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Collecting Tasks in Worksection Using Google Forms

Using Work­sec­tion to man­age tasks is a giv­en, but there’s a seam­less method to inte­grate tasks from exter­nal sources too. One effi­cient way is using Google Forms linked direct­ly to a spe­cif­ic project in Work­sec­tion, allow­ing for the auto­mat­ic col­lec­tion of tasks gen­er­at­ed through Google Forms.

When is a Google Form nec­es­sary for cre­at­ing tasks?

  • If your team includes mem­bers who don’t work direct­ly with­in the Work­sec­tion account but are active­ly involved in the work­flow (cre­at­ing tasks, specifications).
  • If clients aren’t inte­grat­ed into Work­sec­tion, but you still need to receive tasks from them.

Exam­ple Scenario

Con­sid­er you are a trav­el agency aim­ing to col­lect client requests for tour book­ings using a Google Form. This method ensures that all requests are effi­cient­ly man­aged and noth­ing is lost as each request becomes a sep­a­rate task in your Work­sec­tion account.

How to Auto­mat­i­cal­ly Col­lect Google Forms Entries in a Work­sec­tion Project?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to syn­chro­nize your Google Form with a Work­sec­tion project in just 10 min­utes. You can col­lect form entries in either an exist­ing project or a new one specif­i­cal­ly cre­at­ed for this purpose.

Steps to Auto­mat­i­cal­ly Col­lect Google Forms in Worksection:

  1. Cre­ate a New Project: Set up a new project in your Work­sec­tion account specif­i­cal­ly for col­lect­ing entries via Google Form, or use an exist­ing project.
  2. Cre­ate a Google Form: Devel­op a form that clients will fill out. You can cre­ate a form using this link: Google Forms.

    Impor­tant: A Google Form can only be cre­at­ed from an active Google account. Log in or cre­ate a new Google account here: Google Account.
  3. Link Google Account to Work­sec­tion: Ensure that the email address asso­ci­at­ed with the Google Form is added to your Work­sec­tion account. If it’s not, add this email by going to the Peo­ple” sec­tion, select­ing Invite,” and then enter­ing the email to send an invite.
  4. Add Email to Project: Add the Google account email to the Work­sec­tion project where respons­es will be col­lect­ed. In your project set­tings, there should be an option to add emails asso­ci­at­ed with the project.

  5. Install the Email Google Forms Plu­g­in: This plu­g­in enables the auto­mat­ic addi­tion of filled Google Form respons­es to your Work­sec­tion project. After instal­la­tion, an icon resem­bling a puz­zle piece will appear on your Google Form interface.
  6. Con­fig­ure Email Noti­fi­ca­tions: Click on the puz­zle icon, choose Email Noti­fi­ca­tions for Forms’, and then Enable Noti­fi­ca­tions’. Set up a new rule that will link the form respons­es to your Work­sec­tion project by enter­ing the unique email address of the project.
  7. Copy the Unique Work­sec­tion Project Email: Each Work­sec­tion project has a unique email address that, when emailed, cre­ates a task. Copy this email from the project set­tings under Add tasks via email”.

  8. Com­plete Noti­fi­ca­tion Set­up: In the Google For­m’s noti­fi­ca­tion set­tings, paste the pro­jec­t’s unique email address. You might also want to spec­i­fy the rule name, check the sender’s email, and con­fig­ure how the form data appears in Work­sec­tion tasks.

After these steps, test the Google Form to ensure that filled entries are auto­mat­i­cal­ly appear­ing as tasks with­in your Work­sec­tion project.


You’ve now suc­cess­ful­ly set up a Google Form to auto­mat­i­cal­ly send tasks to your Work­sec­tion account, mak­ing it eas­i­er to gath­er infor­ma­tion from clients or receive new tasks from team mem­bers not inte­grat­ed into the Work­sec­tion environment.

Share this guide with your col­leagues who also use Work­sec­tion, and offer your clients or part­ners an easy way to com­mu­ni­cate their needs through Google Forms while direct­ly inte­grat­ing their input into your Work­sec­tion account.

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