AVITAR: how a team of lawyers organizes work with Worksection

Yevhen Saveliev
Managing partner of the Avitar law company
Yevhen Saveliev, man­ag­ing part­ner of the Avi­tar law com­pa­ny, spoke about the work of the team with Work­sec­tion, the val­ue of the ser­vice for lawyers and the advan­tages of time tracking.

Tell us about your com­pa­ny and your customers

Avi­tar is an inter­na­tion­al online busi­ness law firm. Our spe­cial­iza­tion is sup­port for IT com­pa­nies that are devel­op­ing and expand­ing to the mar­kets of the EU, USA, and Great Britain. We help with Cor­po­rate & Tax, Data Pro­tec­tion & Mar­ket­ing com­pli­ance, as well as sup­port invest­ment agreements.

The com­pa­ny was formed in 2018, when Myroslav, my part­ner, com­plete­ly left in-house. That is, now our com­pa­ny is 5 years old.

Screen­shot from the Avi­tar website

In 2022, our team grew a lot, but then we start­ed mak­ing mis­takes, some­one burned out, and peo­ple start­ed quit­ting. Most like­ly, this hap­pened because we were inex­pe­ri­enced entre­pre­neurs who made
many mis­takes with­in the orga­ni­za­tion. There­fore, our com­pa­ny is going through dif­fi­cult times.

How did you come to Worksection?

I got a lit­tle tired of keep­ing finan­cial state­ments in Excel, I want­ed some beau­ty, aes­thet­ics and a human face con­cern­ing man­ag­ing infor­ma­tion. As a result, we came to Work­sec­tion because it makes the most sense for a busi­ness like ours. 1C is com­plex, Excel often does not pro­vide the kind of info­graph­ic you need. In addi­tion, we want­ed to sup­port Ukrain­ian business.

What ser­vice tools help you in your work?

It’s great that Work­sec­tion allows you to track time. It is cool to be able to man­age work­ing hours. When you grow, you don’t count mon­ey in small things, who works how much. And then, when you get more peo­ple, with larg­er wages, you start a cash gap. Then you start to wor­ry about which employ­ee is work­ing on which project, or whether they are work­ing on projects that are not prof­itable for us.

Time track­er in Worksection

If you start some­thing like track­ing time and mon­ey, then be pre­pared that the team will rebel. That was, in fact, one of the rea­sons why we failed: because we imple­ment­ed it too late. But it gives excel­lent feed­back on the effi­cien­cy of your business.

We also active­ly use the Gantt chart. It is an essen­tial tool when work­ing with long-term projects with 20, 50 or more tasks.

With Work­sec­tion you know who, when, where and how much……”

We are one of the best in the mar­ket when it comes to pro­tect­ing per­son­al data. In this case, we made a com­pro­mise: we still store infor­ma­tion in our data­bas­es, and use Work­sec­tion as a port, because this sys­tem is for oth­er tasks. We do not use it for large stor­age, as there is still email and a large num­ber of email-asso­ci­at­ed documents.

Work­sec­tion, as a tool, solves anoth­er prob­lem: with it, it is clear who, when, where and how much. For us, it’s about mon­ey, respon­si­ble peo­ple, time and mak­ing every­thing clear.

I tell every­one right away that we work with Work­sec­tion. I can’t even think of any­thing else.

Watch the video inter­view with Yevhen Saveliev on our YouTube chan­nel.
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