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How to Effectively Plan Tasks in a Company

Effec­tive plan­ning is the back­bone of effi­cient resource dis­tri­b­u­tion, enabling the achieve­ment of set goals.

For instance, con­sid­er a team of five peo­ple simul­ta­ne­ous­ly work­ing on ten tasks. How can you dis­trib­ute time so that each task is com­plet­ed on time? How many tasks can one team mem­ber han­dle simul­ta­ne­ous­ly with­out com­pro­mis­ing effi­cien­cy and quality?

The Essence of Planning

Plan­ning pro­vides a clear under­stand­ing of how much mon­ey, time, and team mem­bers are required to work on a sin­gle task. With­out a plan, the goals for projects and tasks remain unachieved.

Prin­ci­ples and Rules of Planning:

Sys­tem­at­ic Approach

Plan­ning project tasks should be a manda­to­ry con­di­tion of the work process for all depart­ments and teams with­in the company.


If project or task data changes dur­ing the process, it’s cru­cial to make time­ly adjust­ments. A task man­ag­er tool pro­vides the flex­i­bil­i­ty for each task to mod­i­fy dead­lines, bud­gets, teams, and indi­vid­ual par­tic­i­pants if necessary.


​This could be record­ing a dead­line, bud­get, or planned time expen­di­tures for work­ing on a project or task.


Time and mon­ey are two key para­me­ters in plan­ning. Spec­i­fy the exact dead­line for com­plet­ing the project or task and the planned budget.

Plan­ning Work Process­es in a Project Man­age­ment System

A project man­age­ment sys­tem orga­nizes work process­es. Cre­ate projects and tasks with­in the sys­tem, spec­i­fy planned expen­di­tures, record spent time, mon­i­tor team load and indi­vid­ual mem­ber contributions.

How a Project Plan Looks
In the Plan” win­dow when cre­at­ing a project, you can spec­i­fy the planned amount of time and budget.

Why It’s Impor­tant to Break a Project into Sep­a­rate Tasks

Mul­ti­ple team mem­bers from one or var­i­ous teams can work on a sin­gle project. Each has their role, and to pre­vent role con­fu­sion, it’s impor­tant to cre­ate sep­a­rate tasks with­in the project.

This way, each team mem­ber sees infor­ma­tion about their task and its deadline.

How Task and Sub­task Plans Look
As with cre­at­ing a project, when you cre­ate a task or sub­task, you can spec­i­fy planned expen­di­tures in the Plan” win­dow. If team mem­bers use a timer to record spent time or man­u­al­ly enter actu­al time and mon­ey expen­di­tures, you can com­pare and adjust the plan and actu­al figures.


Set a clear dead­line for the project, tasks, and sub­tasks. Under­stand­ing dead­lines allows the team to allo­cate time prop­er­ly to com­plete the work and achieve the goal on time.

Plan­ning a Project or Task with a Future Start Date

If the team is busy, but a new project or tasks from a client comes in, you can add them to the project man­age­ment sys­tem with a future start date.

Plan­ning Tools in Task Managers:

Visu­al plan­ning tools for projects and tasks pro­vide access to cur­rent infor­ma­tion about team load, task sta­tus­es, stages of com­ple­tion, planned expen­di­tures, etc.

Gantt Chart

A visu­al tool for track­ing the work process and plan for a project. Plan­ning on a Gantt chart includes the start and end dates of a task, planned expen­di­tures, and task dependencies.


Pre­vi­ous­ly a sim­ple board with col­ored stick­ers, today it is a visu­al tool for plan­ning and mon­i­tor­ing the work process in a task man­ag­er. Like the Gantt Chart, Kan­ban allows you to track infor­ma­tion on all project tasks, show­ing their sta­tus, pri­or­i­ty lev­els, and deadlines.


View tasks with upcom­ing dead­lines with­in the cur­rent month. Ana­lyze team load, adjust task dead­lines if nec­es­sary due to exces­sive load affect­ing efficiency.

Morn­ing Digest

Acti­vate the morn­ing digest to receive dai­ly emails with infor­ma­tion on tasks and sub­tasks near­ing or past their dead­lines. Dai­ly plan­ning can start with ana­lyz­ing the cur­rent team load and the num­ber of such tasks and subtasks.

More About Work­sec­tion’s Capa­bil­i­ties for Business

For more insights into how Work­sec­tion can aid in busi­ness plan­ning and man­age­ment, vis­it our blog. Work­sec­tion pro­vides a struc­tured approach to track­ing work­ing hours and inte­grates var­i­ous project man­age­ment tools to enhance orga­ni­za­tion­al effi­cien­cy and decision-making.

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