•   4 min read

Site24: “A high-quality management is a key to a successful project”

Kateryna Zolotaryova
the founder and head of Site24 Digital agency
Katery­na Zolotary­o­va, the founder and head of Site24 Dig­i­tal agency, explained the role of SEO in busi­ness pro­mo­tion, the cri­te­ria and rea­sons for suc­cess­ful and unsuc­cess­ful projects, as well as how Work­sec­tion helps to man­age the work of SEO specialists.

Tell us about the com­pa­ny and what you do

We are Site24, engaged in SEO pro­mo­tion and PPC adver­tis­ing of client projects. Through­out our his­to­ry, we have increased Google traf­fic for more than 800 busi­ness­es in Ukraine and abroad.

Our clients are Ukrain­ian and for­eign busi­ness­es that offer what peo­ple google and are ready to devel­op their sites. We do not focus on a spe­cif­ic niche: among our clients are online hard­ware stores, med­ical clin­ics, IT com­pa­nies and many projects in oth­er areas.

What is the cur­rent role of SEO in busi­ness pro­mo­tion and who is SEO best for?

SEO works great with sites of typ­i­cal mass-mar­ket goods and ser­vices with a medi­um and large assort­ment. But, unfor­tu­nate­ly, there are busi­ness­es where SEO will not bring any ben­e­fit, if, for exam­ple, the site has a very small assort­ment, or you sell some unique prod­uct that peo­ple are not yet look­ing for.

We adjust the web­sites to user search demand and Google’s require­ments, so let’s say, if peo­ple are googling buy a refrig­er­a­tor”, and you sell refrig­er­a­tors with a suf­fi­cient assort­ment, we have every chance to get top posi­tions in Google and reg­u­lar sales from this channel.

The big role of SEO pro­mo­tion is that if you com­pare all sales chan­nels on most web­sites, then most often it is search pro­mo­tion that gives the low­est cost of attract­ing a new cus­tomer. And if it is done well enough, then even if you don’t work with SEO spe­cial­ists any longer, the site will retain its posi­tion in Google and you will con­tin­ue to receive cus­tomers. But in the begin­ning you real­ly need to work hard.

What are the specifics and suc­cess cri­te­ria of your projects? 

The main cri­te­ri­on of suc­cess for us is the growth of Google traf­fic and sales from cus­tomers, as well as their sat­is­fac­tion with these suc­cess­es and our work.

If we talk about the dura­tion of the projects, then things are easy here. The first 2 months are crit­i­cal for our work, dur­ing which we under­stand whether our changes can be imple­ment­ed on the web­site, if we are talk­ing about SEO pro­mo­tion, and whether the first 2 months of con­tex­tu­al adver­tis­ing will show an accept­able cost of the lead. If this cri­sis peri­od is suc­cess­ful­ly passed, we usu­al­ly work for quite a long time. Some­times it takes six months to a year to achieve the max­i­mum pos­si­ble result, and some­times it is con­stant coop­er­a­tion month after month.

Unsuc­cess­ful projects also hap­pen, as in any team that is not ashamed to admit it. The main rea­son is mis­com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the start, when we don’t com­mu­ni­cate or the client does­n’t want to hear real­is­tic fore­casts, risks, or time need­ed to achieve results. It might be dif­fi­cult if the client is unwill­ing to imple­ment the nec­es­sary changes on the website.

Work­sec­tion was a match at first sight…”

We imple­ment­ed work with Work­sec­tion lit­er­al­ly from the very first month of our work as an agency. I knew that project tasks and finances could not be man­aged on the paper scraps”, because this was the basis of healthy team­work. And while at the free­lance stage you can do with self-task man­age­ment through Google Docs, pro­fes­sion­al team­work should be effec­tive. There­fore, we imme­di­ate­ly start­ed look­ing for a con­ve­nient task man­ag­er for our­selves, and Work­sec­tion was a match at first sight.

List of tasks in Worksection

How does Work­sec­tion help you at work? 

The sys­tem makes it pos­si­ble to man­age all project and inter­nal tasks effec­tive­ly and with­out loss­es, as well as to under­stand the time of com­ple­tion of spe­cif­ic tasks and cal­cu­late the inter­nal prof­itabil­i­ty of projects.

We imple­ment­ed Work­sec­tion so quick­ly that the team had no prob­lems with the tran­si­tion. It’s just that we stopped writ­ing tasks on pieces of paper and began to record them in the sys­tem. And every new employ­ee came to a ready-made inter­nal cul­ture of work­ing with projects.

What, in your opin­ion, is the key to a suc­cess­ful project? 

The secret of a suc­cess­ful project is good man­age­ment, plan­ning, del­e­ga­tion and con­trol of the project as a whole and indi­vid­ual tasks. Mis­takes will inevitably hap­pen, and the only way to avoid them is to not work at all. The main thing is to ana­lyze the rea­sons for devi­a­tions of the actu­al sit­u­a­tion from the planned one to make con­clu­sions and adjustments.

Would you rec­om­mend Work­sec­tion to oth­er busi­ness owners?

I have indeed rec­om­mend­ed Work­sec­tion to col­leagues sev­er­al times and will con­tin­ue to do so. In my opin­ion, this is a high-qual­i­ty, sim­ple and under­stand­able sys­tem that helps man­age projects and achieve success.

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