gifts at afford­able prices. The com­pa­ny’s prod­ucts include table­ware, sta­tionery, board games, tex­tiles, etc. The brand coop­er­ates only with Ukrain­ian man­u­fac­tur­ers and con­trols every stage of the pro­duc­tion process, from the idea to the fin­ished product.

The team of 40 spe­cial­ists suc­cess­ful­ly process­es 100,000 orders a year, cre­at­ing new designs and con­stant­ly test­ing new formats.


ORNER used Trel­lo before it start­ed work­ing with Work­sec­tion. After a while, the tool no longer met the com­pa­ny’s needs. Tasks accu­mu­lat­ed in the form of lists, and it was dif­fi­cult to track changes.

Trel­lo is more like a note­book for tasks, and we need­ed a tool with advanced func­tion­al­i­ty to sys­tem­atize them”, — Ole­na Sidenko, Art Direc­tor at ORNER

In addi­tion to chaot­ic task man­age­ment, there were dif­fi­cul­ties with file stor­age and shar­ing. It was impos­si­ble to upload large doc­u­ments, which cre­at­ed prob­lems for design­ers, mar­keters, and oth­er teams. 

Approv­ing lay­outs, cre­at­ing col­lat­er­al and tech­ni­cal spec­i­fi­ca­tions requires con­stant access to the lat­est ver­sions of doc­u­ments. But because of Trel­lo’s lim­i­ta­tions, impor­tant infor­ma­tion was often lost.

These chal­lenges cre­at­ed a need for a plat­form that would sys­tem­atize task man­age­ment and pro­vide con­ve­nient file man­age­ment in a sin­gle system.

Client chal­lenges

New sys­tem implementation

Prob­lem: Switch­ing from Trel­lo to Work­sec­tion required learn­ing a new tool along with revis­ing estab­lished work­flows. As Trel­lo had become part of the dai­ly rou­tine, these changes caused resis­tance from the team and required time to adapt. 

Solu­tion: The com­pa­ny paid spe­cial atten­tion to the adap­ta­tion process. Each employ­ee was giv­en enough time to mas­ter Work­sec­tion with­out unnec­es­sary pressure.

I’m sure that changes should hap­pen organ­i­cal­ly, oth­er­wise they don’t stick for long”, – Ole­na Sidenko, Art Direc­tor at ORNER

The com­pa­ny appoint­ed a respon­si­ble per­son to man­age the imple­men­ta­tion process to switch to Work­sec­tion. Con­sul­ta­tions with the Work­sec­tion man­ag­er helped to dive deep­er into the sys­tem and under­stand how to bet­ter cus­tomize the tool to the needs of the team.

Work­sec­tion offers a con­ve­nient way to migrate from Trel­lo thanks to the auto­mat­ic data import fea­ture. In just a few min­utes, you’ll be able to trans­fer all your tasks and projects.

Now the com­pa­ny has cre­at­ed sep­a­rate projects in Work­sec­tion for each busi­ness area. Tasks are divid­ed into cat­e­gories, such as cur­rent, new ideas, and pending.

Uni­fy­ing work tools

The prob­lem: Tasks were set via email or mes­sen­gers, sick leave and vaca­tion were not­ed in a sep­a­rate ser­vice, and work files were stored in dif­fer­ent tools. This com­pli­cat­ed the man­age­ment process due to the need for con­stant rec­on­cil­i­a­tion between tools.

Solu­tion: Work­sec­tion uni­fied all process­es in one sys­tem, sim­pli­fy­ing task man­age­ment and file sharing.

The func­tion­al­i­ty of employ­ee sched­ules allows see­ing who from the team is on vaca­tion or on sick leave. This made pos­si­ble to aban­don oth­er tools for con­trol­ling employ­ees’ days off.

The func­tion of mark­ing vaca­tions and sick leave is great. It’s con­ve­nient to enter a task and see if the per­son in charge is on vaca­tion or sick”, – Ole­na Sidenko, Art Direc­tor at ORNER

Work struc­tur­ing

Prob­lem: The lack of a mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem made it dif­fi­cult to meet dead­lines. It was dif­fi­cult to coor­di­nate many tasks with dif­fer­ent sta­tus­es and pri­or­i­ties. As a result, tasks were delayed at cer­tain stages.

Solu­tion: The use of cus­tom sta­tus­es helped to sys­tem­atize work­flows and respond quick­ly to prob­lem­at­ic stages. Addi­tion­al­ly, the team appoint­ed a respon­si­ble per­son to mon­i­tor updates and dead­lines in Worksection. 

This sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced the risk of miss­ing dead­lines and improved process con­ti­nu­ity. This approach increased the pre­dictabil­i­ty of tasks and min­i­mized time lost due to incon­sis­ten­cies in the team.

Work­load con­trol and planning

Prob­lem: Lack of accu­rate data on time spent on tasks led to inac­cu­ra­cies in work­load plan­ning. Dead­lines were set rough­ly, and uneven work­loads were stress­ful for the team.

Solu­tion: Imple­ment­ing a time track­er allowed the team to objec­tive­ly mea­sure time spent on tasks. This helped to plan dead­lines more accu­rate­ly and avoid over­load­ing the team.

It is impor­tant to be able to iden­ti­fy the moment when changes no longer improve the result. Thanks to the time track­er, you can see how much time is spent on each stage and whether it is worth spend­ing more resources on it”, – Ole­na Sidenko, Art Direc­tor at ORNER.
The trans­par­ent report­ing sys­tem pro­vid­ed real data for ana­lyz­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and prop­er­ly plan­ning future projects. Under­stand­ing the team’s work­load helped to allo­cate resources effi­cient­ly, opti­mize work­flows, and reduce the risk of miss­ing deadlines.

Lots of noti­fi­ca­tions and updates 

The prob­lem: Task update noti­fi­ca­tions were being sent to work emails, caus­ing con­fu­sion and clog­ging inbox­es. As a result, impor­tant mes­sages were lost in the shuf­fle and the team could miss crit­i­cal updates.

Solu­tion: Work­sec­tion’s inte­gra­tion with Telegram allowed the team to receive noti­fi­ca­tions in a con­ve­nient for­mat and respond quick­ly to changes. It sim­pli­fied com­mu­ni­ca­tion between task par­tic­i­pants and elim­i­nat­ed the need to cre­ate sep­a­rate chats for discussions. 

The inte­gra­tion of Work­sec­tion with Telegram has made our work much eas­i­er. All noti­fi­ca­tions are always at our fin­ger­tips, and we can instant­ly see updates on tasks”, said Ole­na Sidenko, Art Direc­tor at ORNER.
The mobile ver­sion of Work­sec­tion pro­vides instant access to updates, which is espe­cial­ly impor­tant for quick reviews and approvals.

Each task in Work­sec­tion is a sep­a­rate fold­er with all the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion. You can go back to a task in a few months and under­stand who was respon­si­ble for what and at what stage there were delays”, – Ole­na Sidenko, Art Direc­tor at ORNER

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