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Hydraulic Master: Worksection is an indispensable friend of business

About Hydraulic Master:

  • Official representative of Hydroscand Group AB, a Swedish company;
  • In 2008, only 4 persons worked for it, and today it has 13 branches all over the country with about 50 employees;
  • Since 2011. It has been managing its projects by means of Worksection.

The test of time

We started to cooperate with Worksection as far back as in 2011, having been advised by my friend who had been working in this system before that time.

I start my every day from opening my email and reviewing Worksection notifications.

Now all my work basically flows through this framework. It is very flexible, good-looking and convenient. Each project has its deadlines, each task has responsible persons. There is a convenient filter sorting everything by executors, deadlines or by some other criteria. You see at once to whom to give a «magic pill» to speed up the execution of a certain task.

Finger on the pulse 24/7

As for any other software, you should spend some time at first to sort it out — there are so many buttons, boxes, options etc. But having operated it for one, two or three weeks, you realize how important Worksection is in your daily activities. As for me, it will be useful for any companies dealing with varied tasks and with personnel consisting of more than 3-4 persons.

It is difficult for one person to manage five or six employees in direct subordination. Worksection makes it possible to build a flat and convenient management system where the manager gets full awareness of the situation without even contacting directly the specialists. It is convenient to work even from a telephone. Once seated, I review messages, reply as necessary or do not reply, but I am aware of everything.

Mindful detalization

At a certain point, we realized that email was an extremely ineffective medium of communication. If more than two persons are involved in correspondence, or if you handle several projects at once, the information spreads out on the mail feed, and to
delve into a particular task, you need to look for all the messages related to it.

There are also other systems we had tried, which are essentially similar to Worksection in management of tasks and people. But WS is ultimately outstanding due to its attention to details. No spam is received, and you get comprehensible and detailed notifications and nothing in excess. You may reply to a comment in you email at once, and your message will get into the very task where it is needed. At the same time, you do not have to log in or get identified anywhere...

«Hidden» possibilities

One more distinctive feature of Worksection is the option to restrict visibility of certain elements (comments, tasks, subtasks) for particular persons. For instance, you involve a contractor for implementation of some tasks, and you do not want to reveal any internal discussions to him. This is a very useful function we could not basically do without.

Prompt technical support

The Worksection team is highly committed to updates. Any requests I sent to address inconvenience or any other points where I had to do extra operations were replied very promptly, like «Yes, it is accepted», «Yes, the remark is reasonable». I was reassured at times, and I accepted substantiated counter-arguments.

It is easy to use, provides good feedback and excellent results.

Quick conveyance of knowledge

The essence of our business is that people become specialists having worked for a year or more. A person accumulates experience, and that experience should be conveyed somehow. For this purpose, in particular, we use Worksection.

We have a number of projects falling into such streams as the technical part, accounting and logical parts. We have broken such tasks into certain processes and laid down the rules governing the activities of the company’s subdivisions and responsible persons. So to speak, we have developed position-related guidelines rather than personal instructions. For example, if another person comes tomorrow, we will open Worksection smartly outlining his/her duties. The person will read and learn them, ask questions, get answers. Everything is on the spot.

Thus, we use the system for training and conveyance of knowledge to our future employees.

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