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How Worksection helped organise work at Domino's Pizza's Ukrainian office

The Ukrain­ian office of Domi­no’s Piz­za man­ages a net­work of 65 piz­za restau­rants across Ukraine. The office team coor­di­nates mar­ket­ing cam­paigns, IT, HR and oper­a­tional processes.

In order to build well-coor­di­nat­ed process­es, the head office needs to stay in touch with the sub-fran­chisees in the regions. Work­sec­tion helped to struc­ture com­mu­ni­ca­tion and ensure trans­par­ent com­pli­ance with Domi­no’s busi­ness processes.

About the company

Domi­no’s Piz­za is one of the world’s lead­ing piz­za deliv­ery brands, rep­re­sent­ed in more than 90 coun­tries. The com­pa­ny has been oper­at­ing in Ukraine for 15 years and serves cus­tomers in 15 cities.

The Ukrain­ian office coor­di­nates oper­a­tions, mar­ket­ing and devel­op­ment. It brings togeth­er a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary team of sev­er­al dozen specialists.


Pre­vi­ous­ly, com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the Ukrain­ian head office and the fran­chisees was based on mes­sen­gers and spread­sheets. This cre­at­ed dif­fi­cul­ties with task con­trol and project coordination.

Infor­ma­tion could be dupli­cat­ed, lost or not reach the right peo­ple in time. The lack of a com­mon man­age­ment sys­tem led to delays in cam­paigns and com­pli­cat­ed resource allocation.

Domi­no’s Piz­za need­ed a tool that would uni­fy task man­age­ment, ensure effec­tive inter­ac­tion between the Ukrain­ian head office and fran­chisees, and improve resource control.

For a task to be com­plet­ed pre­dictably and with opti­mal resource allo­ca­tion, it is impor­tant to set it cor­rect­ly. Work­sec­tion helps with this,” Andriy Bon­darev, CMO of Domi­no’s Piz­za Ukraine

Client chal­lenges

Cen­tral­iz­ing work with subfranchising

The prob­lem: The chain’s out­lets have tasks with­in the frame­work of gen­er­al activ­i­ty and local ini­tia­tives. The lack of a com­mon man­age­ment plat­form led to chaos. Infor­ma­tion was scat­tered between tools, which delayed approval steps for Domi­no’s over­all pro­mo­tion­al campaigns.

Solu­tion: Using Work­sec­tion allowed us to imple­ment a project struc­ture with tasks and sub­tasks on two lev­els. This made team process­es transparent.

The team of the main Ukrain­ian office can check the sta­tus of the tasks of the restau­rants in the regions at any time. No activ­i­ty is lost, as it has a respon­si­ble per­son, pri­or­i­ty, and deadline.

Work­sec­tion facil­i­tates coor­di­na­tion and saves resources. It is enough to check the sta­tus of tasks sev­er­al times a week to assess the dynam­ics of work,” Andriy Bon­darev, CMO of Domi­no’s Piz­za Ukraine

Data stor­age

The prob­lem: With­out Work­sec­tion, archiv­ing data on projects and tasks was cum­ber­some. Infor­ma­tion got lost in chats and signs, and peo­ple for­got where every­thing was. This made it dif­fi­cult to review and plan ahead.
It is a clas­sic reverse engi­neer­ing sto­ry: if there is no doc­u­men­ta­tion, you have to look for old employ­ees to find out the details. Work­sec­tion helped us solve this prob­lem,” Andriy Bon­darev, CMO of Domi­no’s Piz­za Ukraine

Solu­tion: The com­pa­ny was able to increase man­age­ment effi­cien­cy and speed up data analy­sis for future projects. The imple­men­ta­tion of Work­sec­tion allowed the project his­to­ry to be stored in one place.

The archive of tasks, dis­cus­sions and files is avail­able at all times, mak­ing it much eas­i­er to ana­lyze past activ­i­ties. Man­agers can quick­ly fol­low the log­ic of deci­sion-mak­ing. They can review media plans, approvals and strate­gies to under­stand the fac­tors that influ­ence cam­paign performance.

Work­load distribution

Prob­lem: It was dif­fi­cult to pre­dict peak work­loads in advance with­out a sin­gle tool. There was a risk of over­load­ing spe­cial­ists and caus­ing delays. This had a major impact on trade mar­ket­ing, where it is impor­tant to plan time and resources in advance for large sea­son­al promotions.

Solu­tion: Work­sec­tion’s tools have enabled the com­pa­ny to bal­ance work­loads and make more effi­cient use of avail­able resources.

Man­agers can now view planned tasks using an inter­ac­tive time­line. Gantt charts visu­al­ly high­light the busiest peri­ods of activ­i­ty, and con­ve­nient fil­ters allow them to select a peri­od to review with just a few clicks.

Kan­ban boards and check­lists also help project man­agers sys­tem­a­tise their work and break it down into man­age­able stages. This helps to avoid over­load­ing dur­ing long-term planning.

Opti­mize team resources

The prob­lem: Many requests from fran­chisees from dif­fer­ent cities made it dif­fi­cult to allo­cate resources among the team. Due to the large num­ber of pri­or­i­ty tasks, some regions could wait a long time for their requests to be processed.

Solu­tion: After review­ing the project archive using Work­sec­tion, the team found the busi­ness process that caused the most delays. The rea­son was a heavy work­load in a par­tic­u­lar area of work, which high­light­ed the need to expand the staff.

Man­age­ment made the deci­sion to expand the team based on facts. Increas­ing the size of the team sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced the wait­ing time for tasks to be com­plet­ed and improved com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the sub fran­chisees and the mar­ket­ing depart­ment at the Ukrain­ian head office.

Trans­par­ent communication

Prob­lem: Lack­ing a sin­gle com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nel, impor­tant updates were lost or ignored. This caused delays in the exe­cu­tion of tasks, as the team received rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion in a time­ly manner.

Solu­tion: Work­sec­tion solved the prob­lem with a con­ve­nient in-task com­ment­ing sys­tem, email noti­fi­ca­tions and Telegram integration.

My favorite fea­ture is the abil­i­ty to respond to tasks direct­ly from Telegram or email. You just see a mes­sage, reply, and the whole team gets an update right away,” Andriy Bon­darev, CMO of Domi­no’s Piz­za Ukraine
  • Com­ments to each task allow task par­tic­i­pants to see the chronol­o­gy of the dis­cus­sion with all the impor­tant details.
  • Email noti­fi­ca­tions and inte­gra­tion with Telegram help you respond quick­ly to updates with­out hav­ing to con­stant­ly check the sys­tem manually.

With Work­sec­tion, all com­mu­ni­ca­tion is record­ed in one place with shared access for the team.

Work­sec­tion enables anyone in the net­work to ini­ti­ate a project or task. The sys­tem shows who is respon­si­ble, the pri­or­i­ty, the dead­line, rel­e­vant doc­u­ments and dis­cus­sions,” Andriy Bon­darev, CMO of Domi­no’s Piz­za Ukraine

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