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Worksection vs Asana: What to choose for work

While choos­ing a project man­age­ment sys­tem, each busi­ness has their own cri­te­ria: ease of use, tem­plates, time track­er, etc. Both Asana and Work­sec­tion offer a wide range of func­tion­al­i­ties that enable a high lev­el of man­age­ment, includ­ing sup­port­ing Agile and Scrum methodologies. 

More­over, an intu­itive inter­face makes Work­sec­tion and Asana a great choice for teams of all sizes and back­grounds. How­ev­er, it is always bet­ter to under­stand the fea­tures of each ser­vice sep­a­rate­ly to get the most out of your choice

About Work­sec­tion and Asana


Work­sec­tion is an online project man­age­ment ser­vice estab­lished in Ukraine in 2008. The sys­tem’s clients include more than 1,600 mar­ket­ing agen­cies, design stu­dios, IT com­pa­nies, archi­tec­ture firms, law firms, etc.

Work­sec­tion sim­pli­fies project man­age­ment and helps increase effi­cien­cy with an inte­grat­ed task man­ag­er, time track­er, Gantt charts, kan­ban boards and detailed team reports.

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Asana is a glob­al project man­age­ment plat­form that offi­cial­ly launched in 2011. The ser­vice has become the choice of thou­sands of com­pa­nies around the world, includ­ing large cor­po­ra­tions and star­tups across mul­ti­ple industries.

Asana allows users to stream­line the man­age­ment of team­work through uni­ver­sal tem­plates, work­flow automa­tion, Kan­ban board, Gantt chart, and inte­gra­tion with many pop­u­lar services.

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Who can use Work­sec­tion and Asana?

Com­mon fea­tures in project man­age­ment sys­tems do not make them suit­able for all types of orga­ni­za­tions. As well as man­age­ment tools, you should also consider

  1. Your team size and the specifics of your busi­ness. The num­ber of employ­ees and the types of tasks you per­form on a dai­ly basis. 
  2. Your request. Why do you need to imple­ment the sys­tem: you need to man­age time and resources; you need to con­trol the stages of devel­op­ing a prod­uct; you need to cen­tral­ize work to be able to com­mu­ni­cate effec­tive­ly with customers. 
Let’s take a look at the main fea­tures of the plat­forms. This helps you to make a com­par­i­son between them. 


You are guar­an­teed to get matched’ with Work­sec­tion if

  • You are a small or medi­um-sized com­pa­ny. Work­sec­tion is per­fect for orga­niz­ing teams of 10 to 100 people.
  • If you are just start­ing to man­age your projects in a more con­sis­tent way. Work­sec­tion is not over­loaded with unnec­es­sary func­tions and set­tings, so it can be your guide to the world of project management.
  • You run a ser­vice busi­ness and work with your clients on an hourly basis. And you need to keep track of time and resources. Built-in time track­ing and auto­mat­ed report­ing make Work­sec­tion an essen­tial tool for hourly based ser­vice teams.
  • Cus­tomer focus is impor­tant to you. Work­sec­tion pro­vides live chat sup­port 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, rather than the chat­bot answers of com­pet­ing solutions.
  • You have a lim­it­ed soft­ware bud­get. Work­sec­tion starts at $2.5 per user, which is much low­er than com­pet­ing solu­tions. At the same time, you have access to all the same fea­tures: task man­ag­er, kan­ban board, Gantt chart, etc.

You should con­sid­er alter­na­tives to Worksection

  • If you are a tech­ni­cal team with a need for DevOps sup­port. Work­sec­tion has lim­it­ed func­tion­al­i­ty to ful­ly con­trol the prod­uct life­cy­cle and is more suit­able for gen­er­al project man­age­ment and orga­ni­za­tion of non-tech­ni­cal teams.
  • If you are look­ing for a pre-built tem­plate solu­tion for a spe­cif­ic orga­ni­za­tion. The Work­sec­tion func­tion­al­i­ty does not pro­vide the user with ready-made tem­plates for project completion. 
  • If you are in need of a sys­tem for the orga­ni­za­tion of your sales depart­men­t’s work with cus­tomers and tele­pho­ny. In that case, you should pay atten­tion to the CRM sys­tems. Work­sec­tion is designed for man­ag­ing projects and does not sup­port work­ing with cus­tomer data­bas­es or inte­grat­ing tele­pho­ny systems.


You should con­sid­er Asana if

  • You have a large team. Asana gives you the space to orga­nize team­work for 100 peo­ple or more.
  • You are look­ing for a sys­tem that comes with pre-built tem­plates. Asana has over 80 tem­plates based on com­mon work­flows and man­age­ment practices.
  • You have a desire to cus­tomize the sys­tem to make it work for you. Use cus­tom fields to add addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion to tasks in your Asana projects.
  • You are pre­pared to pay more. Asana is priced high­er than aver­age, so you need to be pre­pared to make a sig­nif­i­cant finan­cial investment. 

Look for an alter­na­tive to Asana if

  • You’re on a bud­get. The price of $10.99 per user may be over­whelm­ing for small teams and startups.
  • You want live, real-time sup­port. Asana pro­vides its cus­tomers with sup­port bots and tick­et­ing sys­tems. As a result, there is some­times a prob­lem get­ting quick answers.

Com­par­i­son table

Work­sec­tion and Asana have a lot in com­mon: tasks and sub­tasks, labels and sta­tus­es, Kan­ban and Gantt charts, etc. In order to save you time, we sug­gest you have a look at the com­par­i­son chart where we have sum­ma­rized the main fea­tures and dif­fer­ences between the plat­forms that you should pay atten­tion to:

Why should you choose Worksection?

Hourly rate support

Hourly rate work dic­tates the need for trans­par­ent record­ing of time and resources. Ser­vice teams typ­i­cal­ly work this way and Work­sec­tion is ide­al for their needs.

Work­sec­tion reports and time tracker

With Work­sec­tion you can see

  • See how long it took to com­plete cer­tain tasks and how much you earned. You will know the exact num­ber of hours you have spent on the project and where you have gone over bud­get. This trans­paren­cy helps you to con­trol your mar­gins and to opti­mize your resources.
  • Real team work­load: who is on which projects and how many resources are allo­cat­ed. This allows you to avoid putting too much pres­sure on any one per­son or department.

How does it work?

You can imple­ment an hourly rate with­in Work­sec­tion in five sim­ple steps:
  1. Cre­ate a project, sched­ule it, and spec­i­fy the num­ber of hours to com­plete it. 
  2. Divide the project into tasks and use a time track­er to mon­i­tor their progress.
  3. Con­duct a plan-to-fact analy­sis of the resources used for a sin­gle task or whole project. The main indi­ca­tors are dis­played on the inter­ac­tive project dash­board, includ­ing the total num­ber of hours spent and the project timeline.
  4. Adjust team’s work­load based on auto­mat­ed reports. Work­sec­tion allows you to cus­tomize reports accord­ing to your request and auto­mat­i­cal­ly groups all the nec­es­sary data in one place. 
  5. Con­trol your mar­gins and adjust the cost of ser­vices with Work­sec­tion hourly billing. The trans­paren­cy of work­flows and their doc­u­men­ta­tion helps com­pa­nies grow by improv­ing resource control.

Time track­er

The Work­sec­tion time track­er is a pow­er­ful tool for opti­miz­ing work­flows. It helps to clar­i­fy the num­ber of hours spent on tasks by the team. 

Work­sec­tion time tracker

This tool is avail­able on all paid plans of the sys­tem and helps to record team activ­i­ties in real time. 

Busi­ness­es can use this time track­er to: 

  • Intro­duce trans­paren­cy into time track­ing dur­ing project exe­cu­tion. The timer is launched in one click, after which all time data is auto­mat­i­cal­ly saved in the task. 
  • Ana­lyze the plan/​fact of resources spent. Gen­er­ate account­abil­i­ty based on the data obtained and mon­i­tor com­pli­ance with the planned deadlines. 

Cus­tomized reporting

Work­sec­tion report­ing offers an easy way to ana­lyze work at the project, indi­vid­ual, or com­pa­ny level.

Work­sec­tion reports

Fea­tures of Work­sec­tion reports:

  • Export reports in csv or xls format. 
  • Flex­i­ble data dis­play set­tings using fil­ters. Cre­ate reports accord­ing to the request, remov­ing unnec­es­sary infor­ma­tion from the selec­tion. It allows you to ana­lyze the per­for­mance of indi­vid­ual process­es, teams, sta­tus­es, etc.

    💡 For exam­ple, you can fil­ter and see infor­ma­tion on the tasks of the devel­op­ment team labelled cod­ing”. This helps you under­stand how many resources were spent on this area of work.

Gantt chart

Keep track of dead­lines and plan your team’s work with a visu­al diagram. 

Work­sec­tion Gantt chart

The Gantt chart allows you to:

  • Adjust the dis­play for com­pa­ny, project, and employ­ee activities. 
  • See all stages of the work­flow on the time­line accord­ing to the set deadlines. 
  • Set depen­den­cies between stages. 

    💡 For exam­ple, you can set up a depen­den­cy so that task B can­not start until task A is complete.


Mon­i­tor the stages of work with handy inter­ac­tive boards. 

Work­sec­tion Kanban

Work­sec­tion’s Kan­ban displays:

1️⃣ Activ­i­ties of the entire com­pa­ny. With the help of project sta­tus­es, you can see at what stage projects are: in progress”, approved”, etc. Which active projects should be accel­er­at­ed and which are already near­ing completion.

❗Project sta­tus and kan­ban func­tion­al­i­ty is avail­able only on the Pre­mi­um plan.

2️⃣Activ­i­ties with­in a sep­a­rate project with the abil­i­ty to cus­tomize and auto­mate statuses:
  • keep track of the stage of indi­vid­ual project tasks; 
  • cus­tomise the names of the stages to suit your needs and processes; 
  • use the peo­ple kan­ban to assess employ­ee workload; 
  • assign a per­son respon­si­ble for the sta­tus. For exam­ple, make sure that the task auto­mat­i­cal­ly returns to its author at the approval” stage;
  • auto­mate the sequence of sta­tus­es with the Next Sta­tus fea­ture. After set­ting up this func­tion, the task will auto­mat­i­cal­ly move to the next sta­tus after com­ple­tion instead of closing. 
3️⃣The user’s actu­al work­load. Kan­ban’s By day” dis­play is a per­son­al sec­tion with the sta­tus­es of the user’s cur­rent tasks. It allows employ­ees to see what tasks are sched­uled for the cur­rent and next week, what needs to be done today, and what dead­lines have been overdue. 

Tak­ing care of the user

Our ser­vice is based on cus­tomer focus and user care. It is impor­tant to us that func­tion­al­i­ty is under­stand­able to every­one, from expe­ri­enced project man­agers to non-tech­ni­cal spe­cial­ists. That is why we make it a pri­or­i­ty to make onboard­ing as easy as possible.

Our tech­ni­cal sup­port spe­cial­ists are always in con­tact with you for any issues, ques­tions or clar­i­fi­ca­tions. The aver­age response time in our chat is 3 min­utes, and the answer will be pro­vid­ed by Work­sec­tion’s team of experts, not by an AI chatbot.

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