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Worksection vs Bitrix24: What to choose for project management

Bitrix24 is a russ­ian prod­uct. That’s why using this sys­tem is tan­ta­mount to sup­port­ing the aggres­sor coun­try since the begin­ning of rus­si­a’s inva­sion of Ukraine. 

Bitrix24 is usu­al­ly cho­sen by sales teams that need to orga­nize sim­ple lin­ear process­es.

Work­sec­tion, on the oth­er hand, offers a full set of project man­age­ment tools, includ­ing a time track­er and kan­ban boards. Today we’ll look at the capa­bil­i­ties of both ser­vices, tak­ing into account spe­cif­ic busi­ness needs.

About Work­sec­tion and Bitrix24


Work­sec­tion is a Ukrain­ian online project man­age­ment ser­vice. The sys­tem has been facil­i­tat­ing project man­age­ment and increas­ing effi­cien­cy since 2008 with its built-in task man­ag­er, time track­er, Gantt charts, kan­ban boards, and detailed team reports.

Work­sec­tion is used by more than 1,600 mar­ket­ing agen­cies, design stu­dios, IT com­pa­nies, archi­tec­tur­al firms, law firms, and oth­er organizations.

For what tasks is it bet­ter to choose Worksection

  1. Work­ing hours con­trol. The built-in time track­ing and account­abil­i­ty sys­tem allows ser­vice teams to con­trol the resources spent on a project. Main­tain trans­paren­cy in process­es and esti­mate the cost of col­lab­o­ra­tion based on real data.
  2. Orga­nize the work of non-tech­ni­cal and mixed teams. If you have a non-tech­ni­cal or mixed team and need to coor­di­nate work between depart­ments, Work­sec­tion is for you. The intu­itive inter­face makes it acces­si­ble and easy to use, even for pro­fes­sion­als with no project man­age­ment experience. 
  3. Struc­tured project man­age­ment. A Work­sec­tion account is divid­ed into projects that can be orga­nized for a spe­cif­ic depart­ment or client. Tasks with­in the project are bro­ken down into sub­tasks, assigned own­ers and due dates, and have tags and sta­tus­es. This struc­ture helps pre­vent chaos in the workflow.

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Bitrix24 is a ser­vice with a set of tools for orga­niz­ing and build­ing cus­tomer rela­tion­ships, found­ed in 2008. 

The sys­tem offers a wide range of fea­tures, includ­ing CRM, task man­age­ment, com­mu­ni­ca­tion tools and more. Bitrix24 is suit­able for com­pa­nies of all sizes look­ing for a com­pre­hen­sive solu­tion to sup­port inter­nal and exter­nal busi­ness processes.

For what tasks is it bet­ter to choose Bitrix24

  1. Lead pro­cess­ing. Thanks to the inte­grat­ed CRM sys­tem, Bitrix24 enables you to process leads effi­cient­ly. Tools for col­lect­ing, pro­cess­ing and ana­lyz­ing leads help to opti­mize sales process­es and increase conversions.
  2. Sales team orga­ni­za­tion. Bitrix24 is a pow­er­ful tool for improv­ing sales team effi­cien­cy with sup­port for con­tact man­age­ment, sales process automa­tion, report­ing, and analysis.

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Who can use Work­sec­tion and Bitrix24


Con­sid­er Work­sec­tion if

  • You are a small or medi­um-sized busi­ness with 10 to 100 peo­ple on your team. Work­sec­tion is per­fect­ly suit­ed to the needs of small and medi­um-sized teams. The sys­tem eas­i­ly adapts to the growth of your busi­ness, ensur­ing sta­bil­i­ty of process­es and struc­tur­ing of work tasks.
  • You want to con­trol the work­load of your team. Respon­si­bil­i­ties, dead­lines, and the sta­tus of cur­rent tasks — all in one place. View infor­ma­tion about team activ­i­ty on demand. Use reports to com­pare planned and actu­al work­loads. Gantt charts and peo­ple dia­grams help spread the work­load even­ly across the team.
  • You run a ser­vice busi­ness and man­age cus­tomer projects. Work­sec­tion is designed for teams that work on an hourly basis. Built-in resource con­trol tools, such as a time track­er and auto­mat­ed report­ing, help you main­tain trans­paren­cy and effi­cien­cy when work­ing with clients.

[​You should check alter­na­tives if]

  • You are in need of a CRM sys­tem and not a project man­age­ment ser­vice. Work­sec­tion is designed for busi­ness process man­age­ment and does not include CRM functionality.
  • You are look­ing for a ser­vice with built-in chat and video con­fer­enc­ing. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion in Work­sec­tion takes place with­in tasks to main­tain process effi­cien­cy. Addi­tion­al ser­vices may be required to inte­grate chat and video conferencing.


{Bitrix24 is for you if}

  • You need a tool for orga­niz­ing your sales team’s work. Bitrix24 tools pro­vide effec­tive lead and cus­tomer data man­age­ment and are ide­al for sales team tasks.
  • You are look­ing for a CRM sys­tem that also has basic task man­ag­er func­tion­al­i­ty. Bitrix24 com­bines the capa­bil­i­ties of a CRM sys­tem with a min­i­mal set of task man­age­ment tools to pro­vide you with a com­plete CRM solution.

[Con­sid­er oth­er ser­vices if]

  • You do not sup­port the occu­pi­er. rus­sia is a ter­ror­ist state. Using Bitrix24 means sup­port­ing a russ­ian com­pa­ny finan­cial­ly. If you do not want to help the aggres­sor coun­try, you should choose alter­na­tive solutions.
  • You are in search of a project man­age­ment solu­tion. For the orga­ni­za­tion of com­plex work­flows, Bitrix24 has lim­it­ed func­tion­al­i­ty. As a result, the sys­tem is not suit­able for full-scale project management.
  • You want to work on an hourly basis. Bitrix24’s time track­ing and report­ing capa­bil­i­ties are not suf­fi­cient for the effec­tive man­age­ment of hourly work. There­fore, ser­vice com­pa­nies should con­sid­er alter­na­tive solutions. 

Quick com­par­i­son

We have also pre­pared a table for you. This will help you quick­ly ana­lyze the key dif­fer­ences between the two services:

Why should you choose Worksection?

Hourly rate support

If you man­age client projects and want to mon­i­tor their prof­itabil­i­ty, Work­sec­tion’s hourly sup­port tools can help:
  1. Time Track­er. Use the built-in timer to track the time spent on a task. Eval­u­ate your per­for­mance by com­par­ing planned time to actu­al time.
  2. Auto­mat­ed reports. Stream­line work­flows based on real data. Auto­mat­ed reports show you where you have spent more resources than planned and help you to opti­mize areas of loss in a time­ly manner.

Ser­vice busi­ness ben­e­fits of hourly billing:

  • Actu­al resource usage is always avail­able. You always have the actu­al cost of resources at hand for accu­rate project cost­ing and cost avoidance.
  • Detailed resource analy­sis helps you eval­u­ate projects for prof­itabil­i­ty. Avoid unprof­itable col­lab­o­ra­tions and take on more prof­itable projects.

Project and task management

Work­sec­tion gives you a con­ve­nient struc­ture for man­ag­ing projects and tasks:
  1. Project Man­age­ment. Your account is divid­ed into sep­a­rate projects, allow­ing you to effi­cient­ly dis­trib­ute work between depart­ments. All project tasks are dis­played with­in the project, which helps to keep the work­flow transparent.
  2. Task man­age­ment. Cre­ate tasks and sub­tasks, add labels and sta­tus­es, set dead­lines, and assign respon­si­bil­i­ties. Orga­nize task man­age­ment to ensure effi­cient execution. 

Team work­load control 

Work­sec­tion helps you to con­trol the work­load of your team and to pre­vent burnout. Task dead­lines and assignees are always at your fin­ger­tips, and sta­tus­es help you deter­mine the sta­tus of a par­tic­u­lar task. 

You can view team activ­i­ty using the fol­low­ing tools:
  1. Gant chart by peo­ple. All sub­or­di­nates’ tasks are dis­played on a time­line, allow­ing you to adjust dead­lines if they over­lap. This allows you to see the full pic­ture of your team’s work­load and make the nec­es­sary changes in time.

  2. Kan­ban by per­son. The inter­ac­tive board dis­plays the team’s work­load, allow­ing you to dis­trib­ute tasks even­ly among employ­ees. This ensures a bal­ance of work and increas­es the effi­cien­cy of tasks.

Trans­par­ent com­mu­ni­ca­tion with clients 

Orga­nize cus­tomer ser­vice with Work­sec­tion, ensur­ing trans­paren­cy and effi­cien­cy of communication:
  • Trans­par­ent account­abil­i­ty sys­tem. Share reports with clients by cus­tomiz­ing their view with fil­ters. The client will only see the infor­ma­tion they need to avoid infor­ma­tion over­load. They can also down­load reports in CSV or XLS format.

  • Com­mu­ni­cate with­in the sys­tem. Cre­ate client teams and add them direct­ly to the project. This pro­motes trans­paren­cy of col­lab­o­ra­tion and allows clients to track progress in real time.
Sys­tem set­tings also allow you to hide spe­cif­ic project tasks and employ­ee con­tact infor­ma­tion from the client to main­tain confidentiality.

Inte­gra­tion with CRM systems

Work­sec­tion has sup­port for inte­gra­tion with these CRM sys­tems: Pipedrive, Hub­Spot, Key­CRM and NetHunt. 

This helps you to:

  1. Coor­di­nate ser­vices to syn­chro­nize work between depart­ments. Inte­gra­tion allows for inter­ac­tion between depart­ments, such as sales and mar­ket­ing. This sim­pli­fies the process of shar­ing data.
  2. Sim­pli­fy rou­tine process­es. Reduce the need for man­u­al data syn­chro­niza­tion and min­i­mize errors by automat­ing data updates between CRM sys­tems and Worksection.

How it works:

Work­sec­tion auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­ates tasks in the project when a deal is moved to the appro­pri­ate stage in the CRM sys­tem, in addi­tion to allow­ing you to:
  • Assign an own­er, set due dates and pri­or­i­ties for the task.
  • Import infor­ma­tion from CRM (such as con­tact infor­ma­tion) direct­ly into the task.
  • Auto­mat­i­cal­ly change the sta­tus of a deal in the CRM sys­tem upon com­ple­tion of a task in Worksection.

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