•     •   11 min read

TOP-7 Project Management Tools in 2025

Today, the world mar­ket offers many ser­vices for project man­age­ment. Each of them has its own unique fea­tures and ben­e­fits, that help effec­tive­ly track work­flow and save resources.

What Should You Know About Project Man­age­ment Tools?

Project man­age­ment tools allow us to set tasks, plan bud­get, col­lab­o­rate with team­mates and stake­hold­ers, pro­vide qual­i­ty and risk man­age­ment, track time and resource allo­ca­tion. Today there is a huge num­ber of dif­fer­ent project man­age­ment track­ing soft­ware, and each has its own list of characteristics.

Their main goal is to sim­pli­fy, speed up and improve process-based man­age­ment, make it more acces­si­ble and under­stand­able for everyone.
​That is why many project man­age­ment apps try to pro­vide great list of fea­tures, user-friend­ly inter­face, and intu­itive UI design. 

Why You Need Project Man­age­ment Tools?

Using spe­cial tools for project man­age­ment improves the track­ing process. Here is some sta­tis­ti­cal data. 

  • Due to poor project man­age­ment near­ly 11,4% of resources (time, mon­ey, etc.) are always wasted. 
  • Also 54% of users believe, that project man­age­ment apps allow them to save sev­er­al work­ing hours per day.
  • By the way, 54% of project man­agers don’t have appro­pri­ate access to work­flow data, which makes it dif­fi­cult for them to roll out the process. 
  • Only 22% of com­pa­nies use spe­cial soft­ware to man­age workflow.
  • 77% of the high per­form­ing com­pa­nies use project man­age­ment ser­vices regularly. 
  • There is a thought, that project man­ag­ing soft­ware mar­ket will be worth $9,81 bil­lion, and will grow by 10,6% by 2026.
As you can see, com­pa­nies that don’t use project man­age­ment tools have a high­er risk of failure.
Spe­cial soft­ware saves time, mon­ey, human recours­es and presents huge num­ber of project man­age­ment solutions.

What Is The Best Way To Choose Project Man­age­ment Software?

It may seem a bit strange, but accord­ing to sta­tis­tics only 35% of project man­agers are hap­py with their man­age­ment tools. At the same time about 52% of users are very dis­ap­point­ed with the soft­ware they use. Inter­est­ing­ly, about 95% of project man­agers use more than one tool to admin­is­trate work­ing processes. 

And here is a ques­tion, why in a world with more than 100 dif­fer­ent project man­age­ment ser­vices, users are still dis­sat­is­fied and use sev­er­al tools at the time instead of one? The main prob­lem is inap­pro­pri­ate soft­ware for inap­pro­pri­ate teams. It means that some­times project man­agers choose too com­plex ser­vices that are not suit­able for their work­flow. In this way, many fea­tures are not used, and a heavy inter­face pre­vents users from inter­ac­tion and effec­tive work­flow tracking. 

When choos­ing a ser­vice for project mon­i­tor­ing, you should con­sid­er team size, project dura­tion, tasks com­plex­i­ty, and method­ol­o­gy type (Agile or Tra­di­tion­al). In this way you can find a tool, which will fit your project the best.

7 Best Project Man­age­ment Tools

There are a lot of project man­age­ment soft­ware options. So, let’s take a look at the most pop­u­lar and interesting. 


The Atlassian’s Jira is one of the most well-known project man­age­ment ser­vices. All around the world near­ly 20% of teams use it. Jira is a cloud-based project man­age­ment soft­ware, which pro­vides a huge num­ber of pow­er­ful tools for project man­age­ment. It has three main sec­tions: project (tasks, bugs, and requests), issue (issue col­lec­tion), and work­flow (the sequence of steps). Jira fits Agile’s method­olo­gies of project man­age­ment well. It should be not­ed that Jira holds the largest part of project man­age­ment mar­ket (42%). 

Accord­ing to capter​ra​.com, Jira’s 2025 rat­ing is 4.4.

Jira’s main fea­tures include:

  1. Project plan­ning;
  2. Set­ting project milestones;
  3. Work­flow customization;
  4. Roadmap visu­al­iza­tion;
  5. Track­ing with Kan­ban board;
  6. Per­mis­sion control;
  7. Depen­den­cy management;
  8. Project insights and reporting. 


Depend­ing on the num­ber of users and tools, Jira has sev­er­al tar­iff plans, and stan­dard begins from $7,50 per user for month. There is also free tri­al, but it has a lot of limitations.

Jira’s pros and cons

Jira’s advan­tages:
  • Jira is great for Agile approach­es. It pro­vides flex­i­ble project man­age­ment by using Agile arti­facts such as Sprints, Kan­ban board, user sto­ries, and burn­down charts. 
  • Jira has numer­ous inte­gra­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties. It means, that Jira can be inte­grat­ed with mes­sen­gers, such as Slack, which makes it easy to com­mu­ni­cate and respond to notifications.
  • Jira is suit­able for dif­fer­ent user types. For exam­ple, not only project man­agers, but also, devel­op­ers, engi­neers and non-tech busi­ness pro­fes­sion­als can use it. 
Also, Jira has sev­er­al drawbacks:
  • Some users find Jira’s inter­face very con­fus­ing. It is very com­plex and includes many tools, which are some­times dif­fi­cult to find and use.
  • In com­par­i­son to a great brows­er ver­sion, Jira’s mobile app is very hard to nav­i­gate and com­plete tasks there. 
  • Jira does not allow users to down­load high qual­i­ty images and graphics.


Work­sec­tion is a Ukrain­ian online project man­age­ment ser­vice. It can be eas­i­ly inte­grat­ed with Google­Docs, a CRM sys­tem, Slack, and Telegram. Nowa­days, more than 1000 com­pa­nies use Work­sec­tion to man­age their projects. Work­sec­tion soft­ware is best suit­able for dig­i­tal agen­cies, web-stu­dios, video-pro­duc­tion com­pa­nies, etc.

Accord­ing to capter​ra​.com, Worksection’s 2025 rat­ing is 4.9.

Worksection’s main features:

  1. Dash­board – key project indi­ca­tors’ overview;
  2. Flex­i­ble interface;
  3. Time track­ing;
  4. Easy com­mu­ni­ca­tion;
  5. Gantt chart;
  6. Kan­ban board;
  7. Project reports;
  8. Tech­ni­cal support;
  9. Data pro­tec­tion. 


Work­sec­tion has sev­er­al tar­iff plans. For exam­ple, a free ver­sion includes 5 users, 2 active projects, and 100Mb cloud stor­age. At the same time a basic sub­scrip­tion includes 20 users, 20 projects, 20 Gb cloud stor­age, inte­grat­ed time and bud­get track­ing, Gantt chart and many oth­er fea­tures, only for $49 per month. Work­sec­tion tar­iffs allow you to pay not for an indi­vid­ual user, but for the whole team, which is cheaper.

Work­sec­tion pros and cons

Worksection’s advan­tages:
  • Work­sec­tion has an inte­grat­ed Gantt chart, which helps visu­al­ize work­flows and task dependencies.
  • Work­sec­tion has a built-in timer to keep track of the time left to com­plete the task.
  • Work­sec­tion pro­vides quick and effec­tive tech­ni­cal sup­port for its users. What’s impor­tant, these are no bots, but only real peo­ple. An aver­age response time of a tech sup­port team takes 10 minutes.
  • Work­sec­tion has a dash­board, which is a visu­al tool for data analy­sis, which shows project progress in real time. With a dash­board you can also ana­lyze team’s engage­ment, quick­ly col­lect sta­tis­ti­cal data, and track a project budget. 
Work­sec­tion has some limitations:
  • Work­sec­tion does­n’t have a sep­a­rate chat, so com­mu­ni­ca­tion between team­mates is pos­si­ble only in com­ments under tasks. 
  • There are many users who admit that while the web ver­sion is very user-friend­ly and intu­itive, the mobile app could be better. 


Asana is a a work man­age­ment soft­ware, which has web and mobile ver­sions, and incor­po­rates a lot of fea­tures for an effec­tive work­flow track­ing. Asana can be used for Agile method­olo­gies, and you also can man­age work projects as your per­son­al tasks.

Accord­ing to capter​ra​.com, there Asana rat­ing in 2025 is 4.3.

Asana’s key fea­tures include: 

  1. Work­flow builder.
  2. Gantt chart;
  3. Kan­ban boards;
  4. One shared calendar;
  5. App inte­gra­tions;
  6. Mile­stones visualization;
  7. Avail­able attachments.


Asana has sev­er­al tar­iff plans. For exam­ple, a free ver­sion is avail­able for teams up to 15 users. If you have a big­ger team or want more avail­able fea­tures, you may choose a pre­mi­um ver­sion which costs $10,99 per user per month.

Asana’s pros and cons

Asana’s advan­tages:
  • Asana enables dynam­ic report­ing through dash­boards, graphs, and charts.
  • Asana is well-inte­grat­ed with Slack, Gmail, Google Dri­ve, Microsoft Teams, Drop­box, and Zoom.
  • Asana has a con­ve­nient mobile app. This allows you to man­age work­flows effec­tive­ly even from a smartphone. 
At the same time, Asana has some disadvantages:
  • Because of a high num­ber of fea­tures, it may be dif­fi­cult for new users to onboard Asana.
  • Asana has lim­it­ed assign­ment capa­bil­i­ty. It means, that only one user can be assigned to one task. This is a dis­ad­van­tage because sev­er­al peo­ple can work on one task at the same time.
  • Asana presents lim­it­ed export­ing func­tion­al­i­ty. It allows users to export data in JSON or CSV for­mats only.


Trel­lo is a cloud-based easy-to-use col­lab­o­ra­tion ser­vice for project man­age­ment. It is very good for small projects and teams. Trel­lo allows to orga­nize your work on Kan­ban boards, which are its main arti­facts. Nowa­days, there are more than 50 mil­lion of Trel­lo users in the world.

Accord­ing to capter​ra​.com, Trel­lo’ rat­ing in 2025 is 4.4.

Main fea­tures of Trel­lo include:

  1. Dead­line alerts and notifications;
  2. Easy orga­ni­za­tion of label­ing, tags, and com­ments organization;
  3. Progress check­list;
  4. Mobile opti­miza­tion;
  5. Kan­ban board;
  6. User-friend­ly interface. 


Trel­lo allows you to choose among sev­er­al tar­iff plans. In par­tic­u­lar, there is a free ver­sion with lim­it­ed func­tion­al­i­ty (up to 10 Kan­ban boards only). Accord­ing to a stan­dard plan, you need to pay $5 per user per month.

Trello’s pros and cons

Trello’s list of advantages:
  • Trello’s inter­face is user-friend­ly and super easy to under­stand. This ser­vice can be eas­i­ly used even by a begin­ner because it’s very intu­itive. That’s why it can be rolled out imme­di­ate­ly after you sign up.
  • Trel­lo has a very sim­ple mobile app, which you can use for man­ag­ing projects and your own tasks.
  • The main Trello’s arti­fact is a Kan­ban board. It is well pre­sent­ed, so it can be eas­i­ly used and cus­tomized. In addi­tion, Trel­lo allows you to change the design of the work­ing inter­face accord­ing to your pref­er­ences (board back­ground, etc.).
Despite its sim­plic­i­ty, Trel­lo also has its drawbacks:
  • In the first place, this ser­vice isa good fit for man­ag­ing small teams and projects. How­ev­er, with more users and more chal­leng­ing tasks, Trel­lo starts to look very over­loaded and dif­fi­cult to keep track of a workflow.
  • If you want more fea­tures, you must upgrade. Actu­al­ly, a free tri­al ver­sion has a Kan­ban board only, and oth­er­wise very lim­it­ed func­tion­al­i­ty. For exam­ple, you can’t use a Gantt chart until you upgrade.
  • Trel­lo has a very lim­it­ed cloud stor­age. It means, that you can upload files not larg­er that 10 Mb per attach­ment. At the same time the paid ver­sion allows you to upload up to 250 Mb per attachment.


Mon​day​.com is a cloud project man­age­ment soft­ware, which allows teams to man­age their projects and track work­flow. Some­times users call it a good alter­na­tive for Microsoft Project Man­ag­er. Mon­day is suit­able for Agile method­olo­gies and fits well dif­fer­ent teams and projects.

Accord­ing to capter​ra​.com, the rat­ing of Mon​day​.com in 2025 is 4.7.

Here are some of Mon​day​.com features:

  1. Work­flow automation;
  2. Email inte­gra­tion;
  3. Bud­get and expens­es management;
  4. Gantt charts;
  5. Resource man­age­ment;
  6. Doc­u­ments administration;
  7. Timesheet track­ing.​


Al oth­er sys­tems, Mon​day​.com has a free tri­al, which is lim­it­ed in func­tion­al­i­ty. That’s why if you want, for exam­ple, 5GB file stor­age or unlim­it­ed items, be ready to pay $8 per user per month. 

Mon​day​.com pros and cons

Mon​day​.com list of advantages:
  • It allows you to man­age project through time track­ing col­umn at your board. It means, that you can track time sep­a­rate­ly for each task by using a spe­cial timer. Mon​day​.com shows how much time you spend on each task, and it helps opti­mize your work­flow in the future.
  • Mon​day​.com makes com­mu­ni­ca­tion and col­lab­o­ra­tion much eas­i­er. All doc­u­ments, com­mu­ni­ca­tions, meet­ing results, etc., are stored in one place, so you will not miss any­thing, and will always have access from the mobile app and a browser.
  • Mon​day​.com pro­vide a huge num­ber of pos­si­bil­i­ties to visu­al­ize work­ing process. You can use dash­boards, graphs, dia­grams, charts, wid­gets dif­fer­ent label, col­ors, etc. It a nut­shell, with Mon​day​.com you have every­thing you need to make a work­flow more under­stand­able and trans­par­ent for each participant.
Mon​day​.com list of disadvantages:
  • Many users admit that the web ver­sion is great, but the mobile app is heav­i­ly over­loaded and incon­ve­nient, which makes it dif­fi­cult to use.
  • Because of a many fea­tures, Mon​day​.com can be dif­fi­cult to use, espe­cial­ly for new users who have no expe­ri­ence with such ser­vices. That’s why some­times it isn’t easy to find things.
  • Some users are con­fused with UI interface. 


Click­up is a high-per­for­mance cloud-based project man­age­ment ser­vice that puts your team’s pro­duc­tiv­i­ty at the cen­ter of every­thing you do. This tool is ide­al for imple­ment­ing Agile method­olo­gies and ensur­ing the suc­cess­ful man­age­ment of var­i­ous projects.

Accord­ing to capter​ra​.com, Mon​day​.com has a 2025 rat­ing of 4.7.

Here are some of the fea­tures of Clickup:

  1. Work­flow automation;
  2. Inte­gra­tion with email;
  3. Finan­cial and time management;
  4. Gantt charts for project visualization;
  5. Resource man­age­ment and doc­u­ment management.


Click­up offers a free tri­al with lim­it­ed func­tion­al­i­ty. Paid plans expand the fea­tures, start­ing at $5 per user per month.

Pros and cons of Clickup

Advan­tages of Clickup:
  • Effi­cient time track­er: Mon­i­tor time for each task and opti­mize your workflow.
  • Flex­i­ble com­mu­ni­ca­tion and col­lab­o­ra­tion: Store all infor­ma­tion in one place for max­i­mum accessibility.
  • Work­flow visu­al­iza­tion: Graphs, charts, and dash­boards for trans­paren­cy and understanding.
Dis­ad­van­tages of Clickup:
  • Mobile app: Some users note that the mobile ver­sion is over­loaded and inconvenient.
  • Dif­fi­cul­ty for begin­ners: A large num­ber of func­tions can be a chal­lenge for new users.
  • Inter­face design: Some users may not like the inter­face of the service.


Base­camp project man­ag­er soft­ware is a mod­ern cloud-based project man­age­ment plat­form that pro­vides teams with con­ve­nient tools for col­lab­o­rat­ing and orga­niz­ing tasks. It is ide­al for those who val­ue sim­plic­i­ty, effi­cien­cy, and clear orga­ni­za­tion of workflows.

Accord­ing to capter​ra​.com, Base­cam­p’s rat­ing in 2025 is 4.3.

Here are some of the fea­tures of Basecamp

  1. Sim­ple and intu­itive interface;
  2. Tasks and deadlines;
  3. Meet­ings and project discussions;
  4. Tasks and to-do lists;
  5. Great col­lab­o­ra­tion.


Base­camp offers a trans­par­ent approach — a fixed price of $99 per month for an unlim­it­ed num­ber of users.

Pros and cons of Basecamp

Pros of Basecamp:
  • Sim­plic­i­ty and ease of use: Ide­al for those look­ing for a sim­ple and straight­for­ward tool.
  • Col­lab­o­ra­tion: Tasks, dis­cus­sions, and files are all in one place for easy access.
  • Fixed Price: A trans­par­ent and afford­able approach to pricing.
Cons of Basecamp:
  • Lim­it­ed Func­tion­al­i­ty: For some users, it may seem less advanced than oth­er platforms.
  • No Visu­al­iza­tion Tools: Lack of Gantt charts and oth­er tools to visu­al­ize workflow.
  • Pos­si­bil­i­ty of Over­whelm: May be too sim­ple for some users.

Which project man­age­ment ser­vice to choose is up to you. How­ev­er, remem­ber that it’s bet­ter to choose the one that is fits your project and team best, as well as pro­vides time­ly tech­ni­cal support.

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