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Miller: How Lawyers Migrated from Bitrix24 in Two Weeks

Oleksii Nosov
Partner, head of criminal law and white-collar crime departments
Olek­sii Nosov, a part­ner at the Miller law firm, told us about the specifics of the law fir­m’s work, the ben­e­fits of using Work­sec­tion for their work­flows, and how they man­aged to migrate from Bitrix24

Quick ref­er­ence:

Miller is a Ukrain­ian law firm that oper­ates in the fol­low­ing areas: crim­i­nal prac­tice, eco­nom­ic and ser­vice crimes prac­tice, lit­i­ga­tion prac­tice, and busi­ness pro­tec­tion practice.

Migra­tion in two weeks…

Before the full-scale inva­sion, we were using Bitrix24. How­ev­er, after the events of Feb­ru­ary 24, we decid­ed to rad­i­cal­ly change the sys­tem, because of its Russ­ian ori­gin. That’s when we found Work­sec­tion. Migrat­ing the entire team from a sys­tem that had been used for sev­er­al years was a sig­nif­i­cant stress, as any man­ag­er would know, but there were no prob­lems with Work­sec­tion. We migrat­ed with the team, which at that time con­sist­ed of 24 peo­ple, in just two weeks. It also helped that Work­sec­tion has a con­ve­nient import fea­ture for all tasks and contacts.

Start­ing from June 1, the russ­ian ser­vice Bitrix24 ceas­es its oper­a­tion in Ukraine. Our team has designed a con­ve­nient migra­tion of your data to Work­sec­tion so that you can quick­ly resume work with­out los­ing time and data. We will advise you on all issues and help you with the transition.

How exact­ly does Work­sec­tion help your team?

We track cas­es in the sys­tem, mon­i­tor them and han­dle billing. Our lawyers work on an hourly basis, so it is very impor­tant for us to track the time and work of each employ­ee, since our lawyers have high hourly rates. Pre­vi­ous­ly we did it using timesheets, but this is extreme­ly incon­ve­nient. If you have ever tried to track time in timesheets, you know what I mean. In Work­sec­tion, we have the option to add time to tasks and a time track­er that helps to fix the hourly pay­ment direct­ly with­in the task, which is very con­ve­nient for both report­ing and clients.

What is the great­est val­ue for you as a legal company?

The nature of legal work is that you need to see the his­to­ry of cas­es. Cur­rent­ly, the com­pa­ny has 34 employ­ees and it is nec­es­sary to see every­one’s tasks, dead­lines, what has been accom­plished and what is planned. Work­sec­tion deals with these issues: we can mon­i­tor projects, tasks, work­loads among employ­ees, and get reports on the time spent.
Com­mu­ni­ca­tion on a case is very con­ve­nient because it is con­tex­tu­al and is con­duct­ed not in sep­a­rate work chats, but direct­ly in the task. This way, even new employ­ees can sim­ply enter the task and imme­di­ate­ly under­stand what was hap­pen­ing and start execution.

In our com­pa­ny we have sev­er­al areas of activ­i­ty. With the help of a con­ve­nient time track­ing in Work­sec­tion, we under­stand in which direc­tion we invest our time and which area is more prof­itable for us. This gives us an under­stand­ing of which direc­tion needs developing. 

Each lawyer in Work­sec­tion sees only the projects relat­ed to his spe­cif­ic area. How­ev­er, there are cas­es when the ques­tion con­cerns dif­fer­ent areas of law. There­fore, we have over­lap­ping projects where sev­er­al prac­tices col­lab­o­rate. For such cas­es, in Work­sec­tion we can con­fig­ure the vis­i­bil­i­ty of projects, par­tic­i­pants, col­lab­o­ra­tors and view­ers by adding peo­ple from oth­er depart­ments to a spe­cif­ic project.

Anoth­er issue that Work­sec­tion helps us with is the task dis­tri­b­u­tion by their com­plex­i­ty. We use labels to allo­cate tasks between spe­cial­ists of dif­fer­ent lev­els: Junior, Mid­dle, Senior.

All data from Work­sec­tion can eas­i­ly be export­ed sep­a­rate­ly for account­ing and for finan­cial analysis.

We also use the con­tacts” fea­ture to work with contractors.

Do you have inter­nal rules regard­ing the use of Worksection?

Yes, we have our inter­nal com­pa­ny rules, includ­ing how we use Work­sec­tion. This is stan­dard­ized and described in a sep­a­rate doc­u­ment. When an employ­ee has com­plet­ed a task, he must write down what was done and when, as well as describe the next step. All this is record­ed in the com­ments to the task.

Would you rec­om­mend Work­sec­tion to oth­er companies?

Absolute­ly! We have been search­ing for a Ukrain­ian sys­tem of such qual­i­ty for a long time. We even con­sid­ered devel­op­ing our own. How­ev­er, there are no equiv­a­lents to Work­sec­tion in the Ukrain­ian market. 

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