Alina Kashapova, the leader and founder of the Marketing Office, spoke about the value of Worksection for the marketing team, the rules for working with clients and why it is important to learn to delegate.
About the company:
Marketing Office is an association of independent marketing managers and digital specialists whose mission is to provide comprehensive marketing services of the highest quality and transform small Ukrainian businesses into large ones.

Marketing Office Team
How did the team come to Worksection?
I wanted marketing managers, SMM specialists and the team as a whole to be more organized and systematic. I worked with Worksection during cooperation with various companies as a marketing manager. Then I understood that in the future I want to use some kind of task manager. At one of the team meetings, we realized that we had finally reached the point where we could implement a system. I had some options, but I was already more loyal to Worksection, so after testing I implemented the system for all projects at once.
As we were just starting to work in the system, 8 marketing managers supported the idea, and only one girl said: “I can’t do that, I feel uncomfortable.” Then I realized how cool I had built a team that only one person started protesting.
What is the global goal of working with the system?
The global goal is to establish a culture of project management. Everything should be clear, and tasks should be clearly timed. The client must see what we do, and he must appreciate what we do, just like the employee himself.

Now my goal is to improve the quality of this community, because there are a lot of specialists in marketing, but at the same time, there are a lot of those with a poor qualification. This system and the way we operate is a filter.
Does your team have customer service rules?
The first important rule is to be a source of inspiration. We imagine an average entrepreneur who does lots of tasks, hires a team, gets out of his comfort zone because he started investing in marketing. And we work in such a way that due to small and large results we do our best to make him feel inspired for further work and even better results.
The next thing is to offer the client a solution, not a problem. We try to solve any issue on our own, or we tell you right away what solutions we see.
“You need to learn how to delegate properly”
The following prejudice is very popular: if you want to have anything done properly, do it yourself. This is nonsense. You need to learn how to delegate properly, because if you don’t do it, it won’t work. If you build a team of the right people though, use an algorithm on a normal system, they are most likely to get better results.

Clients and Team
Who is Worksection suitable for and when should it be implemented?
These are marketing agencies, performance in particular, as well as agencies for work with sites, which have a complex of their development, promotion, advertising, optimization, etc. And in general, indeed, all marketing: SMM, target specialists etc.
The system can be implemented even for managing three projects. It is clear that we cannot do without this system, having now 25 participants and 18 projects. I need to access any project at any time and see that the deadlines have not been violated, how the work is being done and how many tasks have been completed. Without such a service, the company is unlikely to grow, because the quality of service will be lost.
Watch the full video interview with Alina Kashapova on our YouTube channel.