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Geometry-S: value of Worksection for an engineering company

Оleg Samchyk
Oleg Sam­chyk, CEO of GEOMETRY‑S, shared with us how his team migrat­ed from Bitrix24 to Work­sec­tion in just a week, what main tasks the project man­age­ment sys­tem helps to han­dle and what is the ben­e­fit of Work­sec­tion for an engi­neer­ing company.


GEOMETRY‑S is a Ukrain­ian com­pa­ny that designs engi­neer­ing net­works of civ­il and indus­tri­al build­ings using BIM tech­nolo­gies (infor­ma­tion mod­el­ing). The Geometry‑S team has been work­ing on the mar­ket since 2012.

Why did you decide to imple­ment a project man­age­ment service?
The sys­tem was actu­al­ly intro­duced in 2017. Our team was grad­u­al­ly grow­ing, as well as the num­ber of projects we were man­ag­ing at the same time, so we real­ized that Google spread­sheets were no longer suit­able. This is how we start­ed work­ing with Bitrix24.

How did you migrate from Bitrix24?

The process of switch­ing from Bitrix24 to Work­sec­tion took up to 1 week. Some dif­fi­cul­ties arose dur­ing the migra­tion of tasks due to their large num­ber (more than 8,000), so it was nec­es­sary to clean up Bitrix before migra­tion, delete all old tasks and leave only rel­e­vant ones for cur­rent projects.
Our team, which cur­rent­ly includes 15 engi­neers and about 10 con­trac­tors, is well-coor­di­nat­ed and there­fore ful­ly sup­port­ed the tran­si­tion. It took sev­er­al days to set up stages, tags and user accounts. It is also worth not­ing that the adap­ta­tion was sig­nif­i­cant­ly quick­er due to the demon­stra­tion of the fea­tures and set­tings of Work­sec­tion. In just half an hour, we received answers to all our questions.

How does Work­sec­tion help in your work? 

The main project tasks have fixed bud­gets, so it is very con­ve­nient to see the finan­cial report­ing of the project, like what bud­get has been planned, how it is dis­trib­uted, and how much is cur­rent­ly left. Also, for some projects (main­ly for­eign) we have hourly pay­ment, so we also use track­ing. We can set an indi­vid­ual hourly price for each user (for exam­ple, if we have a stu­dent on a tri­al peri­od), which is also convenient.

And the most impor­tant thing is the task his­to­ry: you can open the archive at any time and find every­thing you need in the com­ments. Our entire com­pa­ny is con­nect­ed to Work­sec­tion and all work com­mu­ni­ca­tion takes place there.

There­fore, what I would like to add is a project chat, because some­times the ques­tions refer to the project in gen­er­al, not to spe­cif­ic tasks. But we also found a solu­tion — we cre­ate a sep­a­rate task called chat” in the project.

What is the val­ue of Work­sec­tion for an engi­neer­ing company?

We are a project office, so our projects include the entire cycle of devel­op­ment of engi­neer­ing net­works and archi­tec­tur­al objects, from col­lect­ing ini­tial data to approval of project doc­u­men­ta­tion in all expert institutions.

The full cycle of the project involves a large num­ber of tasks. Some may pro­ceed in par­al­lel, while oth­ers only sequen­tial­ly, and accord­ing­ly, a shift in the dead­lines for one task in this case affects the dead­lines of the entire project. Here we use a Gantt chart: we con­nect the tasks, adjust them in the process and see the real state and the real fin­ish date. This allows us to avoid sur­pris­es” and make deci­sions in advance.

We also involve clients to projects in the sys­tem, in par­tic­u­lar for projects with hourly rates. The client can see the track­ing, par­tic­i­pate in the prompt dis­cus­sion of issues direct­ly in the com­ments to the tasks, approve and even inde­pen­dent­ly cre­ate new tasks for fur­ther work. It is a com­plete­ly trans­par­ent com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem that reduces rou­tine work and offers the man­ag­er more oppor­tu­ni­ties for strate­gic issues.

It is very con­ve­nient that the sys­tem has inte­gra­tion with Telegram. Cur­rent­ly, 90% of com­mu­ni­ca­tion in tasks is con­duct­ed pre­cise­ly through the Telegram bot.

Do you have inter­nal rules for using Worksection?

Yes, we have a num­ber of inter­nal cor­po­rate reg­u­la­tions, in par­tic­u­lar regard­ing Work­sec­tion: require­ments for nam­ing tasks, fill­ing in ini­tial data (time, labor costs, bud­get), Kan­ban stages and the per­son respon­si­ble for the stage at which the tasks move” in the process, as well as rules for clos­ing and accept­ing tasks, etc.

Would you rec­om­mend Work­sec­tion to oth­er companies?

Def­i­nite­ly! If you want to grow, soon­er or lat­er you will come to the issue of imple­ment­ing a project man­age­ment sys­tem. So why not do it now? Espe­cial­ly when there is such a cool Ukrain­ian product.

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