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Integration with CRM systems

For the sales team, a CRM (Cus­tomer Rela­tion­ship Man­age­ment) sys­tem is a key tool. How­ev­er, for mar­ket­ing, design, pro­duc­tion, and so on, a team col­lab­o­ra­tion and project man­age­ment sys­tem would be more suitable.

Our lat­est update makes it easy and fast to com­bine the ben­e­fits of these sys­tems by inte­grat­ing Work­sec­tion with Pipedrive, Hub­Spot, Key­CRM, and NetHunt.

Who will ben­e­fit from this integration

Inte­gra­tion with CRM sys­tems will be ben­e­fi­cial for com­pa­nies that need:

  • con­nect ser­vices used by dif­fer­ent depart­ments, such as sales, mar­ket­ing, etc.;
  • auto­mate team process­es for updat­ing data in dif­fer­ent sys­tems, which sim­pli­fies rou­tine tasks and ensures that infor­ma­tion is up-to-date.

Inte­gra­tion possibilities

When a deal is moved to a new stage in CRM, a task is cre­at­ed in Work­sec­tion with­in the cor­re­spond­ing project. Addi­tion­al­ly, the fol­low­ing actions can be initiated:

  • assign a respon­si­ble per­son, set dead­lines and pri­or­i­ties for the task;
  • import var­i­ous data from CRM into the appro­pri­ate task, such as con­tact information;
  • when clos­ing a task in Work­sec­tion, auto­mat­i­cal­ly change the sta­tus for the cor­re­spond­ing deal in the CRM system.


Let’s imag­ine that you are the head of a cre­ative agency. Your team has found a client, sold them a project, such as cre­at­ing a stand for an exhi­bi­tion, and gath­ered all the require­ments. For this, a CRM sys­tem like Pipedrive or Hub­Spot is best suited.

Then, at the project devel­op­ment stage, you need to take data from the CRM, set tasks for the design­er, and con­struc­tor, and involve the pro­duc­tion depart­ment. For this, it is bet­ter to use Worksection.

After the work is com­plet­ed, it is impor­tant to make sure that the account­ing depart­ment pre­pares the nec­es­sary doc­u­ments and that the deliv­ery ser­vice receives all the nec­es­sary information.

The new inte­gra­tion helps to orga­nize and auto­mate this process. Data is syn­chro­nized between sys­tems, spe­cial­ists receive task noti­fi­ca­tions with dead­lines and data from CRM, and man­agers can eas­i­ly con­trol costs and allo­cate resources.

How to con­nect a CRM system

Built-in two-way inte­gra­tion with CRM sys­tems is avail­able on all cur­rent pric­ing plans of Work­sec­tion, except the free plan. Own­ers and admin­is­tra­tors with Access to account set­tings” can con­nect and con­fig­ure the integration.

Con­sid­er the inte­gra­tion using CRM Pipedrive as an example:

Step 1: Go to the account settings.

Step 2: Select the required CRM sys­tem and con­nect it.

Step 3: It is advis­able to already be logged in to CRM, or log in by enter­ing your data in the win­dow that opens automatically.

Step 4: Allow Work­sec­tion to access the data by click­ing Allow and Install”.

Step 5: Fill in the cor­re­spond­ing inte­gra­tion fields:

  1. Select the required fun­nel in CRM and the stage for which the task will be created.
  2. Choose the Project in Work­sec­tion where the task will be created.
  3. Spec­i­fy the Task Name and, if need­ed, pro­vide the task dura­tion, pri­or­i­ty, and assignee.
  4. Addi­tion­al­ly, you can select the infor­ma­tion to be import­ed from CRM.
  5. Indi­cate how the CRM deal will be updat­ed when the task is closed in Worksection.

Please note! It is pos­si­ble to auto­mat­i­cal­ly add nec­es­sary fields from CRM to the task title by enclos­ing them in curly braces. For exam­ple, ﹛title﹜ ID.

Step 6: If need­ed, add oth­er automations.

For detailed instruc­tions on con­nect­ing and con­fig­ur­ing CRM sys­tems, please refer to the Q&A sec­tion on our website.

Our goal is to make our inte­gra­tions even more help­ful for your team so that we will be very grate­ful for your real exam­ples of their use, sug­ges­tions, and feedback.

Thank you for choos­ing our service!

The Work­sec­tion Team
Glo­ry to Ukraine

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