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Volta One: The Power of Worksection Is in Flexible Customization

Roman Slipchenko

About Vol­ta One:

  • Dig­i­tal agency;
  • 30 per­sons in the team;
  • 3 years in the market;
  • Work­sec­tion has been used since the company’s outset.
  • Clients: Uber, L’Oreal, Gar­nier, AB InBev, KFC etc.

Why Work­sec­tion

Vol­ta One has been oper­at­ing for 3 years already. We pro­vide ser­vices in Dig­i­tal Pro­duc­tion and social media mar­ket­ing. We main­ly coop­er­ate with cor­po­rate clients — Uber, AB InBev, L’Oreal and their brands, such as Bud, Staro­pra­men, May­belline New York etc. We also han­dle star­tups spread­ing their prod­ucts to the inter­na­tion­al market.

The prob­lem of most task man­agers is that they are tai­lored for IT com­pa­nies, being bad­ly adjust­ed for the day-to-day real­i­ties of a dig­i­tal agency.

The issue of arrang­ing the work process arose from the very first day of the company’s exis­tence. We tried Trel­lo, Asana and oth­er task man­agers. The prob­lem of such sys­tems is that they are bad­ly adjust­ed for the day-to-day real­i­ties of a dig­i­tal agency. Most of them are tai­lored for IT сom­pa­nies with spe­cif­ic inter­nal processes.

Worksection’s ben­e­fit is the pos­si­bil­i­ty to con­fig­ure the work for your needs.

How we launched it

Of course, we were assist­ed in adopt­ing Work­sec­tion: we got advice, expla­na­tions and train­ing. It is essen­tial that the prod­uct devel­op­ers con­sult their clients, hear them and help to find answers to ques­tions which may arise in work. Such per­son­al sup­port is very important. 

Now Work­sec­tion is the basic tool of the company’s oper­a­tional activ­i­ties. In Work­sec­tion, we set tasks, plan projects, cal­cu­late the time con­sumed. Each team mem­ber ask­ing what am I to do today?” finds an answer in Worksection.

With­out this sys­tem, the com­pa­ny would con­tin­ue to work, but it would require much more resources for day-to-day man­age­ment. We would need to employ peo­ple to com­pen­sate for the func­tion cur­rent­ly ful­filled by Work­sec­tion, or hang boards out­writ­ten with tasks round the office.

Now Work­sec­tion is the main tool in the company’s oper­a­tional activities

What we use

We use almost all func­tion­al­i­ty of Work­sec­tion, except for stor­ing files. The project man­agers use the Gantt chart . It enables them to plan the company’s resources flex­i­bly, to under­stand the way projects link up, to make sure they do not overlap.

Gantt chart in Worksection
We had exper­i­ments of con­nect­ing clients to Work­sec­tion, but it did not take roots. In our case, the account man­ag­er con­veys to the client what is needed.

The main reports used by us cov­er the time con­sumed and its dis­tri­b­u­tion by projects. Thus, we
eval­u­ate the per­for­mance of the whole com­pa­ny and of each employee.

Reports in Worksection

The way we use it

At first, we used Work­sec­tion in the way it had been con­ceived by the devel­op­ers, pur­suant to its authors’ advice. Not every­thing ran smooth­ly. It was dif­fi­cult to man­age such large range of tasks, and we could han­dle 20 – 30 projects simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. We need­ed to con­trol them con­tin­u­ous­ly at all lev­els – top man­age­ment, mid­dle man­age­ment and executors.

When Work­sec­tion kan­ban was intro­duced, these prob­lems got solved. We could ful­ly rep­re­sent the company’s man­age­ment struc­ture, as well as the struc­ture of han­dling projects. Kan­ban” enabled each group to obtain what was needed.

At a cer­tain moment, we real­ized that the pow­er of this tool is cus­tomiza­tion, and we decid­ed to mod­i­fy Work­sec­tion to fit our needs.

Cus­tom version

Our first and non-obvi­ous solu­tion was to opt out of han­dling projects in the Projects” sec­tion. Our typ­i­cal project takes the form of a task with subtasks.

We divide our projects into exter­nal and inter­nal ones. The basic view used by us is kan­ban”
with a pre-built work­flow, sta­tus­es and labels guid­ing the project. Each board rep­re­sents a
depart­ment con­sist­ing of design­ers, copy­writ­ers, devel­op­ers and mar­ket­ing man­agers. There are
also boards relat­ed to the project sta­tus, such as doc­u­ments” and gen­er­al reg­is­ter of projects”.

Each our project starts out in the Upcom­ing sec­tion. We plan it and real­ize the way it is to take off, the way to han­dle it. Then the project gets into the board of the respec­tive depart­ment. The project man­ag­er is respon­si­ble for every­thing going on with­in the project. He views all tasks, their sequence and coher­ence, as well as dead­lines and pri­or­i­ties for end users. The end execu­tors, in turn, see their load and pri­or­i­ties of tasks by sim­ply click­ing on their pho­tos. The top man­age­ment can also mon­i­tor all projects.

What is con­ve­nient in such sys­tem? Each employ­ee of the com­pa­ny under­stands what he/​she is to do now and any­time soon. The execu­tor can obtain tasks from dif­fer­ent project man­agers, and he also coor­di­nates pri­or­i­ties in task exe­cu­tion with the PMs. At our week­ly meet­ings, we set glob­al priorities.

Sta­tus­es and labels

We devel­oped sta­tus­es for the process­es which real­ly take place in our com­pa­ny. For instance, the video pro­duc­tion depart­ment has its own work process­es and labels. They may cus­tomize the work­flow for them­selves”, to fit it into their real­i­ty. This is a unique inher­ent fea­ture of Work­sec­tion which we have not seen in oth­er systems. 

Labels in Worksection
  1. Labels are an impor­tant aspect of Worksection’s func­tion­al pos­si­bil­i­ties. They help to iden­ti­fy the project type.
  2. You may also use labels to indi­cate the task status.

Work­sec­tion will fit all types of busi­ness­es where
peo­ple are the main resource

Tai­lored for Digital

Our work mod­el in Work­sec­tion might be used in any dig­i­tal agency which han­dles a lot of projects. If sev­er­al dozens of projects – inter­nal, exter­nal, sus­pend­ed or per­haps pend­ing — it is very dif­fi­cult to man­age them. It is even impos­si­ble to eval­u­ate what is going on.

We can han­dle about 20 projects simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. Due to Work­sec­tion, four project man­agers cope with such scope. Work­sec­tion will fit all types of busi­ness­es where peo­ple are the main resource. These are pro­duc­tion com­pa­nies, dig­i­tal agen­cies, archi­tec­tur­al bureaus perhaps.

To man­age projects and peo­ple effi­cient­ly, a prop­er tool is need­ed. Work­sec­tion is just such sort of a tool.

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