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Sasquatch Digital: How a digital marketing agency organizes work with Worksection

Anastasiia Matsuga
New Business Director of Sasquatch Digital agency
Togeth­er with Anas­tasi­ia Mat­suga, a New Busi­ness Direc­tor of Sasquatch Dig­i­tal agency, we dis­cussed the ben­e­fits of Work­sec­tion for dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, the pros and cons of time track­ing, and how their team man­ages to work almost entire­ly remotely.

About the company:

Sasquatch Dig­i­tal is a dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing agency found­ed in 2009. It ranks fifth in the SMM cat­e­go­ry in the dig­i­tal ser­vices rat­ing by IAB Ukraine. The team has imple­ment­ed numer­ous dig­i­tal projects for major brands, includ­ing Nike, Jäger­meis­ter, Libero, Libresse, British Amer­i­can Tobac­co, Mit­subishi Motors, Unit­ed Nations, OLX, and oth­ers. In total, the agency has com­plet­ed over 250 projects in Ukraine, Poland, Ger­many, Geor­gia, the Unit­ed King­dom, the Unit­ed States, and many oth­er countries.

How did you man­age projects and com­mu­ni­ca­tion before Worksection?

Dur­ing our ear­ly stages, we used Excel files, fold­ers on Google Dri­ve, and tasks were assigned via email. This led to a 20% loss: files were not sent on time, some­one missed a meet­ing, and so on. Lat­er on, we start­ed exper­i­ment­ing with dif­fer­ent task man­age­ment sys­tems until we set­tled on Work­sec­tion. And for the past sev­en years, we have been using this system!

How does the Sasquatch Dig­i­tal team use Worksection?

All our projects are closed in-house. We have some non-staff employ­ees who are involved in projects but are still added to Work­sec­tion as users with lim­it­ed func­tion­al­i­ty. They have access to sev­er­al projects relat­ed only to their work area. The main team has access to the projects they are work­ing on, while the direc­tor and depart­ment man­agers have access to all projects and can close tasks or resched­ule them. As an account admin­is­tra­tor, I also have access to all projects and can see who assigns which tasks.

Have you imple­ment­ed a time track­er into your work?

We track work­ing hours annu­al­ly for one month to adjust the project costs and know how long each task takes. Cur­rent­ly, we do not reg­u­lar­ly use the timer, but it was very help­ful to us dur­ing the full-scale inva­sion. At that time, most clients froze their work, but we need­ed to retain the team. Roman (Note: Roman Herashchenko, CEO) came up with a for­mu­la accord­ing to which we worked on an hourly pay­ment basis. So until we reached full capac­i­ty, peo­ple cal­cu­lat­ed the num­ber of hours and their cor­re­spond­ing salaries.

What is the val­ue of Work­sec­tion specif­i­cal­ly for your team?

The main advan­tage is hav­ing uni­fied access to all projects, which allows for struc­tured man­age­ment and dead­line con­trol. Work­sec­tion also helps with bud­get­ing. We start a timer for a spe­cif­ic task and see how much time, for exam­ple, a design­er spends on cre­at­ing an illus­tra­tion or retouch­ing a por­trait. This way, we under­stand the time required for each task and each specialist.

This helps us cal­cu­late project prof­itabil­i­ty. Bud­gets are estab­lished before the work begins because we know in advance, based on pre­vi­ous data, how much time each spe­cial­ist will spend on a par­tic­u­lar task. So each spe­cial­ist has an hourly rate record­ed. How­ev­er, peri­od­i­cal­ly, we start a timer for a spe­cif­ic project to deter­mine if the actu­al amount of work dif­fers from the planned and promised amount to the client. This is often rel­e­vant for com­plex mul­ti-com­po­nent projects.

Such an eval­u­a­tion allows us to under­stand whether it is prof­itable to work with a par­tic­u­lar client and also helps us jus­ti­fy bud­get updates. If we ini­tial­ly agreed with the client that a spe­cial­ist would work on the project for 40 hours, but it turns out to be 60 hours in real­i­ty, we need to either recon­sid­er our approach to work­ing with this client or nego­ti­ate dif­fer­ent terms.

In gen­er­al, this helps us track the actu­al work­load and con­sid­er how many projects each spe­cial­ist at the agency can handle.

How­ev­er, we real­ized that reg­u­lar time track­ing made spe­cial­ists uncom­fort­able because they felt like they were con­stant­ly being mon­i­tored. It was an exper­i­ment that we kept for spe­cif­ic tasks.

The sec­ond advan­tage is real-time com­mu­ni­ca­tion with­in tasks. This is impor­tant because one-third of our team is locat­ed abroad, and some of us are scat­tered through­out Ukraine, so almost all of us work remotely.

Even if a task comes through Telegram, it needs to be dupli­cat­ed in Work­sec­tion. No task, no work.

What fea­tures of the ser­vice sim­pli­fy your work?

Our team active­ly uses vis­i­bil­i­ty con­trol, so each per­son sees only the projects they are involved in.

And also noti­fi­ca­tions. Con­ve­nient­ly, there is inte­gra­tion with Telegram, where all noti­fi­ca­tions from Work­sec­tion are vis­i­ble. I can even avoid log­ging into the sys­tem if I see that I haven’t been men­tioned and I don’t have any urgent tasks.

With­out Work­sec­tion, we would spend a lot of time syn­chro­niz­ing all projects. One-third of them could even be missed altogether.

The foun­da­tion of our posi­tion­ing is sta­bil­i­ty. This means that every­thing is done accord­ing to the agreed-upon dead­line, and we not only con­trol our work but also ensure that clients pro­vide every­thing on time from their side. We know who and what to expect. It is pre­cise­ly this qual­i­ty and atten­tion to detail that would be impos­si­ble with­out stream­lin­ing inter­nal process­es through Worksection.

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