•     •   4 min read

Updated Gantt Chart, Tasks by people and Calendar

We are hap­py to present the lat­est update of Work­sec­tion. We are evolv­ing togeth­er with you, try­ing to make project man­age­ment ser­vice bet­ter, quick­er and more con­ve­nient, while keep­ing it sim­ple and familiar. 

In this arti­cle we will present a detailed review of some new fea­tures in the fol­low­ing sections:

  • Gantt Chart
  • Cal­en­dar
  • Tasks by people
  • and some oth­er changes and improve­ments in our service

Gantt Chart

The design of Gantt Chart was sig­nif­i­cant­ly improved and some new options were added. For exam­ple, when work­ing with tasks you can indi­cate or change dead­lines direct­ly in the Chart. The func­tion can be used both with a full Cal­en­dar and with the arrows above the task for quick dead­line changes. 

The marks of the project dead­line were added to the Cal­en­dar to draw your atten­tion to the devi­a­tions between the terms of the tasks or sub­tasks and the terms of the project.

In order not to miss the over­due tasks we changed the way they are dis­played in the Cal­en­dar. Now the delay on such tasks is not inter­rupt­ed but dis­played as a red line for the whole peri­od until they are com­plet­ed or the dead­line is changed.

The delay on over­due tasks is not inter­rupt­ed but dis­played as a red line  for the whole peri­od until the task is com­plet­ed or until the dead­line is changed.

Scale change option was added for a more con­ve­nient man­age­ment of long-term projects. You can change the Chart scale, choos­ing the fol­low­ing zoom of your projects:

  1. 50% (month­ly)
  2. 100% (week­ly)
  3. 200% (dai­ly) 

On your request we fixed the upper pan­el with fil­ters and now it does not dis­ap­pear when mov­ing the Chart down.

A sep­a­rat­ing bar between the projects/​tasks block and the Cal­en­dar was redesigned. You can move it to the left and to the right, mak­ing the data dis­play area big­ger or small­er. It makes a year overview more con­ve­nient, for example.

For an utmost focus­ing on the most impor­tant infor­ma­tion we extend­ed pos­si­bil­i­ties for data display.

For exam­ple, you can:
  • dis­play projects only, by sim­ply min­imis­ing all project tasks, 
  • open one or more projects, dis­play­ing all enclosed tasks,
  • show / hide enclosed tasks on the lev­el of tasks and subtasks,
  • com­plete­ly turn off the dis­play of all sub­tasks in projects,
  • set up the dis­play of the nec­es­sary enclosed task lev­el (Tasks, Sub­tasks and Sub-sub­tasks), using «An Advanced Filter».

Redesigned Gantt Chart by Peo­ple is now avail­able not only for the whole account, but also for each par­tic­u­lar project. A sta­tis­tics of the task num­ber per day (over­due tasks not con­sid­ered) is also avail­able for every employee.

Updat­ed Gantt Chart is not lim­it­ed to 12 months only. Now we offer a pos­si­bil­i­ty to plan par­tic­u­lar­ly long-term projects for some years ahead and analyse data for the pre­vi­ous periods.


The clas­sic cal­en­dar was also redesigned: we added the dis­play of the respon­si­ble per­sons for the tasks, pri­or­i­ty lev­el (110) for each task and links with oth­er tasks («>» — the task has a linked depen­dent task, «◊» — the task depends on the terms of anoth­er task):

Some new quick fil­ters by events — vaca­tion and sick leave or birth­days — appeared in the cal­en­dar settings.

Tasks by peo­ple (updat­ed)

On your request we sig­nif­i­cant­ly extend­ed the data dis­play in the sec­tion «Tasks by people».

Now all tasks can be organ­ised as Kan­ban boards by employ­ees or as a clas­sic Ver­ti­cal list view.
To change the view of the Tasks by Peo­ple block, you must go into its set­tings and enable or dis­able the Ver­ti­cal view.

Note. The view does not direct­ly affect tasks and data, but only shows them differently.

By default, the block is dis­played as a Kan­ban board, and the Ver­ti­cal view switch is off and lit red accordingly.

It facil­i­tates analy­sis and allows a quick and easy reas­sign­ment of tasks from one employ­ee to anoth­er. Quick fil­ters and «An Advanced Fil­ter» enable to dis­play only the most nec­es­sary information.

☝️ We rec­om­mend to indi­cate Any employ­ee” as a respon­si­ble per­son when cre­at­ing a new task, if at the moment of task cre­at­ing it is not assigned to any par­tic­u­lar employ­ee or if a team works in Agile / Scrum for­mat and the employ­ees choose the tasks for themselves. 

Please note that using dis­play set­tings you can show or hide employ­ees with no assigned tasks.

To reas­sign the task, please hold and move it to anoth­er employee!

Oth­er changes

Pub­li­ca­tion of post­poned mes­sages and tasks
We added a new pos­si­bil­i­ty to post tasks and com­ments at a par­tic­u­lar time. Now you can set the date and time when the task will be post­ed in the project. This func­tion is help­ful, for exam­ple, if you pre­pare the list of tasks in advance and post it gradually. 

You can also choose time to post com­ments. It’s enough to set the date and time of pub­li­ca­tion when cre­at­ing a comment.

This option can be used to remind about the task or not to dis­turb the col­leagues late in the evening with your new ideas or assignments.

Com­ment Autosaving
Com­ments are saved both in a full-screen mode and in a min­imised (modal) win­dow. Now your com­ments will not be lost, even if the inter­net con­nec­tion is lost or the win­dow was acci­den­tal­ly closed.

Addi­tion­al per­mis­sions of the Team Administrator
If nec­es­sary, the Team Admin­is­tra­tor can be grant­ed a per­mis­sion to cre­ate or delete oth­er admin­is­tra­tors of this team.

Thank you for choos­ing our ser­vice for your task and project man­age­ment! We are always hap­py to receive your com­ments and sug­ges­tions. We con­tin­ue to devel­op new options and to update the design of exist­ing sections.

Have pro­duc­tive work!
Work­sec­tion Team

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