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Worksection vs Notion: What service to choose for work

Com­pa­ny growth depends on effi­cient orga­ni­za­tion of work. A project man­age­ment sys­tem can help. Both Work­sec­tion and Notion are often cho­sen by com­pa­nies to orga­nize their workflow.

Today we’ll talk about what tasks Work­sec­tion and Notion are good for. And why com­pa­nies pick them for scal­ing and development.

About Work­sec­tion and Notion


Work­sec­tion is a sys­tem for orga­niz­ing team­work that has been in oper­a­tion since 2008. The ser­vice offers tools for effec­tive col­lab­o­ra­tion, task man­age­ment, and project track­ing. Work­sec­tion has helped over 1600 com­pa­nies in var­i­ous indus­tries from mar­ket­ing to man­u­fac­tur­ing improve the effi­cien­cy of their busi­ness processes.

Main tools: task man­ag­er, time track­er, Gantt chart, Kan­ban, reports, cal­en­dar, access control.

Rat­ings on catalogs


Notion is a uni­ver­sal all-in-one work­space. The ser­vice is known for its flex­i­bil­i­ty in cre­at­ing a work­space. It is also known for a set of set­tings for graph­i­cal dis­play of infor­ma­tion and knowl­edge base.

Main tools: tasks, to-do lists, data­bas­es, tem­plates, tags, cat­e­gories, charts, and graphs.

Rat­ings on catalogs

Who can use Work­sec­tion and Notion?


Work­sec­tion is suitable

  • Busi­ness­es with 10 to 100 team mem­bers: Work­sec­tion effec­tive­ly man­ages the orga­ni­za­tion of both small and large projects, ensur­ing order and systematization.
  • Ser­vice com­pa­nies that work on an hourly basis: Accu­rate­ly cal­cu­late the cost of client projects, stream­line process­es, and increase team effi­cien­cy with the built-in timer and account­abil­i­ty system.
  • For those with lim­it­ed expe­ri­ence with project man­age­ment sys­tems: The con­ve­nient divi­sion into projects, tasks and sub-tasks on two lev­els ensures a trans­par­ent orga­ni­za­tion of the busi­ness process­es and makes it eas­i­er for you to get started.
  • For those who want to work with mul­ti­ple project man­age­ment tools with­in one sys­tem: Work­sec­tion gives you access to Kan­ban, Gantt Chart, reports, and a time track­er with any paid plan. This allows you to get the most out of the sys­tem, no mat­ter which plan you choose.

You should con­sid­er oth­er options if

  • You are look­ing for a solu­tion with a high lev­el of work­flow automa­tion and tem­plates to work with. Work­sec­tion does not pro­vide ready-made tem­plates for orga­niz­ing work, which may be impor­tant for some users.
  • You have a tech­ni­cal team and work­flows that require DevOps sup­port. Work­sec­tion is bet­ter suit­ed for gen­er­al project man­age­ment and orga­niz­ing non-tech­ni­cal teams, as it’s lim­it­ed in its abil­i­ty to ful­ly con­trol the prod­uct lifecycle.


Notion is suitable

  • For those look­ing for visu­al clar­i­ty and sim­plic­i­ty: The intu­itive design of Notion helps you orga­nize your data with its graph­i­cal design and min­i­mal tools.
  • For those who need cus­tomiza­tion: Notion’s great­est advan­tage is its ver­sa­til­i­ty. Users are not lim­it­ed to pre­de­fined struc­tures and can adapt the sys­tem to their workflow.
  • Work with data­bas­es and fil­ters: The abil­i­ty to cre­ate struc­tured data­bas­es and apply fil­ters and sort­ing makes Notion ide­al for orga­ni­za­tions with large libraries of infor­ma­tion and mul­ti-for­mat content.
  • For those who need a vari­ety of tem­plates: To save time and effort, Notion offers many tem­plates that can be quick­ly inte­grat­ed into projects.

You should con­sid­er oth­er options if

  • You need ana­lyt­ics and report­ing: Notion lacks com­pre­hen­sive ana­lyt­ics and report­ing tools, mak­ing it dif­fi­cult to mon­i­tor KPIs and scale results.
  • You have a lim­it­ed bud­get: The lim­it­ed busi­ness func­tion­al­i­ty often requires addi­tion­al ser­vices to fill in the gaps, which can be finan­cial­ly dis­ad­van­ta­geous for small businesses.

Com­par­i­son Chart

Take a look at our com­par­i­son chart for a quick overview of the key dif­fer­ences between the services.

Why should you choose Worksection?

Hourly rate support

Work­sec­tion pro­vides trans­par­ent time and resource track­ing for ser­vice teams work­ing on an hourly basis. With Work­sec­tion you:
  • Always know how long it took to com­plete tasks and the actu­al project rev­enue. Track over­runs, con­trol mar­gins and opti­mize resources with accu­rate account­ing of hours spent.
  • Com­plete­ly under­stand which team mem­bers are involved in which projects and how many resources are allo­cat­ed. This helps you to avoid over­bur­den­ing an indi­vid­ual employ­ee or a department.
Work­sec­tion reports and time tracker

How does it work?

There are five easy steps to imple­ment­ing hourly work in Worksection:
  1. Cre­ate a project: Sched­ule a project and spec­i­fy the num­ber of hours to com­plete it.
  2. Assign tasks: Divide the project into indi­vid­ual tasks and use the time track­er to mon­i­tor their progress.
  3. Con­duct a plan-to-fact analy­sis: Ana­lyze the resources used for indi­vid­ual tasks or the project as a whole. The inter­ac­tive dash­board dis­plays key met­rics: total hours spent and project schedule.
  4. Cor­rect Work­load: Use auto­mat­ed reports to adjust your team’s work­load. Work­sec­tion allows you to cus­tomize reports to meet your needs and auto­mat­i­cal­ly groups all the nec­es­sary data in one place.
  5. Con­trol your mar­gins: Con­trol mar­gins and adjust the cost of ser­vices with Work­sec­tion’s hourly billing. Grow your busi­ness through bet­ter con­trol of resources, with vis­i­bil­i­ty into work­flows and their documentation.


The Work­sec­tion account is divid­ed into projects, where you can set tasks and sub­tasks of two lev­els. This allows you to sys­tem­atize the process­es of a sep­a­rate depart­ment or work on a spe­cif­ic client project, and to keep all the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion in one place. 

Work­sec­tion task structure
You can set the pri­or­i­ty of the task, when it needs to be done and who’s respon­si­ble for it. In addi­tion, you can add labels and sta­tus­es. This allows you to dis­tin­guish the stage and specifics of tasks. 

Man­age­ment tools

Work­sec­tion Time Track­er allows you to accu­rate­ly track the time spent on tasks by each employ­ee. The sys­tem auto­mat­i­cal­ly gen­er­ates reports accord­ing to the spec­i­fied para­me­ters, allow­ing you to effec­tive­ly plan future projects based on the data obtained.

The Gantt chart is an indis­pens­able tool for visu­al­iz­ing the progress of a project in real time. By estab­lish­ing depen­den­cies between tasks, you can see which process caused the delay and whether you are on track to com­plete the project on time.

By view­ing a project on a Kan­ban board, you can see how much work has been done, which tasks the team is cur­rent­ly work­ing on, and which tasks are sched­uled to be com­plet­ed next. This is made pos­si­ble by the con­ve­nient orga­ni­za­tion of tasks by sta­tus and tags, which brings clar­i­ty and struc­ture to workflows.

Sys­tem access levels

Work­sec­tion offers an advanced sys­tem for dis­trib­ut­ing access that cor­re­sponds to the stan­dard team hier­ar­chy. This pro­vides flex­i­bil­i­ty and con­trol over access­ing infor­ma­tion, increas­ing effi­cien­cy and security.

Work­sec­tion par­tic­i­pants’ permissions
For exam­ple, an employ­ee with the Guest” role has access only to the tasks for which he or she is respon­si­ble or a sub­scriber. This is ide­al for work­ing with contractors.

Trans­par­ent data display

Work­sec­tion pro­vides a trans­par­ent view of all infor­ma­tion relat­ed to project inter­ac­tion. This includes over­due dates, new tasks and their own­ers, and time spent on spe­cif­ic tasks.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion in Worksection
Both man­agers and clients will find this infor­ma­tion use­ful. By cus­tomiz­ing their access lev­el, you can involve clients in your projects as needed.


In Work­sec­tion, the price per user starts at $2.5 and each plan includes all the basic fea­tures with vary­ing quo­tas (num­ber of peo­ple, projects, and GB). The price per user in Notion starts at $8, but you still have cer­tain lim­i­ta­tions: 30-day page his­to­ry, no Cus­tomer Suc­cess Man­ag­er sup­port, no work­space analy­sis tool, etc. 

Our cus­tomers also have the option to add pre­mi­um fea­tures to their plan for an addi­tion­al $30 per month. This allows you to avoid over­pay­ing and get the most out of our system.

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