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Organizing Large Teams and Synchronizing Departments

How many peo­ple can work togeth­er in Worksection?

Work­sec­tion is designed to orga­nize effec­tive project team activ­i­ties and is suit­able for teams of almost any size, from very small to over 100 people.

Teams like Ukraїn­er and Wezom, which have more than 200 – 300 employ­ees, suc­cess­ful­ly use Work­sec­tion. They man­age to main­tain work effi­cien­cy and scale their suc­cess­es with us.

Orga­niz­ing Team­work in Worksection

This func­tion­al ver­sa­til­i­ty is based on a sim­ple and log­i­cal frac­tal struc­ture. Regard­less of size, a team work­ing in Work­sec­tion is grouped at three levels:
  1. Account
  2. Teams
  3. Depart­ments

Account, Teams, and Depart­ments in Worksection

Work in Work­sec­tion starts with an account, the foun­da­tion. You get an account when you reg­is­ter in the sys­tem. Sim­ply put, it cor­re­sponds to your com­pa­ny in the sys­tem, where invit­ed employ­ees are dis­trib­uted among teams.
If there are many employ­ees (e.g., around 100), it is advis­able to divide teams into small­er sub­di­vi­sions: depart­ments.
There­fore, the account is divid­ed into teams, which can also be split into indi­vid­ual departments.

Lev­els of Access for Work­sec­tion Administrators

The struc­tur­al divi­sion cor­re­sponds to a mul­ti-lev­el man­age­ment sys­tem. Accounts, teams, and depart­ments have their own Administrators.
Account Admin­is­tra­tor has the most rights in the sys­tem. Along with the Account Own­er, they have access to all teams and projects in the sys­tem and can:
  • Change account set­tings, man­age tags, and pay for the account.
  • Appoint administrators.
  • See hid­den cor­re­spon­dence, tasks, and files.
  • Edit time and finan­cial expenses.
Team Admin­is­tra­tor has rights specif­i­cal­ly for their team. They can:
  • See all projects and mem­bers of their team.
  • Cre­ate and edit projects for their team.
  • Edit their team, man­age team mem­bers, and invite employ­ees to their team’s projects.
  • Edit tasks, sub­tasks, and com­ments in their team’s projects and any projects they par­tic­i­pate in.
Depart­ment Admin­is­tra­tor has author­i­ty only with­in their depart­ment. They man­age the actions of peo­ple from their depart­ment in var­i­ous teams’ projects, and can cre­ate and man­age projects.

Work­space in Worksection

A project is the work­space where employ­ees man­age and track their tasks. Admin­is­tra­tors can cre­ate projects and add par­tic­i­pants accord­ing to their lev­el of access. For exam­ple, a Team Admin­is­tra­tor can cre­ate a project for the entire team or for a spe­cif­ic depart­ment using project cre­ation parameters.

Each project also has its own Man­ag­er, usu­al­ly the depart­ment head or team lead, mak­ing employ­ee respon­si­bil­i­ty zones clear in the system.

Fea­tures With­in Projects

Work­sec­tion’s capa­bil­i­ties for orga­niz­ing teams are clear­ly vis­i­ble in projects.


Flex­i­ble Vis­i­bil­i­ty Set­tings: You can man­age the vis­i­bil­i­ty of infor­ma­tion, peo­ple, par­tic­i­pa­tion of adja­cent teams, etc.

For exam­ple, if a mem­ber of team Alpha is added to a project of team Bra­vo, the sys­tem can auto­mat­i­cal­ly add the leader of Alpha to keep them informed about their employ­ees’ workload.


Project Man­age­ment Rules: Each depart­men­t’s project man­age­ment rules are up to you. The admin­is­tra­tor — the project work­space leader — can allow or pro­hib­it any­thing with­in their project: set­ting tasks with­out dead­lines, resched­ul­ing tasks, etc.

These fea­tures aim to main­tain order and effi­cien­cy in work. As the team grows, main­tain­ing sys­tem­at­ic oper­a­tions becomes increas­ing­ly dif­fi­cult, and with­out appro­pri­ate tools, almost impossible.

Sum­ma­ry: Orga­niz­ing Effec­tive Project Team Activ­i­ties in Worksection

A large num­ber of employ­ees cre­ates more inter­ac­tions and com­mu­ni­ca­tions, which can eas­i­ly spi­ral out of con­trol. While divid­ing employ­ees into sev­er­al micro-teams with their lead­ers is one solu­tion, reg­u­lar syn­chro­niza­tion between all teams is still necessary.

This is why Work­sec­tion places great empha­sis on the sys­tem­ati­za­tion and orga­ni­za­tion of all peo­ple, depart­ments, and links with­in teams. A well-orga­nized sys­tem oper­ates steadi­ly regard­less of project com­plex­i­ty or the num­ber of employees.

Work­sec­tion acts as a uni­fied work­space for the entire com­pa­ny. Its com­po­nents, inter­face, and capa­bil­i­ties con­tribute to organization:
  • Gantt Chart and Kan­ban Boards: Track dead­lines, sta­tus­es, and priorities.
  • Built-in Two-Way Inte­gra­tion with CRM Sys­tems: Unites ser­vices used by dif­fer­ent departments.
  • Mobile Apps for iOS and Android: Allow easy con­trol and quick access to projects and tasks on the go or dur­ing client meetings.
  • Task Noti­fi­ca­tions: Employ­ees receive noti­fi­ca­tions about tasks for the cur­rent day via email or messenger.
  • Client, Sub­con­trac­tor, and Third-Par­ty Involve­ment: Allows these exter­nal par­tic­i­pants to be part of the project in Work­sec­tion, to set tasks togeth­er, dis­cuss, and orga­nize effec­tive project team activities.

All of this trans­forms even a sprawl­ing team into a well-coor­di­nat­ed sym­pho­ny orches­tra, where each musi­cian plays their part to cre­ate a com­mon melody. Try Work­sec­tion so that your team gets a skilled conductor.

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