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Statuses and Labels in Worksection.
How to use it?

Work­sec­tion is a uni­fied work­space that is designed to orga­nize your busi­ness and make com­mu­ni­ca­tion eas­i­er. If your project has too many tasks and you don’t know how to sys­tem­atize the chaos, Work­sec­tion has a solu­tion: Sta­tus and Labels.

About Work­sec­tion Sta­tus­es and Labels

The Sta­tus refers to a spe­cif­ic stage of your busi­ness process.

Labels are a set of fea­tures of a par­tic­u­lar task, of which there can be many.

Even though it is clear­ly defined, peo­ple often won­der: What’s the dif­fer­ence between sta­tus­es and labels?”

Dif­fer­ence between Sta­tus­es and Labels

Con­sid­er the dif­fer­ence between Sta­tus­es and Labels using the case of ordi­nary sand­wich­es. Each sand­wich cor­re­sponds to a sep­a­rate task in the system.

What can a sand­wich be? — Statuses

The sand­wich can be: under the cook­ing or tast­ing stage; ready; spoiled.

That means a sand­wich can­not be at the tast­ing and spoiled stages at the same time. There­fore, you can select only one task sta­tus accord­ing to the stage of the workflow.

What else can a sand­wich be? — Tags

How­ev­er, like sand­wich­es, tasks can be more com­plex and a sin­gle sta­tus is not enough to describe them. That’s why, in Work­sec­tion, you can also add Labels to a task. 

So, the sand­wich may also differ:
  • By type of bread: white, brown, whole wheat, fermented. 
  • By type of meat: chick­en, turkey, tuna, sala­mi or vega.
  • By pur­pose: for a snack on the go, for lunch, for breakfast.

A sand­wich can be made of whole wheat bread and turkey at the same time. That’s why you can select mul­ti­ple labels for a task.

Mak­ing the sand­wich — Conclusion

There­fore, the Sta­tus is the state of the task, and the Labels are a set of its features.

Stan­dard sta­tus­es in Worksection

By default, your Work­sec­tion account has been set:

  • 2 stan­dard work­flows (sta­tus sets)
  • 4 stan­dard sets of labels
Impor­tant Account admin­is­tra­tors can cre­ate cus­tom sta­tus­es and labels, tak­ing into account the specifics of projects and tasks.

Sta­tus­es and Labels for dif­fer­ent types of business

Let’s also take a look at how Sta­tus­es and Labels can be used by dif­fer­ent types of busi­ness­es, using exam­ples: Dig­i­tal agency, IT com­pa­ny, Design agency.

Dig­i­tal agency

IT com­pa­ny

Design agency

How to cre­ate cus­tom sta­tus­es and labels

You can cre­ate cus­tom sta­tus­es and labels in the Sta­tus­es and labels” sec­tion. To access the Sta­tus and labels” sec­tion, click on your avatar in the upper right cor­ner, and then select Account”.

In the opened win­dow, select Sta­tus and tags”:
Now you can work with sta­tus­es and labels separately.

How to cre­ate your own work­flow and sta­tus­es for it

Sta­tus­es are com­bined into groups (work­flows). You can cre­ate cus­tom work­flows with­in your account that meet the specifics of your com­pa­ny and sep­a­rate departments.

Step 1. Click the Task sta­tus­es” tab.

Step 2. Press Add work­flow” under the list of exist­ing workflows.

Name the new work­flow and click OK. Then add sta­tus­es for the cre­at­ed work­flow. Choose a unique col­or for each status.

How to cre­ate labels

In the Task labels” sec­tion, click Add a set of labels”:

Spec­i­fy a name for the label set and check the box next to Only vis­i­ble to your team” if you want to share this set with the entire team. Click OK.

Now we have a new set of tags, but it’s still emp­ty. Next, we need to add our labels to the Post­ing arti­cles” set. Press Add label” to cre­ate a new label. 

In our exam­ple of Post­ing arti­cles”, the labels will indi­cate the places where the mate­r­i­al is post­ed: social net­works, your own web­site, blog, exter­nal sites.

Like in the case of sta­tus­es, when you cre­ate labels, you choose your unique col­or for each one. 

Addi­tion­al label settings

You can also select the projects in which you want to make the label set avail­able to use. As with sta­tus­es, click on the port­fo­lio icon in the label set and check the box­es next to the names of the projects for which you want to make the set available.

You can also make addi­tion­al set­tings for all work­flows by choos­ing both, none, or one of them:
  • Set the first sta­tus when cre­at­ing tasks
  • Clear all sta­tus­es on closing
To make a selec­tion, place a check mark next to the option you want and click Save.

How to add sta­tus­es and labels to a project

When cre­at­ing a new project, you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to choose which sta­tus­es and labels will be used for tasks with­in this project. 

You can cre­ate a new project by click­ing the “+” in the upper right cor­ner. In our exam­ple, the project Writ­ing blog arti­cles” has 2 sets of labels and 1 work­flow Gen­er­al sta­tus­es” with a unique set of statuses. 

In order to view the work­flow sta­tus­es or change the work­flow of the Writ­ing blog posts” project, click 1. Gen­er­al sta­tus­es / Label set: 2”. 

Now all tasks cre­at­ed with­in the Blog Post Writ­ing” project will have a Con­tent Jour­nal” work­flow with the option to select one of the process sta­tus­es for each stage.

For exam­ple: 
As part of the Blog post writ­ing” project, we have a new task to write an arti­cle Email mar­ket­ing effec­tive­ness”. There is a set of sta­tus­es for the task, where we have to choose only one status. 

Now the task is at the writ­ing stage, so select the Writ­ing” status.

How to dis­play all project tasks as Kanban

In order to view all the tasks of a Kan­ban project, you need to open the project and select Tasks” in the top menu. Next, click on the three hor­i­zon­tal blue lines and select Kan­ban”:

The col­umn on the left side con­tains a gen­er­al list of project tasks. If you select­ed a sta­tus for a task when cre­at­ing or edit­ing it, it will appear in the col­umn with the appro­pri­ate sta­tus on Kanban.

For exam­ple: for the task Write an arti­cle about influ­encer mar­ket­ing”, the sta­tus was set to Review”. Accord­ing­ly, on Kan­ban, the task is dis­played in the col­umn with the sta­tus Review”. 
You can also change the sta­tus for a task by drag­ging it to the col­umn with the desired sta­tus. For exam­ple: the arti­cle Write an arti­cle about influ­encer mar­ket­ing” has already been reviewed and now needs to be edit­ed. We need to drag the arti­cle from the Review col­umn to the adja­cent Edit column.

To drag a task, put a bird in front of its name, left-click the task, and drag it to the col­umn with the Edit­ing” status. 

How to fil­ter tasks by labels and statuses

To fil­ter tasks with the desired sta­tus, in the gen­er­al list of sta­tus­es, click Labels in the top menu bar:
Then select the label you want to fil­ter. In our exam­ple, we want to fil­ter out tasks labeled Review”. Click Review” and we see that we have one arti­cle with this status:

How to use labels to eval­u­ate performance

To eval­u­ate the result of work with the help of labels (for exam­ple, if you are the author of a task), you need to cre­ate a set of labels with the eval­u­a­tion char­ac­ter­is­tics you need in the Sta­tus and Labels section.

Let’s take a look at an example:

We cre­at­ed a set of labels called Per­for­mance” and added our own labels to the set: Excel­lent!”, Poor”, Super”. 
Using the port­fo­lio image, select the projects for which you want to make this set of labels avail­able. Click Apply”. 

Now let’s go back to our project Writ­ing blog arti­cles”, open one of the tasks and select a label to eval­u­ate the result of the work.

Choose Done well” and click OK”. The new label will be dis­played in the line next to the sta­tus and oth­er labels (if you have select­ed them before).

Why labels are use­ful if you track time for tasks

If the time for a task has expired, it is impor­tant to under­stand the rea­son for the exten­sion. To do this, we rec­om­mend using labels. In our exam­ple, we have cre­at­ed a set of labels that indi­cate the rea­son for the late com­ple­tion of the task:

You can also select projects using the port­fo­lio icon. The cre­at­ed set of labels will be avail­able for tasks with­in the select­ed projects. 

A quick guide to work­ing with sta­tus­es and labels

You can set sta­tus­es and labels for each task and sub­task separately. 

Each Work­sec­tion account comes with 2 stan­dard work­flows with sta­tus­es and 4 sets of labels. The rest you cre­ate your­self, tak­ing into account the needs of the com­pa­ny and the specifics of workflows.

Sta­tus = the sta­tus of a task or the stage at which it is cur­rent­ly locat­ed. Tasks are dis­played on the Kan­ban board by their statuses.

There can be only one sta­tus for a task.
There can be sev­er­al labels.
The sta­tus­es avail­able for a task will always be dis­played in the task set­tings above the set of labels. You can cre­ate your own sta­tus­es and labels, or delete unnec­es­sary ones, in the Sta­tus­es and labels sec­tion. Sta­tus­es are dis­played in rec­tan­gles, while labels are dis­played in a round­ed shape. 

Read more use­ful infor­ma­tion about con­ve­nient and effi­cient work with Work­sec­tion in our blog.

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