•     •   3 min read

Brain Tank: being creative without burning out

Yevhenii Myroniuk
Managing partner for strategy in Brain Tank agency
The Work­sec­tion team vis­it­ed the office of Brain Tank, a cre­ative mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions agency. Togeth­er with Yevhenii Myro­niuk, man­ag­ing part­ner for strat­e­gy, we dis­cussed the impor­tance of cre­ativ­i­ty and the min­i­mum bud­get for launch­ing a brand, talked about the fea­tures of remote work for cre­ative agen­cies and how to stand out among competitors.

Short ref­er­ence:
Brain Tank is a full-cycle cre­ative mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions agency, found­ed in 2004 by Yevhenii Myro­niuk and Andrii Franchuk, which start­ed as an inhouse-PR media hold­ing, going through the Roy­al® Adver­tis­ing adver­tis­ing agency, direct­ly to a group of com­pa­nies unit­ed in 2019 into a high per­for­mance pro­mo machine” — Brain Tank.

What is Brain Tank and what is the role of the man­ag­er for strat­e­gy in the agency?

Brain Tank is a mar­ket­ing agency. In our work, we do almost every­thing that pre­cedes media place­ment, name­ly: cre­ative, plan­ning of mechan­ics and acti­va­tion. In short, we ana­lyze how busi­ness process­es are arranged and try to imple­ment an adver­tis­ing prod­uct accordingly.

What makes Brain Tank stand out from the competition?

Our main fea­ture is hyper-adapt­abil­i­ty. This means that we know how to work and solve tasks under con­di­tions of lim­i­ta­tions, because they are not a desta­bi­liz­ing fac­tor for us. Sec­ond­ly, we have a com­plete off­shore of infor­ma­tion”. That is, all our teams have access to all past achieve­ments accu­mu­lat­ed dur­ing work. This helps us strength­en our exper­tise based on pre­vi­ous experience.

Exam­ples of Brain Tank mar­ket­ing agency projects

What helps you to coop­er­ate with inter­na­tion­al companies?

Chin­giz Bari­nov, one of the founders of Work­sec­tion, said that the project man­age­ment sys­tem must be imple­ment­ed where there is already a project man­age­ment pro­ce­dure.” We have both a pro­ce­dure and a sys­tem that ensured the struc­tured and effi­cient team­work. We have been work­ing in the Work­sec­tion project man­age­ment ser­vice since 2013. Before that, we tried every­thing from Mega­plan to Jira, but it was all wrong.

The advan­tage of Work­sec­tion is that it man­ages to keep up” with our expec­ta­tions: where we need to scale, Work­sec­tion offers a solu­tion that allows us to do so.

Cre­ativ­i­ty or bud­get — which is more impor­tant for brand launch?

The aim of the bud­get is to show the impor­tance of a cer­tain prod­uct to the audi­ence. If we have a great prod­uct with amaz­ing fea­tures, but we don’t have a way to talk about it, noth­ing hap­pens. If we talk about a prod­uct that does noth­ing and affects noth­ing, noth­ing will hap­pen either. These are all par­al­lel enti­ties that need to be tak­en into account, because noth­ing will work with­out a bud­get as well as with­out a good idea.

A task that is high­ly frag­ment­ed into parts is unman­age­able,
and exces­sive­ly gen­er­al­ized — unimplementable”

Does remote work affect team productivity?

No, because none of us works remote­ly. I firm­ly believe that any inspi­ra­tion required for mak­ing a cre­ative prod­uct here and now can­not appear at a dis­tance. Work­ing in the office makes us top fit, noth­ing sep­a­rates us, and there is no men­tal mix­ing of every­day life and work. Here we work, we cre­ate a prod­uct togeth­er, but as soon as the office door clos­es, we have a rest.

What helps moti­vate the team?

We are moti­vat­ed by solv­ing prob­lems for which we do not yet know the solu­tion. Of course, we solve a lot of rou­tine tasks that are part of busi­ness. How­ev­er, we are inspired by the pos­si­bil­i­ty of solv­ing such com­plex tasks.

What do you do when you miss deadlines?

The first thing we do is fix the error, imme­di­ate­ly try to find the caus­es, min­i­mize the con­se­quences and noti­fy all part­ners about it. After that, we make work­shops where we dis­cuss pos­si­ble solu­tions. We nev­er hide mis­takes, even if they are unpleas­ant for every­one involved. Our teams always adhere to the prin­ci­ple of openness.

How do you keep moti­vat­ed and main­tain the desire to work?

The open-and-closed door tac­tic helps me a lot: I cre­ate a prod­uct in the office, but I don’t do it in oth­er places. And that’s what allows me to switch on and off when I need to. Like mus­cles: ten­sion and relaxation.

We hope that with this arti­cle you have learned a lit­tle more inter­est­ing facts about the work of a mar­ket­ing agency, which will help you work more effi­cient­ly and cre­ate your cool prod­ucts. Fol­low the Brain Tank on Face­book to see their cre­ativ­i­ty and success.

The full ver­sion of the inter­view is on our YouTube chan­nel.

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