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Serhii Huzenko: how Worksection helps to optimize the work of a company with 250+ people

Serhii Huzenko
CEO & Owner of Wezom
Ser­hii Huzenko, CEO & Own­er of Wezom, shared his expe­ri­ence of build­ing his own com­pa­ny and work­ing in war con­di­tions, insights into the orga­ni­za­tion of process­es in Work­sec­tion, as well as advice on how to cre­ate a suc­cess­ful com­pa­ny of 250+ people.

About the company:

WEZOM is a well-known play­er in the glob­al IT mar­ket, whose clients include John Deere, Aptive, Coop­er & Hunter, Toy­ota Mate­r­i­al, Roshen and many oth­ers. Over 23 years, WEZOM has suc­cess­ful­ly imple­ment­ed more than 3,500 projects. The com­pa­ny spe­cial­izes in var­i­ous sec­tors includ­ing logis­tics, oil and gas, sup­ply chain, real estate and e‑commerce. The WEZOM team was one of the top 100 web devel­op­ment and ser­vices com­pa­nies in the US in 2023.

About the West­ern mar­ket and work dur­ing the war

Before the full-scale inva­sion began, we had cer­tain goals regard­ing West­ern cus­tomers. We had clas­sic meth­ods of lead gen­er­a­tion, includ­ing web­site, SEO traf­fic, paid adver­tis­ing, etc. And then — calls with the customers.

When the full-scale inva­sion began, we start­ed work­ing with a more or less tar­get­ed cus­tomer base that I had once acquired. Liv­ing four of us in one apart­ment (it was safer), we had been call­ing poten­tial clients for 8 hours a day. In total, there were about 60 Zoom calls with the pre­sen­ta­tion of our ser­vices. The prob­lem was that the cus­tomers did not know us at all, so the con­ver­sion rate was low. So we went the fol­low­ing way: pro­vid­ed a free Dis­cov­ery Stage and held a few more calls. This is how clients saw our work and after that began to buy services. 

How did the com­pa­ny come to Worksection?

We found Work­sec­tion pret­ty quick­ly and did­n’t even hes­i­tate. We searched for a CRM for a very long time, test­ed a lot, and with Work­sec­tion — we found it and bought it. We assign tasks in the sys­tem, espe­cial­ly for inter­nal projects, on a dai­ly basis because there are a lot of cool tools that we enjoy using. We also give access to our clients if necessary.

How to accus­tom” employ­ees to the time tracker?

This was a prob­lem, and still is, to some extent. We have an account­ing soft­ware that pulls” data on time spent from Work­sec­tion for a cer­tain peri­od. After that, the man­agers open the report for each depart­ment and see the fact sheet for hours worked.

This way, the man­ag­er can see the time the employ­ee spent for work. If it is less than planned, the man­ag­er finds out the rea­son direct­ly from the employ­ee. It is con­ve­nient to mon­i­tor this dur­ing the month, because if the mal­func­tion emerges” at the begin­ning of the next month, it entails loss­es. But if there is still some time left before the end of the month, then the employ­ee can com­plete the required num­ber of hours, and thus reach the planned prof­it val­ues, mar­gin­al­i­ty, etc.

How to build a com­pa­ny of 250+ people?

Every­thing was cre­at­ed on one’s own mis­takes, of course. Knowl­edge is need­ed to run a com­pa­ny, but the most impor­tant thing is peo­ple and their skills, so I and all the employ­ees at Wezom do our best to make the cus­tomer sat­is­fied. And we are all human, so human­i­ty and cus­tomer care should be invest­ed in the prod­uct and work.

The law of suc­cess is per­se­ver­ance over a long peri­od of time, tri­als, errors, actions. That’s the only way some­thing can work. The prob­lem is that 99% of peo­ple are not ready for this. Wezom is 24 years old, but I learned to make mon­ey about 19 years after it was found­ed. I had mixed thoughts about quit­ting and going to a place where I could earn 10 times more with my skills. Maybe some­one else in my posi­tion would have done it faster, but it took me 19 years to under­stand how things work and persevere.

We nev­er intend­ed to stop using Worksection…”

We’ve nev­er thought of stop­ping using Work­sec­tion, and we’re not think­ing about it now. It has soul and I enjoy work­ing with your sys­tem, as all my 250 peo­ple do.

Watch the full video inter­view with Ser­hii Huzenko on our YouTube chan­nel.

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