•   19 min read

TOP 20 Task Managers for Teams in 2022

Task management systems clearly make teamwork more coherent. They significantly accelerate the resolution of different issues, such as missed deadlines, poor team collaboration, resource forecasting, storing all information in one place, time tracking, and calculating earnings for those who work per hourly rates.

Such services minimize the possibility of forgetting or losing something, especially in multitasking mode.
To get the most out of a task manager, you need to know the features of different platforms, as well as understand what criteria to consider when choosing a particular service for your team.

What a task manager is and why it is needed

A task management system - or a task manager - is a service that allows you to gather all tasks of your team in one single place. This is a kind of a "cardiogram" of the company's work, which shows if everything is going as planned or if there are any potential failures to fix.

Let's look in more detail at how you can benefit from a task management system. Such following systems help teams:
  • Structure and make the work of the company more transparent, both for the whole organization and for each employee. Usually, a task tracker provides a comprehensive overview of a project - from general principles to details. First, the project's general goal is described, then its strategy and tactics. Then a list of specific tasks to achieve the goal is created, and employees who are responsible for them are assigned. This way all team members can see what colleagues are doing, and understand how a project is progressing.
  • Plan work, and increase employee involvement. Teams can see deadlines and progress, and a manager may track tasks which have  "burning" deadlines or even gone overdue. If action is taken on time, it will most likely be possible to find the cause of this situation and resolve an issue without jeopardizing the project as a whole.
Moreover, task managers often help avoid problems with missed deadlines thanks to automatic reminders and notifications sent to email or messenger. For example, the day before a deadline, a person in charge receives a reminder in a messenger with a link to the task in the system. 

Also, for many employees, a clear picture of their productivity is important.

For example, a task tracker allows you to see that out of 20 tasks per week 19 were completed. This is a good indicator. But if only half of the planned tasks were done, there might be something to think about.
Also, a task management system encourages us to pay attention to tasks with constantly postponed deadlines. Maybe, there is a problem with the task. Or maybe, the task is not needed at all.
  • Organize communication between project teams in one place. It is convenient when everyone involved in the process can ask questions or deliver important information to the team directly in the task manager, simply by tagging one of the colleagues or the whole team. Thanks to this, it is not necessary to search the data necessary for further work, for example, in Slack or other places.
  • Optimize file handling. Sometimes, employees store project files on hard drives or in cloud storage. If the person is not online, reaching the necessary files can be difficult.
That is why the most important files should be stored directly in the task management system, with regulated levels of access to certain tasks or projects. If files are large, they can be uploaded, for example, to Google Drive or Dropbox, and the system will provide links to them.

In addition, you can easily find necessary tasks or documents on the system simply by searching by name. The main thing is to agree in advance with the colleagues on the approach to tasks and documents naming. 
  • Simplify reporting and financial control. Task tracking tools usually have the ability to generate time reports for each employee, Gantt charts, and other useful charts. Thanks to this, you can provide reports to your clients in just a few clicks or calculate the compensation of a team member or a contractor.
  • Accelerate onboarding of new employees. In a task tracker, you can quickly set standard tasks for a newcomer with deadlines. For example, filling out a profile, study materials necessary for work, etc. You can also assign curators who will help a new employee.

Pros and cons of using a task manager

If we talk about the disadvantages of using such a tool, they are mainly related to the peculiarities of specific tools. These can be:
  1. Low quality of a service, which leads to frequent failures in its work, lack of operational technical support, etc.
  2. Inconsistency of functionality with the specific needs of your team or your company in general. This can also be the case if an extremely simple task tracker designed for a single freelancer is chosen for a team with diverse tasks and a large staff.
  3. Unjustified price. If a company has chosen an expensive product, and its earnings are not so great, then such an investment may be irrational.
Sometimes employees do not have detailed information on why they and their company use a task tracker, as well as do not have detailed instructions on how to work with a particular program. In this situation, people may sabotage the product.

Thus, it is clear that task managers have some disadvantages. That is why it is very important to know:
  • why you need this tool;
  • how much it is worth spending on it;
  • what you expect to get from the service.
If a manager knows the answers to these questions and conveys this information to employees, there is every chance to successfully onboard employees and experience the benefits of the task manager.

What to consider when choosing task management tools

First of all, you need to understand whether you need a task management program for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android or you prefer a web-based service. Typically, operating systems supported by the service are listed on the task tracker website.

Also, important selection criteria are:
  1. Availability of a free test period. After 7-14 days of active use of the product, you can understand whether it suits you or not.
  2. Intuitive and visually pleasing interface. If most people can not immediately understand how to attach a file to a task or add a comment, it should raise concerns about the UX/UI of the service. Visual appeal is largely a matter of taste, and you may want to conduct an anonymous survey to see if your employees like the interface.
  3. Sufficient functionality. A task tracker must allow you to set a deadline, change stateges of s task execution, and appoint a responsible person. As for a broader list of functions, it depends on the needs of a particular company. Some people need Kanban boards, others need a Gantt chart, etc.
  4. Possibility of integration. Most often, teams need to synchronize a task tracker with messengers and calendars. If you have more specific requests, it's best to ask for technical support from the service.
  5. Visualization tools. Dashboards are a really handy feature which speeds up analysis of information, especially for the purpose of reporting.
  6. Availability of time trackers. This tool allows you to understand the average time spent on typical tasks and more accurately predict timing for customers' projects. You can read more about the benefits of the timekeeping service here.
  7. Mobile version. In the era of remote work, it is very useful and convenient.
  8. Prompt technical support. When you can get answers to your questions at any time and in just a few minutes, it's invaluable.
  9. Price. As we said above, it should be comparable to your company's turnover, and the use of the system should pay off.
  10. Available storage for documents. This setting is important for companies that upload large files every day.
  11. Evaluation / feedback from competent users. There are specialized sites where people evaluate products and services based on personal experience. One of the most reliable - G2 or Capterra.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac


Multifunctional platform that allows you to solve all major issues related to project management in one space. Users like the fact that you can share files and chat, appoint responsible people for tasks, see the activity of employees, and set deadlines.

There is also a news feed, a calendar that syncs with Google or Outlook, and a Gantt chart.


There are users who find it difficult to understand the interface. There have also been issues with email notifications. Technical support does not always respond quickly.


$ 99 / month or $ 999 / year per team, the number of projects and users is not limited. There is a 10% discount for non-profit and charitable organizations.

The trial version is free for 30 days. If you are a student or teacher, the product is provided free of charge. Please note that only three projects and 20 user accounts are available in the free version, and 1 GB of storage is provided. The paid tariff has 500 GB of disk space, extended access for as many customers and contractors.

Capterra rating: 4.3 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows


This is one of the best options for a task management system due to its versatility. The interface is intuitive, and the product is suitable for teams from several people to large companies. Both Agile and Waterfall fans are comfortable working with this task manager.

Users have access to: an informative dashboard, time tracker, Kanban boards, project budgeting, labels, chats, and a Gantt chart. There is also a regular backup, so you should not worry about saving data. Integrations with CRM systems, GoogleDocs, Slack, Telegram are by default, if necessary, you can exchange data via API. Technical support during working hours replies in less than 10 minutes, during non-working hours within an hour.


Some users are dissatisfied with the fact that the product does not work offline, and a mobile application should be refined.


$ 49 per month for 20 projects and 20 users, $ 199 per month for an unlimited number of projects and 50 users. You can choose the desired tariff plan and start working, using all the opportunities provided by its terms. The invoice will have to be paid only in 14 days. There is also a free version, in which you can activate two projects and up to five users, using 0.1 GB of cloud storage. While the premium package includes 500 GB of information storage, extra security, and your own domain.

Capterra rating: 4.9 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac


Powerful cloud-based product, which allows you to create adaptive to-do lists and assign responsible employees, as well as specify deadlines. In addition, you can change the importance of a task, briefly describe its essence, attach files, and leave comments.

The product is valued for its simplicity, calendar, and convenient reports.


Users note that this is not a price-friendly task manager. Depending on the platform, even in paid versions, not all functionality is available. Also, not all customers are satisfied with the work of e-mail notifications.


From $ 13.49 to $ 30.49 per user when paying monthly, from $ 10.99 to $ 24.49 per user when paying for the whole year.

There is a free 30-day trial period in which Premium tariff functionality is available. If you want to use the product for free on a regular basis, remember that there are restrictions: no more than 15 users, and you will not be able to use the workflow designer, task templates, or create a closed group/project. All these features are available in Premium and Business versions, integrations with Salesforce, Adobe Creative Cloud, Tableau, and Power BI are also added.

Capterra rating: 4.5 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux


This product is part of the company's lineup, which includes CRM, and tools for developers and marketers. It allows you to work with boards and tasks. You can set a deadline for each task, change project statuses, and assign tasks to employees. There is also a feature that allows you to copy and pasteboards, prioritize them and change categories.

Monday.com has many features for automation and the appointment of task observers.


Not a very cost-effective option, there are difficulties with settings.
$ 8 to $ 16 per user per month. Trial period - 14 days. During this time the number of boards and workflows is not limited. At the end of the test period, the tariff plan must be selected, taking into account the needs of a team. For example, the basic version provides 5 GB of storage and a dashboard based on one board, while a standard rate additionally allows you to expand the dashboard to five boards, and even have guest access. 

If you want to use a free version, it is limited to two team members. For students and non-profit organizations, there is a possibility of unpaid use on a permanent basis.

Capterra rating: 4.6 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac


This task management platform is the best option for managing small projects and achieving a balance between personal life and work. The benefits of the product: customizable workflows, lists, task cards that can be dragged between columns, changing their status. It is possible to share tasks with the team and appoint responsible employees.

Also, among the positive features: excellent visualization, available process automation, templates, and integration with third-party services.


Not suitable for large projects, not all features are intuitive.


From $ 5 to $ 17.5 per user per month if paid for the whole year, if you pay every month, the price starts at $ 6.

Teams have access to a premium rate for free testing. Based on the experience of using it, you can choose a simpler or a more advanced package of services. The standard rate does not allow you to generate reports and analytics in real-time. But in the premium rate, there is such an opportunity, along with the administration of teams and a combination of boards in the collection.

There is an option to use the task manager for free. In the free version, the functionality is limited. For example, user fields in the boards are not available, there is no project history, no calendar.

Capterra rating: 4.5 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac


This service rightfully ranks in the list of the best systems for task management. It allows you to create and customize workflows, forms, dashboards, and generate real-time analytical reports.

Wrike also has artificial intelligence that provides automatic results on queries, interactive Gantt charts, budgeting tools. Many useful features and many opportunities to adapt the service to the needs of your team, in particular, through API integrations.


Not all users find it easy to understand the settings, and technical support does not always help quickly. In addition, it is not the most affordable service.


From $ 9, 80 to $ 24.80 per user per month. There is a free 14-day trial. If you want to use the product for free all the time, the functionality will be limited, as well as the number of active tasks, in addition, the entire account is provided with only 2 GB of storage space. However, in the Professional tariff each user receives up to 2 GB, and the possibility of integration with MS Project, Excel, and other services.

Capterra rating: 4.2 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux


This task management tool helps teams plan and organize joint work on projects. Users can break tasks into subtasks, share files, and leave comments. You can also choose different options for visualizing tasks. There are Kanban boards, a built-in time tracker, and an internal chat.


Users complain about system errors and an inconvenient mobile version.


$ 5 to $ 19 per user per month. You can use a free trial version for 14 days. The free version works with restrictions, for example, files larger than 100 MB cannot be attached, and only three boards are available. By paying $ 5, you will be able to download as much information as you want, have unlimited Gantt charts, integrations, and guest access.

Capterra rating: 4.7 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac


Quite a convenient task tracker that allows you to distribute tasks by day, week, etc. For tasks there are tags, deadlines, priorities, possibility to attach files from Google Drive or Dropbox. Teamwork may be improved with Kanban boards, filters, the possibility to create tasks via Gmail and Outlook, and analytics of employee activity.


Users say that reminders are intrusive.


From $ 4 per month for 25 employees to $ 6 per month for 50 team members (subject to payment one year in advance). If you pay every month, the price will be from $ 5 to $ 8 per team.

You can test the Business tariff for free for 30 days. It is possible to work with a free version, it is limited to five active projects, each of which can be joined by no more than five employees. In addition, the history of activity in this tariff is stored for only a week. Instead, the cheapest paid rate already has 300 active projects, unlimited activity history, 150 search filters, and convenient reminders.

Capterra rating: 4.6 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android


Quite a convenient service that speeds up work with tasks. It is possible to assign responsible people, add tags, set priorities, deadlines, combine tasks into lists, share lists with colleagues. There is an integration possibility with Google Calendar. Tasks can be color-coded, and an individual theme is chosen for each of them.


We’ve noticed problems with data storage, and synchronization with a calendar. Technical support does not always respond quickly.


$ 5.99 per team, if paid for each month, 50% discount if paid for the year (ie $ 2.99). To use a trial version, you need to enter your bank card number. If you do not like the service, you need to unsubscribe manually. Premium rate allows users to set up recurring reminders, synchronize with WhatsApp, choose individual themes, color labels, and even notifications that appear in connection with geolocation (mobile version).

Capterra rating: 4,4 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac


Convenient task tracker that increases the efficiency of teams by adapting to user needs. For example, team members have access to individual dashboards, which show tasks assigned to each of them, divided into categories. You can attach files, assign tags, move tasks between projects with just one click, or assign a new responsible person. There is also an analysis of personal and team performance.


Some users have problems with chats and uploading images, also read notifications seem to disappear, and it is inconvenient to look for them.


From $ 12 per user with an annual subscription, if you pay monthly, from $ 16. There is a free 14-day trial. You can also use a free version, it is designed for two team members. But it does not have features that are available in paid versions, such as Gantt charts, Kanban boards, chat, and notifications.

Capterra rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Zoho Projects


Web, iOS, Android.


This task manager is suitable for a team that wants to communicate with each other and clients in the same environment. In addition, it is convenient here to generate a Gantt chart, and use templates, tasks and subtasks, time tracker, and advanced reports.


Difficulties with setting up projects and integrations.


€ 5 per month per user. There is a trial version and a free version for permanent use. But it can connect only two users and three projects. The paid tariff allows 50 employees to work in the service, create an unlimited number of projects and store up to 100 GB of data.

Capterra rating: 4,2 of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux


A simple task tracker that will allow you to make a list of tasks, track time of tasks' execution, and generate reports. There is a Drag-n-drop function, it helps to move tasks quickly. You can also attach files to tasks, and receive push notifications about updates.


Рeriodic failures, bugs, not very friendly technical support.


$ 5 to $ 20 per month per team. There is a free trial version, but people have noticed that payment is withdrawn without warning. Teams of 5 or fewer can use the product for free, but they will not have some features from the paid tariff, such as sharing projects, tasks, calendar synchronizing with Google Calendar and MS Outlook.

Capterra rating: 4 of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac


A product that is suitable for both freelancers and companies. The system has a time tracker, chat, CRM integration, tools for working with finances, and many more options for planning and automating routines.


Not everyone likes that the service does not allow to easily change the look of the project board.


Solo - $ 19 per month, Studio - $ 39 per month (10 team members), Agency - $ 99 per month (30 team members). There is a free trial version of any of the tariff plans. Students get a 10% discount on the cost of tariffs, and non-profit organizations have a reduced subscription by 30%. For $ 19 you can invite up to three customers, and for $ 39 - as many as you want.

Capterra rating: 4.6 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android


This product supports different integrations with Google Drive, Office 365, Outlook. Task board will automatically show which tasks have already expired and which are scheduled for the next few days. The task manager simplifies work with accounts.


Users say that the product allegedly has many features, but not all of them are well implemented. Also, sometimes users are dissatisfied with updates and support.


$ 24 to $ 39 per month per user. There is a free trial for both rates. In the Plus version, you get a database of customers, contacts, and a report on customer activity. The Premium tariff includes planning and resource management, client portal, enhanced security.

Capterra rating: 4.5 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux.


Quite a large set of opportunities for teamwork: reports, tasks, activity logs, templates, chat, tools for monitoring team performance, attaching files.


Time tracking functionality, problems with copying tasks, and technical support is not very well implemented.


$ 8 to $ 22 per user per month. A free test version of the task manager is available, with a choice of one of two tariffs - Premium and Business. There is also a version that can be used free of charge. It can suit teams of up to 5 people without the possibility of guest access to tasks, lack of integrations, and storage of only 1 GB. In the paid tariff, users receive an unlimited number of projects and tasks, and 100 GB of storage space.

Capterra rating: 4.5 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux


Ability to organize tasks using Gantt charts, templates, stickers, filters, calendar, statuses, and deadlines.


Not all users can deal with all the features at once.


$ 3 to $ 15 per user per month. You can use a trial version of any tariff for two weeks. It should be understood that the cheapest rate has only 10 workspaces, 25 GB of memory, and one guest access. For $ 9 per month, users receive an unlimited number of workspaces, 100 GB of memory, and four guest accesses for each paid subscription.

Capterra rating: 4.7 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux.


High-quality project templates that allow you to start working immediately, clear budget management, notifications.


There are problems with integration with third-party services. Users also note that the training materials on using this task tracker are not always clear.


Paid rates range from $ 12 to $ 24 per month per team. A test period can be provided for all tariffs. There is a free version, it is limited to 2 GB of space and 2 weeks of storage. Paid tariffs provide over 5 GB of data storage, activity history for 6 months, and automatic table synchronization.

Capterra rating: 4.7 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android.


Task tracker, which allows you to work with Gantt charts, time trackers, and built-in chats. The system also has notifications, convenient task templates and comments to them, file sharing, report generation.


Some find it difficult to set up notifications so that they do not intrude. Not everyone is able to adapt to work with Gantt charts.


$ 45 to $ 89 per month per team, subject to annual pay.  If paid each month, prices will be $ 50 to $ 99 per team. You can use a free trial of the product for 14 days. For non-profit organizations, the developer offers a 40% discount on the selected tariff. The differences between the tariffs are, for example, the following: for $ 45 you get 40 projects and 15 GB of memory, and for $ 89 - as many projects as you want and 150 GB of storage space.

Capterra rating: 4.5 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux.


The product is convenient for working with flexible methodologies, has budgeting functions, allows you to generate bills. Routine tasks can be automated.


We’ve noticed problems with the API, no chats, not a very good visualization.


From $ 10 to $ 18 per user per month, if paid per year. For those who pay each month, rates will range from $ 12.5 to $ 22.5 per month. There is a free trial version available for 30 days. For 2 projects and 5 users, there is a completely free tariff, it is possible to create tasks, exchange messages, and set milestones. However, there are no templates for projects and tasks, billing, and many other features available at paid rates. In the $ 10 plan, the following features are added: team chat, 20 project templates, a time tracker, and invoices.

Capterra rating: 4.5 out of 5.



Web, iOS, Android, Windows.


This product is suitable for those who want to have a tool for building a team. There are push messages, task lists, functionality for training and adaptation of staff, team chats, the ability to add files, and many options for working with the schedule.


Users have difficulties with settings and questions about educational materials.


The product will cost the company $ 39 to $ 150 for 50 users when paying for the year. The tariff price will be $ 47 to $ 191 with a monthly payment. There is a free trial for 14 days. As the price increases, more features become available: in the free plan, for example, there are no integrations with services, a time tracker, or draft tasks, while the basic paid plan has all this. If you pay for an advanced tariff, you can manage multiple branches, and automate processes.

Capterra rating: 4.7 out of 5.

In this overview, we have provided basic information about popular task trackers.  However,  there is no product that suits everyone. Therefore, at first, we advise you to test those services which have high ratings from other users, have an affordable price, and which basic functionality includes features critical for your team. This way you can choose the best task manager for the business.

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