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Worksection vs Telegram: Which tool is better for work organization

Work chats are a com­mon solu­tion for orga­niz­ing work. They are used to doc­u­ment tasks and agree­ments, com­mu­ni­cate with clients and team mem­bers, share files, etc. 

How­ev­er, chats are pri­mar­i­ly designed as a com­mu­ni­ca­tion plat­form, not as a tool for struc­tur­ing projects and tasks. For com­pre­hen­sive project man­age­ment, there are spe­cial­ized online ser­vices and tools. They have a full set of fea­tures, from task man­age­ment and sta­tus to Gantt charts and time track­ers. That’s why chats need to be inte­grat­ed with these ser­vices to effec­tive­ly orga­nize workflows. 

Today, we’ll do a com­par­i­son between work chats and project man­age­ment tools, and why they’re not interchangeable.

Briefly about Work­sec­tion and Telegram


Work­sec­tion is a Ukrain­ian online project man­age­ment ser­vice found­ed in 2008 and used by more than 1,600 teams around the world. It pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive project man­age­ment solu­tion with a built-in task man­ag­er, time track­er, Gantt charts, kan­ban boards, and detailed reports on team performance.

Work­sec­tion’s key capa­bil­i­ties and limitations


  1. Work­flow struc­tur­ing. Work­sec­tion allows you to divide your busi­ness into sep­a­rate projects, so you don’t have to deal with cus­tomer pay­ments and milk pur­chas­es in the same room. 
  2. Exten­sive project and task cus­tomiza­tion. Work­sec­tion’s task man­ag­er allows you to cre­ate projects, tasks and sub­tasks, assign a respon­si­ble per­son, set pri­or­i­ties, tags and sta­tus­es. Every area of respon­si­bil­i­ty is under control. 
  3. Cen­tral­ized data access. Work­sec­tion helps you col­lect and orga­nize infor­ma­tion with­in a project or task. Attach files to tasks to auto­mat­i­cal­ly store them in the appro­pri­ate project with access for the entire team.
  4. Client com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Invite your clients into the project to main­tain trans­paren­cy as you work on the project.
  5. Man­age access to infor­ma­tion. With sys­tem per­mis­sions and addi­tion­al pri­va­cy set­tings, you can ensure the con­fi­den­tial­i­ty of infor­ma­tion when engag­ing third parties.
For exam­ple, a free­lancer with the Guest” role in the sys­tem will only see infor­ma­tion on the tasks for which he or she is respon­si­ble or a subscriber. 


  1. Lack of tem­plates. Work­sec­tion does not pro­vide tem­plates for projects. 
  2. Low lev­el of cus­tomiza­tion. If you are look­ing for a ful­ly cus­tomiz­able ser­vice, you should con­sid­er oth­er options. 

Rat­ings on catalogs


Chats are the main tool for orga­niz­ing work­flows in many com­pa­nies. They allow you to com­mu­ni­cate instant­ly with team mem­bers and cus­tomers, shar­ing infor­ma­tion and files in real time.

Chats key capa­bil­i­ties and limitations


  1. Instant infor­ma­tion exchange. Chats pro­vide rapid inter­ac­tion that allows you to resolve issues quick­ly. For exam­ple, in a cri­sis sit­u­a­tion, team updates hap­pen in seconds. 
  2. Avail­abil­i­ty across plat­forms and devices. Chats can be used on com­put­ers as well as smart­phones. For exam­ple, Slack and Microsoft Teams have mobile apps that let you stay in touch from anywhere.
  3. File shar­ing. In a chat, you can quick­ly send a pre­sen­ta­tion to a client or share a report on your work with colleagues.


  1. Data over­load. In chat, it’s easy to lose an impor­tant mes­sage or doc­u­ment among hun­dreds of less impor­tant ones.
  2. Lim­it­ed abil­i­ty to orga­nize and struc­ture tasks. In most chats, it’s dif­fi­cult to cre­ate a task hier­ar­chy, set dead­lines, and assign respon­si­bil­i­ties, mak­ing it dif­fi­cult to track progress and com­plete tasks.
  3. Restric­tions on man­ag­ing access to infor­ma­tion, which can lead to pri­va­cy issues. 
For exam­ple, a new employ­ee may inad­ver­tent­ly access sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion if added to a pub­lic chat with­out restrictions.

The rat­ing on cat­a­logs depends on the spe­cif­ic ser­vice analysis.

Who can use Work­sec­tion and Chats?


Work­sec­tion is right for you if

  • You have a team of 10 to 100 peo­ple. Work­sec­tion is ide­al for small and medi­um-sized busi­ness­es and pro­vides all the tools you need to orga­nize work.
  • Look­ing for a sys­tem for struc­tured work. Work­sec­tion has a struc­ture divid­ed into projects with tasks and sub­tasks of sev­er­al lev­els, which helps you con­trol tasks. Adding tags, sta­tus­es, and pri­or­i­ties keeps all process­es under con­trol and ensures efficiency.
  • You want to start work­ing on an hourly basis. Cal­cu­late accu­rate project costs and your prof­it with Work­sec­tion’s resource con­trol tools. The time track­er allows you to record the real time of tasks, and auto­mat­ed report­ing col­lects them in one place for easy analytics. 
  • You need project man­age­ment tools such as kan­ban or Gantt chart. Work­sec­tion’s kan­ban board and Gantt chart are one way to visu­al­ize your tasks with­in a project. This sim­pli­fies the work­flow to two steps: cre­ate tasks and dis­play them in the for­mat you require.

It is bet­ter to con­sid­er servise alter­na­tives if

  • You are look­ing for a solu­tion with a high lev­el of automa­tion and tem­plates. By imple­ment­ing Work­sec­tion, you don’t get ready-made tem­plates or access to com­plex busi­ness process automation.
  • You are not ready to pay for the sys­tem. Work­sec­tion is a paid ser­vice. If you’re not ready to invest in a project man­age­ment sys­tem, it’s bet­ter to con­sid­er free options. 


Chats are suit­able for you if

  • You have a team of up to 5 peo­ple with sim­ple line tasks. Chats will be an effec­tive way to quick­ly coor­di­nate actions and exchange infor­ma­tion for small teams with sim­ple tasks. 
  • You are look­ing for a real-time com­mu­ni­ca­tion solu­tion. Chats allow you to exchange mes­sages instant­ly, which helps you respond quick­ly to changes.
  • You have a small bud­get for sys­tem imple­men­ta­tion. Mes­sen­gers like Telegram and What­sApp have free plans. This makes them afford­able for teams with lim­it­ed finances.

Chats won’t work for you if

  • You have com­plex, mul­ti-lev­el work­flows. Chats may not be func­tion­al enough if your projects require com­plex plan­ning, task dis­tri­b­u­tion, and exe­cu­tion con­trol at dif­fer­ent stages.
  • You need a ser­vice with built-in project man­age­ment tools. Chats don’t have project man­age­ment tools like kan­ban boards, Gantt charts, time track­ers, etc. For this, it’s bet­ter to use spe­cial­ized services. 
  • You want to cen­tral­ize all infor­ma­tion in one place. In chats, it is dif­fi­cult to pro­vide easy access to infor­ma­tion for the entire team. Infor­ma­tion over­load and lack of struc­ture leads to the loss of impor­tant data.
  • You need to com­mu­ni­cate trans­par­ent­ly with the client based on report­ing. Chats do not pro­vide the prop­er lev­el of account­abil­i­ty and trans­paren­cy. There­fore, it is bet­ter to use ser­vices where you can give clients access to cer­tain parts of the project and reports.
We have pre­pared a sim­pli­fied com­par­i­son table for you to quick­ly eval­u­ate the func­tion­al­i­ty of both solutions:

Task man­age­ment in Chats and Worksection 

As we com­pare work chats with online project man­age­ment ser­vices, it’s essen­tial to note that task man­age­ment via chats is pos­si­ble. Let’s take a clos­er look at the Telegram mes­sen­ger.

Telegram task management

Telegram offers task man­age­ment through the inte­gra­tion of chat­bots. Both free and paid solu­tions are available. 

How does it work?

Chat­bots expand chat capa­bil­i­ties with inter­ac­tive but­tons. In order to inte­grate a chat­bot, you need to add it to a work­ing chat. After autho­riza­tion, par­tic­i­pants will be able to view cur­rent and sched­uled tasks, as well as receive new ones. 

Advan­tages and disadvantages

The ben­e­fits:
  1. You don’t waste time on migra­tion, but stay in a famil­iar envi­ron­ment with­out hav­ing to switch to anoth­er tool.
  2. Famil­iar func­tion­al­i­ty. Using chat­bots sim­pli­fies onboard­ing, as most users are already famil­iar with how they work.


  1. Lack of struc­ture. Tasks are still in the chat, and although it’s faster to find them with a chat­bot, you and your employ­ees don’t have a clear hier­ar­chy of tasks with a divi­sion into subtasks. 

Work­sec­tion task management

Task man­age­ment in Work­sec­tion is avail­able for all plans and includes the fol­low­ing features:
  • Cre­ate tasks with two lev­els of sub­tasks for struc­tured work.
  • Pri­or­i­tize tasks to coor­di­nate resources.
  • Task sta­tus­es and labels to clas­si­fy stages and specifics of work
  • Set­ting dead­lines and assign­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty. Basic fea­tures for effec­tive time and resource management.

Tasks cus­tomiza­tion in Worksection

  1. Detail the task descrip­tion with for­mat­ting options, add links and files 
  2. Com­mu­ni­cate with­in the task. Use user men­tions, attach files direct­ly in the com­ments to tasks.
  3. Restrict access to view­ing a task or com­ments with­in it. 
  4. View task his­to­ry to track and doc­u­ment all activities.

Why should you choose Worksection?

A com­pre­hen­sive project man­age­ment solution

Work­sec­tion pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive solu­tion for man­ag­ing projects of vary­ing com­plex­i­ty and profile:
  1. Gantt chart for projects with defined time frames and depen­den­cies between process­es. An effec­tive solu­tion for archi­tec­tur­al firms, con­struc­tion com­pa­nies, and manufacturers. 
  2. Kan­ban for projects with repeat­ing stages to seg­ment work­flows. It will help orga­nize work in con­sult­ing and design studios.
  3. A timer and auto­mat­ed reports will help con­trol the resources used, which is impor­tant for ser­vice teams.
A vari­ety of tools and their com­pe­tent com­bi­na­tion will help to build the work of non-tech­ni­cal and mixed teams effectively.

Hourly rate support

Track and ana­lyze time and resources spent on a project. This allows you to esti­mate your rev­enue and ana­lyze unprof­itable process­es to opti­mize them.

Work­sec­tion’s hourly rate sup­port is based on the coor­di­nat­ed work of the time track­er and reports:
  • The timer allows you to record the time spent on a spe­cif­ic task with a few clicks and auto­mat­i­cal­ly dis­play it in reports.
  • Reports allow you to ana­lyze the resources used in real time. This allows you to con­trol your mar­gins and avoid loss of profit.

Struc­tured and transparent

Struc­tur­ing of processes:

  • A Work­sec­tion account is divid­ed into projects. You can orga­nize sep­a­rate areas of work in them or assign a project to work with a spe­cif­ic client 
  • All tasks are cre­at­ed with­in a spe­cif­ic project. You can cre­ate tasks and add two lev­els of sub­tasks to them to detail workflows. 
  • Tasks also have labels and sta­tus­es. Sta­tus­es are used to mark the stages of the process. Labels are used to indi­cate their specifics.
  • Each task has its own per­son respon­si­ble for the result. All employ­ee activ­i­ty is reflect­ed in reports.

Trans­paren­cy of roles and communication

  1. Divi­sion into admin­is­tra­tive and user roles to con­trol access to infor­ma­tion by employ­ees and stake­hold­ers with­in the sys­tem. For exam­ple, a par­tic­i­pant with the read­er” role can view infor­ma­tion about a project, but can­not inter­act with it. 
  2. Exten­sive com­mu­ni­ca­tion under tasks in the com­ments. Each task has its own field for dis­cus­sion, which allows you to main­tain trans­paren­cy and clar­i­ty of the progress.

Work­ing with clients

Orga­nize your work with the client thanks to:
  1. Report­ing sys­tem. Thanks to auto­mat­ed reports, you can eas­i­ly pro­vide the client with up-to-date data on the progress of the project
  2. Invit­ing the client to the project to con­trol and coor­di­nate all the details. Cre­ate a client team and involve the client in the project. 
You can also hide tasks and con­tact details of work­ers from the client.

Sup­port dur­ing onboarding

Work­sec­tion has a tech­ni­cal sup­port chat to help you solve any prob­lems in the process of your onboard­ing. The key fea­ture of our sup­port is com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the sys­tem’s spe­cial­ists direct­ly, rather than respond­ing to tem­plate mes­sages from a chatbot. 

The tech­ni­cal sup­port chat is avail­able 247, and the aver­age response time from ser­vice experts is 3 min­utes. You will also have access to infor­ma­tion in the sys­tem’s blog, FAQs with a detailed descrip­tion of the func­tion­al­i­ty, and short tuto­r­i­al videos on YouTube. 

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